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WHEREAS last year interest in the vehicles exhibited at the Institute of Public Cleansing conference was centred mainly on new dustlessloading refuse collectors, the emphasis at this year's event, to be held at Brighton next week, will probably be on street sweeping. Seven makes of industrial and street-sweeping equipment will be shown by eight exhibitors next Wednesday and will range from the small Matting gangway sweeper to the large Johnston suction model.
Although new vehicles to be shown are confined largely to sweepers, the delegates will undoubtedly view the dustless-loading refuse collectors with renewed interest after the fillip given to this type by Birmingham Salvage Department's pioneering decision to change to dustless collection (see pages 530-532).
Refuse and Salvage Collectors
WHILST the sophisticated compresV sion-type refuse vehicle gains in popularity, the conventional side-loader still finds favour in many quarters. Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., will show an Eagle l0-cu.-yd. side-loading body mounted on their latest Bedford 4-ton chassis. This model, which has 16-in. wheels, gives a loading height of only 4 ft. 7 in. over the body sides. Two 6-ton chassis with the Bedford 300-cu.-in. oil engine will be seen also with Eagle Speedyload and Compressmore bodies.
The Speedyload body, in which the circular-section refuse container rotates
both to compact and discharge the refuse, will be displayed by the Eagle Engineering Co., Ltd.. both with manual. loading into an open hopper and—as supplied to Birmingham—on an Austin 7-ton chassis with air-operated gear for dustless loading. In dustless-loading form it is known as the Cleanload.
Compressmore refuse vehicles of 1624-cu.-yd. and 12-20-cu.-yd. capacity with refuse compression by a hydraulically powered moving barrier and discharge by tipping will complete the Eagle display.
Lifting equipment for 20-cu.-ft. and 11-cu.-yd. bins will be fitted to the rear of •the Pendulum 22-35-cu.-yd. compression refuse body to be shown by John Gibson and Son, Ltd., mounted on a Leyland Comet chassis. A Morris 7-ton chassis will carry a Pendulum
18 -27-cu.-yd. body, whilst a Dennis Heron chassis will be the basis of an 8-12-cu.-yd. body of similar type. The Dennis-based vehicle has an overall length of only 16 ft. and is designed for .work in confined spaces.
With a capacity of 17 cu. yd., the Haller screw-compression refuse body, to be shown by Glover, Webb and Liversidge. Ltd., on a Karricr chassis, employs Zoller equipment for dustless loading of lidded bins. Dual-tip forwardand-rearward tipping bodies Of. 12-, 18and 25-cu.-yd. capacity, all mounted on Karrier chassis, will also be displayed, in addition to the Lodek 25-eu.-yd. articulated barrier-loading refuse collector which is drawn normally by a Scammell mechanical horse.
A Thames Trader 7-ton oil-engined chassis fitted with an Eagle Compressmore 16-24-cu.-yd. body to be exhibited by the Ford Motor Co., Ltd., will provide contrast to a Thames 15-cwt. chassis with an Eagle 3-cu.-yd. side-loading body. A 10-cu.-yd. side-loading body of similar manufacture will be displayed on a Trader 4-ton chassis with a six-seat cab.
Dennis Bros., Ltd.,. have ,developdd equipment for their Paxit refuse collectors to give almost clean• loading from any shape or size of receptacle. As exhibited, it will be fitted to a Paxit Major 11 vehicle, whilst a Paxit II will be seen with lifting gear for dustless loading of 20-cu.ft. containers, The Dennis forward-and-rearward tipping refuse vehicle, first seen at the Public Works Exhibition last year, will also be on view, aswillbe a new type of 10-12-cu.-yd. barrier-loading refuse body mounted on a Heron chassis. A Heron chassis is also the basis for 'a 7-8-cu.-yd. side-loading refuse vehicle to be displayed.
Walker and County Cars, Ltd., will show their Paladin bin-lifting gear fitted to an Eagle Corapressmore body on a Bedford 7-ton chassis.
Pioneers of dustless • loading, Sheffiex; Ltd., have now improved their • self: loading and -seff-packiiig body tO ensure that the mouth of the' bin to he..emptied is sealed against the shutter face r. to eliminate spillage. The body will be shown in two forms—an 18-cu.-yd. model on a Dennis Pax 'chassis and a 10-cu.-yd. body on a Karrier Bantam chassis.
