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A TTENTION must be given to many factors whea considering the - future of goods transport. The legislation proposed in the...
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A CURIOUS anomaly of the law is to be tound in 1-1 the fact that whilst the Road Traffic Act, 1930, obviated the need, by...
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That welders can provide false teeth for gears. That in roadmaking it is the chip that gives the grip. . 0 Of reckless walking...
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The Federation of British Industries has sent a protest to the Minister of Transport, pointing out that the proposals of the...
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An agreement in principle has, it is learned, been reached between the Persian Government and the Anglo-Persian Oil CO., Ltd.,...
We publish on this page a portrait of Mr. William - Frederick Hanbury, transport manager of the Ever-Ready Co. (Great Britain),...
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Presiding at the recent 46th annual lantern' meeting of the Roads Improvement Association, Sir Arthur Stanley stated that...
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A Scottish Transport Conference. The 11th annual conference of the Scottish Tramways and Transport Association is to be held...
MUNICIPAL PURCHASES and PROPOSALS DUDLEY Corporation is buying a Leyland lorry. The Downs committee Of .EASTBOURNE...
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FRADESMEN T HIS article is intended, not so much for the big trading concern, • but for the man in a comparathely small way...
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mention :of the new Sentinel model, which was included in our report of the recent demonstration of steam wagons in London,...
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OIL ENGINE for LIGHT VEHICLES Exclusive Account of the Interesting Perkins Unit in Sizes for Vehicles of 1-ton to 3-ton...
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A N ordinary three-bedroomed house of the type familiar in every suburban residential district necessitates the use of the...
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IN PARLIAMENT Attitude Towards Higher Taxation. I T was expected that in the later stages of the Budget debates, and more...
'articulated vehicles are criticized, and it is submitted that some relief should be given by applying to the heaVy articulated...
T HE Budget discussions were mainly concerned with the moredprominent financial aspects of the Budget and Comparatively little...
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THE NEW TAXES The Amounts to be Added to the Cost of Operating Various Types of Goods Vehicle. The Influence of Mileage Upon...
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Why 85 Per Cent. of the Total Weight of Material Marketed by J. Gliksten and Son, Ltd., is Carried by Road to Places So Far...
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The Isle of Wight Services. At present the time-table of Portsmouth, Southsea and Isle of Wight Aviation, Ltd., provides 13...
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IN SPECIAL BODIES Meeting the Demand for Mobile Shops and Showcase Vans, Vehicles Specifically Designed for Houseto-house...
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" first British all-steel fire-escape ladder, capable of being extended to an altitude of 100 ft.. has jnat been tylinplotNI by...
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Interesting Features of a Type of Body Floor that is Becoming Increasingly Popular. Speeding up Both Loading and. Unloading A...
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ji Series of Short Histories that Proves in a Convincing Manner the Value of Road Motors in a Variety of Trades and Under...
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in a .recently issued statement on the Road Ind Rail Traffic Bill, says that no reasonable objection can be raised to certain...
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How the Budget Proposals Will Encourage the Employment of More Units of this Type A LTHOUGH it is quite possible that .our...
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THE NEW LEGISLATION Some Forcible Opinions on the New Bill and the Budget Proposals Expressed by the Chairmen of the Regional...
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THE AIM OF CHASSIS DESIGNERS Complexity Can be Abolished in Modern Goods Vehicles without Interfering with Their Usefulness....
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MHE Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd., has just placed on the British market a lubricant known as Essolube, this being sold in...
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Passenger Transport NO TERMINAL POINTS FOR COACHES IN CENTRAL LONDON Minister Issues Draft Orders on Appeals of Operators...
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NEW SCHEME FOR TEES-SIDE BUS CO-ORDINATION. A COMMITTEE consisting of seven members has been appointed by the Middlesbrough....
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for efficient maintenance A Review of Some of the Items of Equipment that Enable the Proposals Regarding the Fitness of Goods...
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Swinging Van Doors I N view of the annoyance caused by swinging van doors to other road users, to pedestrians and to loaders...
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The Nottingham Chamber of Commerce Link Between Haulier and Consignor T HE Road Transport Department of the Nottingham Chamber...
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Two Distinct Classes 9f Transport Undertaken by the Fleet, Consisting Mainly of Guy Vehicles, of the Ever-Ready Co. (Great...
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Impeding the Progress of the Oiler. The Fight Against Repression Must Continue. Our Valuable Tables A Protest Against Heavier...
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MBODYING the Bedford 2-ton chassis, a .1.4 light fire-engine, at the moderate list price of £685, has just been announced by...
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HAULIER and CARRIER I T is an undoubted fact that many hauliers cut rates because they are ignorant of their actual costs. The...
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Developments in Synthetic and Other Paints Which Give Durability and Good Appearance, and a Summary of Their Individual...