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Threat to productivity If the West German Parliament's ban on driver productivity agreements based on elements of speed and...
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by John Darker • In West Germany a new law has come into effect prohibiting any type of payment to lorry drivers based on...
• On Monday driver Charlie Wise, from Camberwell, set off from London for a singlehanded drive of 4076 miles through eight...
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• The Government has accepted the Bolton Committee's recommendations that a Small Firms Division should be set up by the DoE...
• Mr Nicholas Ridley, joint Parliamentary Under Secretary, DoE, announced on Wednesday that immediate discussions are to take...
• At a time when road haulage operators are preoccupied with the business of obtaining French permits, Novatrans (Europe) Ltd...
• A suggestion that America should exploit the potential of existing road and rail transport infrastructure rather than pursue...
• Two 1972-model Cummins diesels will get their first UK showing in Scotland on November 17 — not at Kelvin Hall but at Glasgow...
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• Operators of semi-trailer dumpers, heavy-duty articulated tippers and plant-carrying low-loaders frequently used on site...
• Mr J. L. Barber. superintendent of Hull Corporation cleansing department, last week said that the DoE plan to extend plating...
• Modifications to the Motor Vehicles (rear Markings) Regulations 1971 and the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use)...
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• A 23-year-old Hackney man, said to have acted as "go between" for lorry thieves and receivers, was given an 18 months' prison...
• A haulage contracting firm was fined £150 at Aberdeen Sheriff Court on October 27, after pleading guilty, through an agent,...
• All sectors of transport can together work out a strategy of transport which will give the United Kingdom an advantage over...
• The inaugural meeting of the Institute of Heavy Goods Vehicles Driving Instructors (Yorkshire area) was held in Leeds on...
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from a special correspondent • To date use of vehicles hauling drawbar trailers carrying demountable bodies has been minimal in...
• With Britain's entry into the Common Market a population of 250 million provides immense opportunities for hauliers in this...
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by Trevor Longcroft • Relaxation of legislation requiring a driver's mate for drawbar trailer operation has not — so far — been...
• A suggestion that terms of employment of heavy goods vehicle drivers should be investigated by the DoE has been put to the...
• Glasgow-based food and engineering group, Scotcros Ltd, through its operating company A. C. Penman Ltd, has acquired the...
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• Part of a 10-year Franco-Soviet economic agreement signed in Paris last week is a contract between the USSR and Renault which...
• NFC chairman Mr Dan Pettit met union leaders on Wednesday to discuss Corporation plans which could mean the loss of some 2700...
C. A. Cannon and G. Gollings have been appointed to the board of Gloster Sara Ltd, Hucclecote, Gloucester. Mr Cannon joined...
• Mr Peter Haxby, RTITB dqctor of training, officially opened the Claremont Group Training Association headquarters at Hendon...
• Two new appointments in Scotland are announced by Normand Commercial Vehicles Ltd, UK distributors of MercedesBenz Commercial...
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coach marketpi ctures k bY 4 Y: Ross • A coach which has appeared in increasing numbers on British roads is the Setra,...
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• An offer of a £5000 subsidy to maintain bus services on the existing timetables has been rejected by Tyne Valley Coaches Ltd,...
• A Bridgnorth rural council plan to ease the problems of countryfolk isolated because of bus and rail service closures was...
• A 19-seat version of the Ascough Clubman coach, based on an Austin Morris EA 440 chassis, will be used by the Scottish Motor...
• With the opening of the Aston Expressway, due within two months, Midland Red plans to cut the journey time of its...
• Passenger Transport Executives will come under the direct control of elected representatives when the new Metropolitan County...
• Ratepayers in Birmingham and the West Midlands may have to foot the bill for an immediate wage rise now being demanded by...
• The TGWU has complained to the Army Northern Command that bus operators carrying personnel to Longtown central ammunition...
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• The RHA withdrew its objection to the application for 12 vehicles by Tivoli Contractors Ltd of Bristol when the hearing of...
• A Bradford lorry driver who claimed that he had been chatting whilst making out his driver's hours records was fined a total...
• Costs were awarded against the prosecution by Mr Geoffrey Smallwood, the Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent, stipendiary magistrate, this...
• After Holland and Haimen and Cubitts Ltd, motorway contractors, reported to the police that there were certain irregularities...
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• A Cambridge operator pleaded successfully with the Eastern LA, Mr H. E. Robson, last week to be allowed to keep one...
