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Operators Meet North-western M.p.s
T UESDAY'S deputation of transport operators from the North-Western Area to Members of Parliament for Lancashire, Cheshire and Westmorland was the culmination of a series of 25......
S.t.r.'s Lancs Tour Finally Fixed.
Final arrangements have now been made for the lectures which S.T.R., The Commercial Motor costs expert, is to give in Burnley and Oldham. That at Burnley, On March 8, will be......
How Road And Rail • Methods Differ
'TO the credit of the Road Traffic Act 4 there was the elimination of the peak-period " pirate " and private wire-pulling, also improvements in services and in passenger......
Encourage Safety Competitions 1k Roney And Energy That...
put into motor parades might well. he devoted to . competitions for drivers who, through the years, had the . lowest number of mishaps, suggested Mr. C. le M. Gosselin,......
with Operators' Businesses L ooKING to the future, the hailmark of .a good haulier would be the carrying of an association badge, said W. Farnorth, speaking at the annual......