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DI LACK smoke, overloading, speed. All right, let it be admitted that some commercial vehicles offend legal and social limits...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRFSPONDENT A CALL for a 10-hour day for all road transport workers is to come before the biennial...
A HYDRAULIC-SUSPENSION trailer rt with a maximum capacity in the region of 300 tons has been built by Cranes (Dereham) Ltd.....
From Our Political Correspondent NAEASURES to complement Mr. M. Ernest Marples' recent new regulations to control vehicle noise...
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cerned with the liability for damages, costs and expenses in respect of death, injury or damage caused by a negligent act of a...
HE finals of a road-safety competition organized by the Traders Road Transport Association were held last Saturday, when five...
that the French authorities arc refusing to allow trailers to enter the country unless they carry an indication of their tare...
cumulative preference shares of fl each is being made by The Amey Group Ltd., of Oxford. A spokesman of the Group told The...
'TIPPER operators in the Portsmouth I area are being invited to take up shares in the newly-formed Mid-Southern Tipping Group...
S OME 12,000 road haulage workers in ' Ulster are to receive a wages increase. The Amalgamated Transport and General Workers'...
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M EETING on Tuesday, the national council of the Traders Road Transport Association was unanimous in the view that access roads...
committee meeting on Wednesday the report from the licensing study group was discussed. It is understood that the committee's...
i‘ T the official inauguration on Monrl day of the first bulk milk-collection scheme of the Milk Marketing Board, West Midland...
of whom were employed by the Ministry of Transport at Cardiff, appeared before Cardiff Magistrates court on Wednesday accused...
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on road signs at a Press conference on Wednesday, Mr. Marples made it clearthat he Would like to get its recommendations...
Ministry of Transport, was asked this week for a progress report on the. vehicle plating scheme. He told his questioner, Lord...
Mr. Peter Walker, Conservative M.P. for Worcester, has accepted the presidency of the National Conference of Road Transport...
announced that it had secured a contract to supply diesel engines for the latest forward-control goods vehicles built by Mack...
Goodwin, Mr. S. Robinson, Mr. Peter' Rochs and Mr. K. H. Widdowson. Mr. Goodwin, principal of E. Goodwin and Son, hauliers, of...
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A FOURTEEN-DAY short-term A ft li cence , pending a decision, was granted by the East Midland deputy Licensing Authority, Mr....
A DISPUTE over the weight of an articulated low-loader trailer occurred during the resumed hearing of an application by Robert...
THE Eastern Licensing Authority, Mr. 1 W. P. S. Ormond, in a reserved decision made known last Friday, allowed Tower Transport...
dismissed an appeal by the Eastern National Omnibus Co. Ltd. against the decision of the Eastern Area Traffic Commissioners to...
1-1A FTER 39 local authorities had with drawn their objections, the South Wales Traffic Commissioners in Cardiff on Tuesday...
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'Authority was Fettered' 'THE Transport Tribunal, in London I last week, dismissed an appeal by Ernest Hemmings and Son Ltd.,...
B ECAUSE of a lack of evidence as to how much of a proposed increased output would require the use of a dualpurpose vehicle,...
I N a written judiment last week, the Transport Tribunal dismissed the appeal by Hat and Garment Northern Deliveries against...
THE recent London - 1 ransport fare increases for its stage carriage services were approved by the Transport Tribunal last...
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WITHDRAWAL OF TRAFFIC NOT ENVISAGED A NEW 59-vehicle B-licence applicari tion by English Electric Co. Ltd. is notified in this...
APPLICATIONS (dune 26. 1963) .I. A. Pickthall and Sons, Cleator Moor, A var., add 1 veh. (3t Sc) with container. A. Bell...
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• THE first of a fleet of new single-decker buses built to WET. specification and incorporating a new rear-end design was...
'THE first 36-ft. vehicles to go into 1 service with Venture Transport Co. (Newcastle) Ltd. are two Leyland Leopards with...
From our Industrial Correspondent TH London Transport Board, which rIched a pay settlement of 10s a week increase to its...
A DISPUTE with the union represent ing craftsmen has led to a temporary suspension of the work study investigation into...
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conference of the Municipal Passenger Transport Association during the week commencing September 16: Transportation Studies in...
MET profit of the Southdown Motor Services Ltd. Iasi year was down by 07,466 compared with the previous year, largely because...
QAYING that the financial results of Ribble Motor Services Ltd. in 1962 were little different from the disappointing record of...
1 - 1 , A PLAN to ensure not only a reasonable quality in used commercial vehicles, but also (in most instances) to provide the...
rise in exports of goods vehicles; this is the trend shown by a comparison of figures for May, 1963, and May, 1962, and also...
CENTREPIECE of a stand shared by Isles Ltd. and Albert Farnel Ltd.. at the Great Yorkshire Show to be held at Harrogate from...
A RRANGEMENTS are in hand for all dump trucks produced by Atkinson Vehicles Ltd. to be sold exclusively by Peter Hamilton...
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WORLD-WIDE manufacturing and IT distribution rights for a small utility vehicle called the Farmobil have been acquired by...
PARKINSON BUY DUMP TRUCKS: Seven Aveling-Barford SN 35-ton dump trucks with Torqrnatic transmissions have been bought by Sir...
A MONG the new and revised schemes revealed in the details of 1963-64 examination subjects published this week by the City and...
A BIG expansion of British production rA of Cummins diesel engines is foreshadowed in negotiations now taking place between the...
A N important step in the continued .r 1 expansion. of Hepworth and Grandage Ltd., the well-known manufacturers of components...
WE have been asked to point out that V‘ incorrect text matter was linked to an illustration in an advertisement published on...
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A MOBILE electrically powered hydraulic vehicle lift has recently been announced. Known as the Mobylift, the device is...
THE fourth edition of "Road Traffic Offences" has now been published by the Solicitor's Law Stationery Society Ltd., Oyez...
RONT corner and side marker lamps to meet the new regulations which come into force this month have been introduced by Kelvins...
T WO medium-sized cars can be. carried in a four-wheel close-coupled trailer made by Halson Trailers Ltd., Robinson Road,...
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CONNOISSEURS of conferences award a high rating to the annual gathering of the Institute of Public Cleansing, particularly for...
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Some Current Schemes examined by E. J. MILLEN H OW great an impact will commercial vehicle leasing have on operators in the...
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High Yield-point Steels 'THE use of high yield-point steels in stressed deck construction by Scammell Lorries Ltd. (The...
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O NE of the principal handicaps to driving comfort in any conventional forward-control cab is the intrusion made into the cab...
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A NEW range of vans is announced today by the Ford Motor Co. Ltd. They have been given the name Clearway, and Ford is to...
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F ROM the grave comes the final testament of the Ivory Tower in the shape of the fifteenth and last annual report of the...
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By A. A. TOWNSIN, N . 0 operator in Britain has as many vehicles with automatic transmission as London Transport, and there...
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THERE must be a jinx on this A Southend lorry-driver contest! Last year the day, though hot, was plagued by delays, resulting...
H OSPITALITY by the two companies playing host to the Oxford round of the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition was well...
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L'ROM every point of view the Devon and Cornwall Lorry Driver eliminating contest site, on the Hoe at Plymouth, is ideal. Large...
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A N organization in the metal industry states that it is carrying out an appraisal of its transport arrangements and asks for...
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FOR PROFIT Questions Answered It is convenient to deal with them logically as to subject matter rather than the chronological...