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Land-Rover and Range Rover demonstrations

5th November 1971
Page 38
Page 38, 5th November 1971 — Land-Rover and Range Rover demonstrations
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• A Land-Rover and Range Rover demonstration unit is to tour Britain during the winter. The tour will take in parts of East Anglia, Essex, the North of England, and Scotland, and demonstrations will be given on sites specially chosen by Rover distributors.

The first stop will be at Peterborough at the beginning of November and the last in • Perth in early March next year.

Five Land-Rovers and a Range Rover will be used for the demonstrations and in addition there will be a static display of vehicles and approved implements and accessories.

The unit, manned by a team of Rover sales and service personnel, will spend three days at each of the 14 centres on the itinerary: