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Hotline: A Ring To Break A Ring
• The first-ever national, confidential "Hotline" for lorry thefts has been set up by police in the south-east. It will allow callers to give anonymous and confidential......
South Circular Slow-down
• A bid by a London council to restrict traffic on the busy South Circular trunk road would slow rush-hour traffic to under 161cm/h and mean lorries and cars diverting to......
• Summonses Are Being Sought Against Two Hauliers By Camden
Council in London, following allegations that they broke the capital's lorry ban (CM 29 Oct-4 Nov). Spalding Haulage and Oldham will appear at Hampstead magistrates court on 23......
Pressure For Limiters Grows After M61 Black Spot Pile-up
• Transport ministers are under growing pressure to introduce compulsory speed limiters for lorries, following the pile-up on the M61 last week in which 12 people died. MPs of......