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Passenger Transport
Minister Issues Draft Orders on Appeals of Operators Named in Second Amulree Report
" TN no case does the Minister con
template making an Order for the granting of a terminal point in the Central area" •of London. This statement appeL-28 in a letter addressed from the Ministry of Transport to various operators who have appealed against certain decisions of . the Metropolitan Traffic Commissioner and the Commissioners of adjacent areas. The appeals, mostof 'which were made • by Green Line Coaches, Ltd., concern the exclusion of coaches from central London and the limitation of picking-hp points.
We announced in last week's issue that the Minister proposed. to issue his decisions on the appeals of Operators, named in the second report of the Amulree Committee in the form of draft Orders. These Orders were despatched from the Ministry on April 28.The Minister teserves for further considera-eon services within the area described as Group VIII (Chelmsford and Brentwood to Tilbury) in the second report of the Atnulree Committee.
We understand that the Minister's decision of permitting no terminal points in the central area is not so tserious as it would at first appear. The ruling forbids, we believe, the use of the Poland Street station of Green Line Coaches, Ltd., but it will be possible for coaches to enter the central area to pick up and set down pw;sengers, and to leave by a slightly different route.
It is understood that this method of operation meets official requirements for the Minister, in his letter, states • " The Orders provide for certain ser vices passing through some part of the central area, with a very limited number of picking-up points." Apparently, the Minister regards a terminal point as one at which coaches stand for some time.
The Minister states that,. in cases where operators wish to arrange their time-tables so as to admit of certain services being operated from one side of London to another, he wilt be prepared to consider through bookings over the London terminal point at less-than-summation fares.
The Orders provide for a min.imara fare of is. for any journey, any part of which lies within the Metropolitan area. The Orders as finally made will not prejudice consideration by the Metropolitan Commissioner, in future, of proposals to vary piCk-up locations.
For certain of the services, the Minister will require to make consequential Orders upon other Commissioners for licences or backings. The Minister gives appellants or objectors an opportunity of submitting, within 14 days of the date' of the reception of his letter, observations as to terminals and pick-ups.
Appellants are required also to submit within that period time-tables and fare-tables for the Minister's approval, and for inclusion in the Order.
At the same time, appellants and objectors should furnish each other with their observations and copies of time and fare-tables submitted to the Minister. A further week will be allowed within which rebutting •observations 'May be made to the Minister by objectors or appellants.
As we stated last week, reasonable notice will be 'given of the Minister's intention to give effect to the final Orders.
An interesting point in connection with the Green Line appeals is that the draft Orders hrovide for a picking-up point at the Gillingham Street station.
We understand that this site was purchased some time ago by the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., but WAS never used as a coach station.
We are informed that it. -will 'bein7Fpossible for the L.G.O.C. to reach nay decision as to the use of Gillingham. Street until the company has discussed the Poland Street situation with the Minister.