Passing Comments
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Make Sure That You IN several recent cases the
Know Your Insurance 'Doncaster West Riding
Policy Justices have imposed terms or imprisonment on persons who have been found guilty of driving motor vehicles in respect of which the requisite insurance was not in operation, or in cases where an existing insurance policy has been rendered void by the non-observance of some condition attached to the policy. The first class of offence is inexcusable, but the second may easily result from carelessness in reading policies, consequently the punishment is somewhat drastic. B20
the works of Universal Power Drives, Ltd., some days ago, we noticed a number of Fordson and Commer vehicles that the company had equipped with fourwheel-drive. They are the results of experiments that have been carried out in this field, and we understand that considerable success has been achieved. The company's gearbox and Rzeppa universal joints lend themselves admirably to the purpose of transmitting the drive both forwards and rearwards. Developments may be expected.
Four wheel drive Four-wheelers Receiving Attention
• Passengers politely I N an address to the Institute " Requested " to Leave of Transport, Mr. John E.
a Burning Bus . . Woodford referred to the com plexity caused in the days when municipal undertakings framed their own by-laws to safeguard the travelling public. " But they did at least manage• to combine safety with old-world courtesy," he remarked, quoting the following extract from one undertaking's conditions "In the event of 'an alarm of fire on the omnibus, paSsengers shall ' ittmediately be requested to leave the omnibus."
Association . . work which can be done by an efficient association may be Some Good Work
Performed by an AS an example of the good
work which can be done by mentioned the success obtained by the National Association of Furniture Warehousemen and Removers in securing from the 'Minister of Transport exemption from the limited parking period of any vehicle engaged in the removal of furniture at Chichester.. It was also successful in obtaining a similar exemption from the " waiting" restrictions affecting a number of streets in London, and this concession will be repeated in new Regulations about to be issued in respect of many more streets in the Metropolis.
A Case of StandardA GOOD example of how the ization Carried to L--1.mass-production manufac
Extremes turer helps the smaller con cern which can give individual attention to every job came to our notice the other day. An operator wished to purchase from a big maker...a standard chassis that met his requirements except that it was 4 ins, too short. No persuasion would induce the maker to deviate from schedule, so the operator bought the chassis and had the simple operation Of lengthening it carried cut by a specialist in conversions and similar work. Such a lack of elasticity is surely over-standardization.