• An appeal by Bee Line Roadways Ltd against the decision of the Northern Traffic Commissioners to grant only partially an...
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• After pleading guilty at Bradford magistrates' court last week to making a false statement in order to obtain an hgv licence,...
• Mr James Polesworth, a mobile greengrocer of Leeds Road. Bradford, was fined £8 and ordered to pay £1.20 witness costs at...
• A simpler version of the Body-Change demountable system has been developed for special applications by Arlington Bodybuilders...
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• Two new 4 x 2 Crusader tractive units, designated Crusader 220 and Crusader 280, are announced by Scammell. The Crusader...
• A new 24-ton Seddon tractive unit designated the 24:Four powered by the Perkins T6.354 turbocharged 5.8-litre engine will be...
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• A compact piston with two rings is an important feature of a new Caterpillar automotive range of engines — the Cat 1100...
• A special type of tandem semi-trailer for carrying coils of steel strip has been designed and manufactured by Hoy Trailers,...
• A Land-Rover and Range Rover demonstration unit is to tour Britain during the winter. The tour will take in parts of East...
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AND DISTR IBUTION CONGRESS r eported by John Darker, AMBIM AS PARLIAMENT inched its way to support for the principle of entry...
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continued from page 37 influence of capital costs and transportation costs in international distribution systems". He...
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your tax by R. H. Grimsley BCom. FIAC 13, Paying the directors ONE of the more obvious ways of adjusting a company's net...
workshop by Handyman Benchwise: coo/it (26) WHEN engine overheating occurs it is best not to blame the cooling system right...
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before paying its directors is always fairly small, it would not be a good plan to make their earnings so large as to turn the...
Market shadows SOMEBODY with a sense of humour must have arranged that during the run-up period to the great Parliamentary...
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Airv. water-cooled diesels We will be most grateful for the opportunity to reply to the contents of your answer on air-cooled...
Road improvements v. amenity • Road replanning and highway improvements affect drivers from wide areas, far removed from the...
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EEC transport basis PRESENTING a detailed paper on the workings of the EEC, and particularly the current and likely future...
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THE SECOND PAPER in this look at the EEC under the joint title "New laws and new ways" was presented by the director of the...
SOME of the problems — and associated development costs — in changing from composite wood-and-metal to all-metal structures for...
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IT was probably true to say that no section of industry appreciated more fully than coach operators the absolute need for the...
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THE FINAL PAPER was presented by Mr John M. Wilson, marketing director, GreyGreen Coaches Ltd, who surveyed the potential...
Peter Redfern Beneath Peter Redfern's immaculate militarystyle exterior lies a cheery sales executive who probably gets an...
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• The link Road transport testimonials are paraded in the oddest places. At an official reception by the Berlin Senate at the...
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FODENS have this week announced a ninespeed range-change version Of the wellproven 12-speed 5DP gearbox: although the two...
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What type of transmission did the prewar Leyland gearless bus have? What type of engine was the Leyland aircell engine which...
under the sphere of the Department of the Environment on the one hand and the Department of Trade and Industry on the other?...
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matters By John Darker AM B Industrial Relations Act general principles and timetable THE Industrial Relations Act 1971 is a...
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by Les Oldridge AMIRTE, MIMI The Transport Tribunal ANYONE aggrieved by a Licensing Authority's refusal to grant an...
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by David Lowe, MInsTA, AMBIM Courses for removers FIVE COURSES for removals operatives are provided at Motec 1 by the Road...
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BC: Everyone is asking how soon are we going to see the beginning of the end of the present recession? Have you any answers on...
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comes the reckoning Ford Motor Co Ltd believes that there is a need, particularly among small and medium-sized hauliers who...
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The CS3 should be completed at the end of each week, taking from the drivers records, wage records, fuel issues book and such...
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6 X 4 tipper by Trevor Longcroft With double drive and a high articulation bogie. Ford's recently introduced tandem tipper in...
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I put these points to Otto Holtermann, Ford's truck development engineer, and he agreed that because of the twin pressures of...
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by lain Sherriff, MITA AIRTE At first sight these are most unlikely places to find a iriving commercial vehicle distributor...
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front line service Almost by tradition, the majority of buses operated by NBC undertakings and their BET or Tilting...
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for the user Continued Mr S. C. Lomas. of H. Lomas Ltd, Handforth, Wilmslow, whose company is a well-known builder of...