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T HE persecution of commercial vehicle drivers continues un checked. Magistrates still inflict outrageous fines on d rivers for...
R AILWAY objection procedure has degenerated into what the Americans would term a " racket." The applications of road hauliers...
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T HE incorporation of an automatic or synchronizing gearbox, the elimination of the clutch and the use of the engine starter...
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Mr. C. B. Sebire, receiver and manager to Redburns Transport, Ltd., 400404, Moorgate Station Chambers, London, E.C.2, has...
" The wheels of wealth will be slowed ly all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a car7iale is by tin...
A T the Bath and West Show, at Neath, there was exhibited a new addition to the range of medium. powered wheeled tractors...
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The question of employers' responsibility with regard to the keeping of records by drivers was raised at Castleford, last week,...
A N interesting disclosure concerning the carriage of meat from Birkenhead and Liverpool was made by Mr. H.Backhouse, C.M.U.A....
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At Selkirk Sheriff Court, last Friday, a Galashiels motor driver was charged with having failed to keep records. For the...
S. ti Wasey, of the Hermitage, Berks, to take over the business of Mr. S. G. Povey, who held an A licence for two vehicles (5...
T HE North Western Licensing
special circumstances, applications to change from B to A licences or from C to B licences would be suitably dealt with under...
A T Liverpool, last week, the NorthWestern Deputy Licensing Authority refused to grant to a B-licence 'holder an unlimited area...
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long-distance haulk../age company entering upon local collection and delivery in connection with its trunk service was raised...
According to Mr. James Christie, chief constable of Greenock, fresh roadtraffic legislation is contemplated by the Ministry of...
Hull Works Committee is to obtain tenders for the supply of a 27-owt. petrol roller. Glasgow Education Committee is buying five...
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the Latest Fordson ON TRIAL A 50-cwt. Lorry Guaranteed to Carry 4 tons. Attractive Features Include a Highly Efficient 81...
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YORKSHIRE A.R.O. MEMBERS TO FIGHT L.N.E.R. Yorkshire members of A.R.O. are to fight new applications to the Yorkshire...
A VIGOROUS attack on redundant railway services was made by Mr. W. A. Winson, vice-chairman of the at a meeting at Croydon,...
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and QUERIES The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the we of commercial Motors. Letters should be...
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The Girling-Peters Air Brake Performs Efficiently in Service. Results of Mailkipal Tests at Nottingham A N interesting...
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Some Workmanlike Designs of Bodywork for 10-12 ' h.p. Chassis, Which Embody Features intended to Meet the Requirements of...
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Continuing from our Issue, Dated April 17, a Short Series of Informative Articles on the Important Subject of Keeping Accounts...
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Good Applications Jeopardized By Delay in Taking Up Previously Authorized Additional Vehicle Tonnage NLESS the average haulier...
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Accessibility, Combined with Maximum Body Space, is a Designer's Ideal. In the Conventional Chassis of To-day One is Sacrificed...
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Points of Outstanding Interest to Operators of Motor Vehicles T IE Minister of Transport has now issued a draft of the Motor...
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A A LL records were broken, this Whitsun, by air traffic in Great Britain and across to the Continent. The Croydon figures...
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Outspoken Views . A Rgsurne of the Two Papers on the Subject of the Co-ordination of Transport,Read Before the Annual...
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Mr. Aubrey Lomas Addresses Annual Conference of Professional Fire Brigades Association T HE subject of "Ambulance Construction...
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1 have received concerning The Comtnercial Motor Operating Costs Record, only one has, so far, justified being dealt with at...
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In Parliament MULTITUDINOUS MOTORING OFFENCES. • A RETURN, issued by the Home Office to the House of Commons, showing the...
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Aspects of Passenger Transport _ U.A.S. AGREEMENT WITH T.G.W.U. A GREEMENT has been reached berAtween United Automobile...
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IT is reported that the businesses of 'Baillie Brothers, Ltd., and Clydebank Motors, Ltd., have been acquired by the Scottish...
Successful Designs in Annual Competitions for Coach Body Layouts T HE exhibition of drawings and handicrafts entered for the...
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P ATENT No. 445,882 bears the wellknown name of H. R. Ricardo, 21, Suffolk Street, London, S.W.1, and refers to a new form of...