Authority, Mr. W. Chamberlain, announced, last week, that,' except in
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special circumstances, applications to change from B to A licences or from C to B licences would be suitably dealt with under the terms of the Easton ruling.
Special circumstances arose in the case of the Southern Motor and Engineering Co., which, having bought a packing-case business with two motor vehicles on C licences, was authorized to transfer these two machines to its fleet of B-licence vehicles. The evidence showed that the applicant was a separate entity, but carried only for Southerns, Ltd., a number of associated companies of Southenns, Ltd., and customers of these concerns.
The position with regard to customers' goods was that they werebought ex-works, and the customers said: " You provide the cartage and we will pay." "We do not choose," said Mr. R. H. Southern, "to use the subterfuge of putting the cartage on the price, in order to evade the hire and reward restrictions."
• Because the associated companies were separate entities, the goods could not be carried under C licences. If the two new vehicles were used on contracts, instead of being floated in the fleet, there would have to be an application for more vehicles, because in 1934 and 1935 the business showed over £100,000 increase in turnover and the rise which took place during this period was maintained in the first three months of 193B.