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Urgency Over Chemical Loads
• Urgent Ministerial talks about ways of lessening the dangers when chemicals are carried by road are expected as a result of two acid spillages on M6, one of which led to the......
Only Four In 425 Heavies Illegally Noisy
• In main-road investigations into vehicle noise levels, Which? checked more than a thousand commercial vehicles — and found only four which were over the legal noise limit. Two......
Applications Pc In For Eec 99
• Applications have been receive are now being processed by the N Traffic Area, from nearly 800 haat the 99 multilateral EEC permits whic been allocated to Britain. The......
Hay's Wharf Profits Fall
• Profits from the road haulai transport companies owned b Proprietors of Hay's Wharf Ltd depressed in the year ended Septem 1972. Group profits before taxation 121 per cent to......
Seaway Ferries Drop Swedish Ro-ro
• Seaway Ferries Led is to disconti ro-ro ferry services between UE Sweden from the end of this Seaway, a member of the Ocean Grot been engaged in carrying vehicula unitized......
Change In Vat?
• The London Chamber of Comm suggesting to the Government thE extension of VAT zero-rating for traffic should cover the export of which originate at the factory and ten at the......