'Sorry' at Southend
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THERE must be a jinx on this A Southend lorry-driver contest! Last year the day, though hot, was plagued by delays, resulting in a 7.30 p.m. finish. On Sunday, in unsettled weather, much else was also uncertain, and though the mantruvrability tests were concluded before 5 o'clock, the presentation was not over until 6.30 p.m.
Despite the poor weather, there was a good attendance to witness not only many fine displays of driving skill, but also the recurring discomforts of genial organizing secretary, Eddie Barber. Once again, it was patently not Mr. Barber's day-as he announced results, corrected them; hung up result sheets, corrected them-and recorrected them. However, he did announce that he was "most extremely sorry!"
But Eddie was not alone in his always cheerful anguish. This was shared, at least, by driver D. Hum n (Pattens Ltd.) and a certain marshal, who, on requesting Mr. Hum n to back up his Albion between Test 1 and Test 2, watched him do so-thereby arranging a "Keep Left" bollard at a rather different and most unusual angle. Mr. Hum was disqualified!
In Class D, which contained no fewer than 27 entrants, another remarkable incident occurred when driver R. French (A. J. Brush Ltd.) set off on Test 2 at a great lick and (under some misconception, apparently) gave the first pylon he came to an almighty clout with his Foden.
A further interesting variation was supplied by Mr H. Vonderahe (Regent Ltd.) in the bay test. He, anticipating claustrophobia perhaps (or being other than a Watney man). purposefully backed into the bay barrier rather than alongside it, at which it disintegrated into its several sections. Pause for five minutes for repairs to " Watney " wall!
Between mishaps, however, many excellent performances were given. Of these probably the best was that of the 30-year-old overall winner, Albert Bartropp from the Ruislip depot of Express Dairies Ltd. This intelligent driver gave a finely controlled and consistent performance throughout in Class F2. A man to watch in the Coventry finals!
Fine displays were also given by the overall second, T. Jeffrey, also of Express Dairies Ltd. (Class A), and overall third, B. Clark (National Benzole Ltd.) in Class E2. Driver H. Hurrell (Tate and Lyle Ltd.) also distinguished himself by his triumph in the mammoth Class D. This driver Conceded only 105 penalty points (the fewest recorded); of these, 78 were lost on the width-judging test.
Only two drivers repeated their class successes of the previous year. Driver R. Read had a clear-cut win in Class El. In the all-Shell-Mex Class H, however, repeat winner E. Lazell was closely pressed.
Driver A. Pickess was not able to repeat his 1962 victory in Class D, but had the consolation of being in the winning Proctor & Gamble Ltd. team.
A very mixed bag indeed at Southend on Sunday from start (there were delays on the route test, of course) to finish (the drivers' prize money somehow got mislaid). But great fun! ELM.
CLASS A-Up to 16 ft. and from 25.5 eviL: 1, T. Jeffrey (Exptess Dairies Ltd.), Morris. 139 penalty Points: 2. R. Jepson (S.P.D. Ltd.). Austin. 177; 3, I Bell (Garons Ltd.). Amain. 270.
CLASS B-16 to 19 ft.: 1. R. Websdell (A. I. Brush Lid.), Thames. 161: 2, B. Priest (Byford Bros.). Morris. 181: 3. R. Duggan (A. J. Brush Ltd.). Thames, 236.
CLASS C-19 to 22 ft.: 1. G. Barker (Schweppes Ltd.), Bedford. 217; 2, D. Wright (Express Dairies Ltd.). Ford. 227; 3, C. Bentley (A. I. Brush Lid.). Thames. 337.
CLASS 1)-22 to 25 ft.: 1, H. Hurrell (Tate and Lyle Ltd.), Bedford, 105; 2. 0. Blackburn (s.r.o. Ltd.), 127: 3, C. B. Ball (Tate and Lyle Ltd.). Foclen. 131.
CLASS El-Over 25 ft., two axles: 1. R. Read (ALstons Ltd.), Dennis. 173; 2, L. Pitts (Patient Ltd.). Albion. 238; 3, C. Clark (W. and P. Clegg Ltd.). Conuner, 278.
CLASS E2-Over 25 IL, 11101M than two axles: 1, B. Clark (National Benzoic Ltd.), Albion. 117: 2. T. Bentley (A. J. Brush Ltd.). A.E.C., 145; 3. L. Pyne (Shell-Mex Ltd.). A.E.C., 170.
CLASS Fl-Articulated tractive units under 4 tons, Vat or sided semi-trailers up to 30 ft.: 1, S.
Wiggens Sadd Ltd.). Commer. 166. 2. A. Thompson (Tate and Lyle Ltd.), Bedford, 200: 3. J. Attridge (Fattens Ltd.). Albion. 205.
CLASS F2-Articulated tractive units under 4 Ions, box or taster semi-trailers up to 30 ft.: 1. A. Hamm) (Express Dairies Lid.). Commer, 132: 2, H. Watford (Tate and Lyle Ltd.). Bedford 284; 3, R. Wilton (Shell-Men Ltd.). Bedford. 297.
CLASS G-Artieulated tractile units under 4 tons, Sat or sided seml-traffers up to 30 ft.: 1. R. Walkden (Tate and Lyle Ltd.), A.E.C.. 292; one entry only.
CLASS H-Articulated tractive unib over 4 tons. box or tanker semi.trallers: 1. E. Lana (ShellMen Ltd.), Scnmmell. 168: 2. L. W. Smith (ShellMen Ltd.). A E.C., IN; 3. EL Hopkins (Shell-Men Ltd.. Scammell. 195.
CLASS S-Standard Army vehicles. 19 to 24 ft.: 1. Pte. Haynes (161 Inf. W/S, R.E.M.E.). Comm, 246: 2. Pte. K. Aylett (1st Bit, E. Ang, Reg.), Redford, 270; 3. Pte. D. Buck (1st. Bn. E. Ang. Reg.), Bedford, 293.
TEAM AWARD: Proctor and Gamble Ltd. OVERALL WINNER: A, BartropP (Express Dairies Lid.).