Bird's Eye View
Page 46

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CONNOISSEURS of conferences award a high rating
to the annual gathering of the Institute of Public Cleansing, particularly for the number of participants in the discussions and for the conciseness of most of the speakers. Many other bodies place on the chairman the invidious responsibility of calling " Time " when he feels that a delegate has occupied the rostrum long enough. With attendances hovering around the 1,000-mark the I.P.C. takes a firmer line and "to ensure that the maximum time is available for contributions from the floor ", the conference handbook gives definite instructions on procedure.
Those taking part in discussions are asked to announce their name and the authority they represent; they are asked not to thank the author for his paper as a comprehensive vote is proposed at a later stage, and to restrict comments to three minutes. When a speaker has held the floor for two minutes a green light appears and in another minute the red signal goes on. "Please do not embarrass the president by continuing after your time is up," says the handbook. There are organizations we all know that would come to no harm by following the I.P.C. example!
World Register
A REGISTER to include every make of commercial r-1 vehicle produced throughout the world is being compiled. It is, I understand, to be published in book form by Mr. G. N. Georgano, as a companion volume to "The World's Automobiles" which he now edits in succession to the late G. R. Doyle.
The Commercial Vehicles Register will list manufacturers' names and addresses, models produced and dates of production. The compiler is anxious to obtain information about early or little-known vehicles, including traction engines and industrial tractors. All relevant information should be sent to Mr. G. N. Georgano, Shirley House School, Langley Road, Watford, Herts.
Carlisle Veterans
TWO veterans which left Carlisle last week-end to take I part in the London to Brighton model " T " Ford rally were a " sedan " and a "commercial wagon ", both owned by Robson's Border Transport of Carlisle. Robson's bought them from a Darlington firm for about £600 each about a year ago. The vehicles were driven by two of the firm's foremen. Mr. S. Rutherford, commercial sales manager of the Carlisle County Garage Company (Ford dealers) acted as navigator for one of them.
The rally was organized by the Ford Sports Motor Club as a Henry Ford Centenary effort.
N.A.A.F.I. to Rescue
REMEMBEIZING last year's " bagmeals " at Woolwich, those taking part in this year's two-day London Lorry Driver of the Year eliminator competition will be glad to know that the Army has agreed to open up the N.A.A.F.I. so that hot meals, refreshments, etc., can be served. The venue is again Woolwich Garrison and, from the offers of help that have been promised, it looks as if at long last Ron Waite, of the R.H.A.'s Met and South Eastern Area office, may have an easier time of it than hitherto.
A tip from Ron—make sure that all semi-trailers taking part have the requisite marker lamps fitted. "Otherwise they will be disqualified ". I wonder if he dare!