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Supporters Attack Them W HAT are C-licensees •to make of the apparently conflicting attitudes towards them adopted on the one...
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L IMITED experience of abnormal indivisible loads on Preston by-pass has justified the forecast by the road haulage industry...
All Aboard at Fanum House A N important milestone in the progress of the Automobile Association was reached with the opening...
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That whatever the Socialists may say, elections have not been won by (" or on ") beer alone. That some elections can be the...
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Liquid Transport Tv7lrasm i ti INCREASES in unladen weight during the currency of special A licences I were again the subject...
THE successor to Maj.-Gen. G. N. Russell as general manager of British Road Services on October 1 will be Mr. Thomas George...
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I F a tanker is to be granted to carry flour in bulk, should there be a reduction in the operator's licensed tonnage for the...
A N application by A. R, Hardcastle, Ltd., Hessle, near Hull; for a collection and delivery vehicle to serve another on open A...
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LORD TEYNHAM has joined the board of the Transport Development Group, Ltd. MR. T. R. EARNSHAW has taken over the duties of...
WE regret to record the deaths of MR. 'VT S. H. JARDINE, MR. HARTLEY WILKINSON and MR. J. H. CAMERON, Mr. Jardine, who died oti...
KLTH 0 UGH two drivers agreed that ri their employers, D'Arcy and Co, (ColcheSter), Ltd., had instructed them never to...
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I F he had known that Keith Garages, Ltd., Aylesbury had made an applica: lion for an express period return coach service to...
A NEW company, A.E.C. (South r - 1 Africa), Ltd., is being registered to manufacture and market A.E.C. vehicles in South...
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applications falling into a particular pattern, to lay down broad principles for general guidance and to apply them, subject to...
L ACK Of road and. rail facilities at Ashton-in-Mak e rfield w a s q uoted as a reason for an application 'by St. Helens...
Peter 111 Harrower, was unsuccessful in his application before the Northern Licensin g Authority, Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, at...
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DRISTOL city bus fares and country I-3 bus fares which were increased on Monday will bring in an extra £66,000 a year. Granting...
Big Bus Order: Havana, Cuba, is reported to have decided to buy 350 Leyland buses. Persian Loan: The World Bank is lending...
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DEFUSING an applicatiOn for a B N. licence at Durham last Week, the 'Northern LiCensing Authority, Mr. .I. A. ' T. ' Hanlon,...
I -1 A STANDARD Trojan 2:5-614. tor; ward-control oil-engined van has been converted by B. Walker' and Soti, Ltd., Gammons...
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r - t A MAN who lives 12,000 miles away, in the Australian "outback," has won a prize worth £250 in a competition to redesign...
THERE have been second thoughts at 1 the Ministry of Transport about the location of service areas on the LondonBirmingham...
A FTER 28 years, trolleybuses ceased service-in Hastings and Bexhill Iasi Sunday, and .Leyland Atlanteans took over on Monday....
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T HE Transport Act, 1947, had been unsound in laying down that the British Transport Commission should pay its way, taking one...
A T Sheffield last week a private haulier Mr, M. H. Parker, Calow, Chesterfield, told the Yorkshire Deputy Licensing Authority...
IN order to improve their maintenance 'facilities Wilkinsonis Transport (Bacup), Ltd., applied to the North Western Licensing...
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T HE difficulty of fitting a 7-ton vehicle with 6-ft. sides, to comply with a licence condition of 3-ton 10-cwt. unladen...
CHAIRMAN of the Passenger Vehicle Operators' Association, Ltd., national council for another year is Mr. F. J. Speight, a...
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Dustless Collection, Tried, Proved and Accepted, Now to Cover the Whole City By P. A. C. Brockington, M UNICI P.A L...
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QTRATEG1CALLY placed to handle 1.--)the potential increase in traffic expected from both the•ContinenlaI 'ferry via Tilbury...
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A M ONG the interesting points which arise from a study of four of these five vehicles produced behind the Iron Curtain is the...
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A Specialized Fleet at Manchester's Ringway Airport Deals with FireFighting, Freight-Handling, Traffic Control and Maintenance...
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B Y the use of a vertical bulb, Joseph Lucas, Ltd., Great King Street, Birmingham, 19, have been able to produce driving lamps...
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Bigger Fuel Tankers Wanted : Traders Skimp Packaging : Stricter Road Discipline Needed S ECURITY in transport was the theme of...
A CTIVE work in promoting security in transport is being carried on by the Road Haulage Association under a blanket of secrecy,...
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By A. E. Shedock-Mesher R ADIO control has done more than anything else to raise the efficiency of the Hampshire county...
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W HEREAS last year interest in the vehicles exhibited at the Institute of Public Cleansing conference was centred mainly on new...
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FTER 31 years' study of the possii — k bility of air-pressure levitationas a means for supporting high-speed ground vehicles,...
Results Encouraging r i ALLY " anywhere" tickets, which cost the passenger 10s. and allowed travel anywhere throughout the...
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Bird's Eye View by The Hawk Q NE of the highlights of the conference of the institute of Traffic Administration at...
T HE Reckitt and Colman group's costs per ton for trunk road haulage in full vehicle loads since free-enterprise competition...
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I NSPIRED by Lord HaiIsham's forceful remarks at the Road Haulage Association's dinner, hauliers will no doubt be more than...
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IN his recent "off the cuff" suggestion that vans be made I to load and unload at shops by night, Sir John Elliot did not do...
QTATED to be the first vehicle of its kind in 1.-- ) the south of England, a Thames Coach chassis with a Duple luxury body is...
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Correct Assessment of Time Charges is Imperative When Tendering for Council Contracts : How to Reckon Short-lead Rates to Allow...
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IF the plan to form a group of trading 1 countries rival to the European Common Market should come off, British exporters of...