Attractive frontal styling is a feature of' the crew cab fitted to their municipal chassis by Seddon Diesel Vehicles, Ltd. This chassis will be shown with Eagle Speedyload and ComPressmore refuse bodies giving capacities of .14-28 and 18-26 cu, yd. resPectiveIy. Seddon will also exhibit a new , battery-electric tractor Unit for gross train loads of about 10 tons which has been 'Specially develdped for one of the London boroughs. The unit to he shown is an experimental prototype, but production model S are foreseen.
Revised cab styling is a feature of the latest. vehicles riaannfactitred by Shelvoke arid Drewry, Ltd:, whieti were seen 'first at the Public Wcirks Exhibition last year. The windscreens are deeper to 'improve forward vision.
Fore-and-aft tipping vehicles of 12-, 16and 25-30-cu.-yd. capacity will be displayed, the largest vehicle having a B.M.C. oil engine, whilst the other two have Perkins P6 units. A 25-cu.-yd. bulk-loader for circular or elliptical containers and a 10-1-cu.-yd. side-loading refuse collector will complete the display.
Of interest particularly to authorities which are forced to carry out silent refuse collection by night is the electric tractor to be shown by Karrier Motors, Ltd. Based on a Gamecock chassis, the tractor, which is suitable for 9 tons gross Weight, has battery-electric equipment fitted by Smiths: Delivery Vehicles, Ltd.
Karrier will also exhibit .7and 10-cu.yd. side-loading refuse vehicles based on their Bantam chassis, arid 12and 16 side-loadersand an t8-cu.-yd. Dual-tip body on Gamecock chassis.
The De Graff refuse body manufactured by the Yorkshire Engineering and Welding Co., Ltd., allows manually operated dustless loading of lidded bins. Compaction and discharge of the load are effected by forward-and-rearward tipping. The body will be displayed on a Guy chassis.
• Suitable for a small side-loading refuse body is an electric chassis which will be shown by the Harborough Construction
Co., Ltd. It has a • glass-fibre cab; hydraulic brakei, rubber-bushed leafspring suspension and a maxinium.speed of 10-12 m.p.h.
Abbeyford Trailers will display a single-axle salvage trailer .which, 'complete with a 6-ft.-long -body and all equipment, costs £90.
Gully and Cesspoolemptiers
DEODORIZING equipment is, fitted to the 1,000-gal. combined gully and cesspool-emptier to be shown by Dennis Bros.. Ltd., on a Pax chassis.
An Austin 7-ton chassis on which is mounted a 1,200-gal. cesspool emptier incorporating a galvanized tank will be displayed by Eagle. Their exhibit will be completed by an 800-gal. vacuum-type gully arid cesspool-emptier.
Equipment manufactured by the Yorkshire Patent Steam Wagon Co., Ltd., mounted on a Thames Trader 5-ton chassis will make up the 800-gal. gully and cesspool-emptier to be shown by Ford. Another Trader 5-ton chassis will he fitted with Eagle gully and cesspoolemptying gear.
A W-type chassis powered by a Perkins P6 engine with 1,1,00-gal. gully and cesspool-emptying equipment is to be exhibited by Shelvoke and Drewry.
The Mark 15 municipal chassis with Eagle vacuum-operated gully and cesspool-emptying gear is to be shown by Seddon_ Diesel Vehicle, Ltd.
When used for gully emptying, a hydraulic ram is employed to consolidate and discharge sludge in the 1,000-gal. gully and cesspool-emptying equipment which' will be shown by the Yorkshire Patent Steam Wagon Co., Ltd., fitted to a Karrier chassis. A Thames Trader oil-engined 7-ton chassis is the basis for a 1,200-gal. cesspool emptier which will also be on view.
Sweepers and Orderly Trucks NEW to this country are two American Wayne street sweepers, the 460 and the 705, which will be exhibited by Steel Fabricators (Cardiff), Ltd. The 705 has a sweeping width, with two side brushes, of 5 ft. Powered by a single-cylindered air-cooled engine, it has a hopper capacity of 101 cu. ft. The larger Model 460 is a three-wheeled machine which combines good manceuvrabitity with a sweeping width of up to 10 ft. at a sweeping speed of t3-8 The Verro Minor, to be shown by Alfred Miles, Ltd., is a Swedish design built under licence in this country. Two hydraulically driven scarifying brushes at the front of the sweeper move . dust towards the centre, where it.is broken up by a jet of pressurized air. Suction orifices then draw it into the 7-cu.-ft. hopper. The Verro Minor is . supplied complete for the road and is fitted with
water sprinkling equipment. •
. "Based on the latest Bedford J4A 4-ton chassis, the S.A. sweeper collector to he displayed by Lacre, Ltd., can be adjusted to give a sweeping width of 3 ft. 9 in. or 6 ft. 4 in. Two transverse brushes are used and one may be lifted.clear of the ground independent of the other. The brushes are Conti-Oiled by hydraulic rams which also serve to raise the body for discharging the refuse: A siMilar vehicle,
but with only one brush, be exhibited by Vauxhall Motors. • •
Johnston Bras. (Engineering). Ltd., are to show their suction street.' cleaner. Mounted. on an Austin 5-ton chassis, the equipment will deal with all normal street litter and is provided with -an extension hose for eleariiit around parked cars and other awkward situations.
