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1ANAKA/REILLY/SASAKI foshio Tanaka has been .ppointed president of IBC iehicles, the newly-formed :ompany owned 60% by ;eneral Motors and 40% by suzu, which now runs the .uton van plant formerly operted by Bedford Commercial /elides. Tanaka was previous' president of Isuzu Diesel of iorth America, a whollyiwned subsidiary of Isuzu dotors of Japan. He was born n 1931 in Fukuoka, Japan.
Other IBC management .ppointments include Nick teilly on special assignment rom General Motors with the Dint venture negotiations to ice president of IBC; Iisaomi Sasaki from general nanager, overseas planning suzu to assistant to IBC presilent; William Barclay from esident comptroller Bedford Alton van and press operations o finance manager IBC; Kei zawa from director programne planning in GM's Detroitlased marketing and product planning staff to manager, ;eneral affairs, IBC; and )avid Knapman from perionnel manager of the Bedford -an plant to a similar position.