A rotary paddle elevator is used to transfer refuse from the transverse brush to the hopper in the Sweepmaster to be displayed by Lewin Road Sweepers, Ltd. The sweeping equipment is fitted to a Seddon 3-ton chassis. The Lewin mechanical orderly which is specifically designed for work in narrow streets and the pedestrian-controlled Universal sweeper will complete the display.
Brush and vacuum are used to collect dust by the three, Matling Wilshire industrial sweepers which will be demonstrated by Matling, Ltd. There is no need for water sprinkling. -The largest model, the 1236-X, which is rider-controlled, sweeps
at speeds up.to 12 m.p.h.
A 6-ft.-wide sweep is provided by the Karrier-Yorkshire sweeper collector which is to be exhibited by the Yorkshire Patent. Steam Wagon Co. A paddle elevator is used and the vehicle is provided with a 3-ton hopper and 200-gal. water tanks. The Litterlifter, fitted with an Enfield oil engine, is also to be shown.
Pedestrian controlled street orderly vehicles will be displayed by the liarborough Construction Co. and Sidney Hole's Electric Vehicles, Ltd.
Gritters and Snow Ploughs A RANGE of snow ploughs for lorry .t"-1. and tractor mounting to be exhibited by Johnston Bros. will include their City plough, which has a. spring-loaded blade made in four sections to allow it to conform to road camber or obstructions.
Wheel drive is used to power the trailer gritter, which will be displayed by Atkinsons Agricultural Appliances, Ltd. They will also have on show an independent power operated plastics gritter body mounted on a Thames chassis, and a similar, but smaller, body with a front spinner based on a karrier chassis.
William Dunce and Son will show their range of bulk gritters, spinner-gritters and lorry-, and tractor-mounted snow ploughs.
Viking snow-blower equipment will be fitted to a Fordson Power Major tractor to be shown by Walkers and County Cars. The snow blower may be removed A trailer gritter to be displayed by Gloster Tractors, Ltd., derives power for the spinner disc and the helical feed for it from the trailer road wheels.
Earth-moving Equipment
A50 TD front-end, loader with a 1-cu.-yd. bucket will be shown by David Brown Construction Equipment, Ltd., in company with 50 TD and 30 TD crawler tractors. The two crawlers will be fitted with cabs and hydraulically
controlled angled ozer blades. • The Chaseside Engineering Co., Ltd., are to exhibit their Loadmaster 700 and 800 TC shovels. The 700 has rear-wheel drive and may be fitted with a torque converter. whilst the 800 TC has this c34 transmission as standard, with frontwheel drive.
Bucket sizes from 2-3 cu. yd. may be provided for the Muirhill 2 WL hydraulic loader to be displayed by E. Baydell and Co., Ltd. It has a discharge height of 11. ft. 2 in, and a forward reach of 5 ft. 3 in.
_ Torque-converter transmission, a 110 b.h.p. engine and power-assisted steering are features of the BL460T four-wheeldrive tractor shovel to be shown by Bray Construction Equipment, Lid. A yd. loading bucket is fitted. Other Bray models on show will be the BL 450T shovel with a 1-cu.-yd. bucket and the four-wheel-drive BL 430 loading shovel.
Walkers and County Cars will exhibit their Crawler Mark IV and a Fourdrive tractor, both of which will be fitted with angledozer blades.
Agricultural tractors, on which are mounted a range of equipment, including a Horndraulic loader and a Shawnee Warrior rear-end excavator, are to be shown by Steel Fabricators.
Other exhibitors of earth-moving equipment will be Saville (Tractors), Ltd., F. E. Weatherill, Ltd., Ford Motor Co.," Ltd., and H. A. Saunders, Ltd.