Haulage applications
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APPLICATIONS August 271969 S. and D. Knowles (Transpord Ltd.. Bradford, New A lie.. 5 veh. (20-1-0. Mainly fruit, vegetables, market produce, cooking fats and oils. GB.
F. Walker and Sons, Swillington Common, Leeds. New A tic.. 1 veh. Mainly agric. products, machinery and empty cartons. Mainly Yorks, Lancs, London, Cardiff, Glasgow, Newcastle, Birmingham and East Anglia.
Frozen Fare (Wetherby) Ltd.,Wetherbv. New A lic.. 1 art. {NE 9t1. Frozen foods. at sub-zero temperature. GB.
Atlas Express Ltd., Birstall, Leeds. A var., add. 1 art. veh.
Bulwark United Transport Ltd„ Hull.
A var„ add. 2 arts. veh. (2510. A. Clement. Crossgates. Leeds, New B lic., 1 T (510. Coal. coke and gravel for Bayford Glover Ltd. Subject to the grant of this application Con. A lic, will be surrendered.
W. Machin, Hatfield. Doncaster. New 13 tic., 1 veh. Mt). Road and building mats., coal within 35 miles.
J. F. Vaasa. Knotiingley. New B lie.. 1 T (NE Bit). Farm produce and agric. requiSites, road andbuilding mats., concrete products. casting. moulds. scrap iron, pig iron, ash aggregates, pulverized fuel ash, breeze blocks, cullet, batch. alkali and chemicals within 100 miles; goods and products allied to the engineering industry with 100 miles: collection and delivery of goods to and from licensee's own store as required.
.1. McFarlane, Leeds. New B lie., 1 veh. 14+0. Road and building mats, and excavated mats, for and on behalf of John F. Mannion, Leeds, within 25 miles.
S. Bickerton, Purl-ton, Pontefract New B lie., 1 vett (61). Sand, gravel, road and building mats for Cawood Building Materials Ltd. coal and coke for Cawood Wharton and Co. Ltd.
Muklow Bros., Ashover. B var., add. 1 veh.(NE5t).
a. E. Mellor Ltd., Brighouse. B var.. add. 1T
J. F. Durkin (Contractors) Ltd.. Heckmondwike. B var.. add. 3 veh. (15i-t).
Steph Clarke Industrial Services Ltd., Horbury. 8 var.. add. 2 veh. 1280. Sutcliffe and Jackson, Marsden (Huddersfield). B var., add. 1 veh. (NE 610.
APPLICATIONS August 27 1969 National Carriers Ltd., Bishop Auckland. A var.. add. 1 art. St 15c). All classes and description of goods in Bishop Auckland and within 20 miles mainly for the collection and delivery of railborne traffic. National Carriers Ltd-Darlington, A var., add. 1 art. (5117c).
C. B. Rispin, Blaydon-on-Tyrte. New B lie.. 1 T Agric. lime for spreading within 100 miles demo, mats, and plant for site preparation and the construction of roads and buildings within 35 miles. Circuit Freight Ltd., Carlisle. New 8 lit.. 1 veh. 14-4-0. Goods as requiredfor Micaply International, Carnation Crayons, Circuit Foil. S.A., Printing Techniques "Ltd, in England. Scotland and Wales.
North East Landscape and Development Co., Prudhoe. Flew B ic.. 2 TI90. Road and building and site preparation mats., sand and gravel and limestone all within 60 miles.
J. H. Southward, Ravenglass, New B lie.. 1 veh. 15t). Agric. produce and requisites including livestock and fertilizers within 150 miles, G. Warrior, Catterick Village. B var.. add.
1 T (Et 8c). Road and building and site preparation mats, and farm goods from and within 50 miles.
D. W. Wilson, Kendal. El var.. add. 1 art (80.
G. E. and V. Taylor and E. Hague, Shildon. B var., add. 1 T150.
West Midland
APPLICATIONS August 28 1969
Norman Green (Fenton) Ltd., Stoke-oilTrent. A var.. add. 1 T14+0. Bricks. building mats., scrap iron, machinery, fuel, sand. gravel. foodstuffs [for animal and human consumption), silica sand, road man.. salt. potters' mats., sanitary earthenware and refractories. Stoke-on-Trent, Mids, Lanes, Chesh, Yorks, Nottingham, South Wales, Lincolnshire. London district, Derbyshire. and Shropshire I1 granted Con. A lie., will not be renewed.
National Freight Corporation-BRS (Contracts) Ltd., Tamworth. A var., add. 4 veh. NE 1300. Various on behalf of General Transport Co. Ltd. Staff, and adjoining counties, and occasional journeys to London.
M. Healey. Coventty. New B lie.. 2 T (130. Solid fuel, building and road-making mats. within 25 miles.
E. P. Bell, Ledbury. New B lie., 2 art. (150. Goods on the instructions of Ballot Medley Ltd., mainly forage, roots and timber, within 100 miles, return loads for delivery within 40 miles.
A. J. Booth, Burton-upon-Trent. 8 var., add. 2 veh. IlOttl. Building mats., including manufactured concrete goods. within 50 miles.
Little Haywood Transport Co. Ltd., Burton-upon-Trent ear., add. 1 veh. {11 ITT Industrial factory and building waste, within 35 miles.
H. Jewkes, Coseley. B var., add. 1 veh. (410. Building mats., requisites and plant for Cresswell Bros.. within 100 miles; recovered metal plant and machinery for Hudson and Ashlield, within 150 miles base. Building mats., requisites and plant within 100 miles: recovered metal, plant and machinery. Within 150 miles.
• R. Coles, Stoke-on-Trent. B var.. add. 1 art. (90. Tippable building mats, within 70 miles; road mats. demolition and excavated mats. within 120 miles; tippable mats. on. behalf of H. Kendrick Ltd., as required; tippable goods on behalf of J. L. Chadwick. as required. J. Harrison, Stoke-on-Trent. B var.. add, 1 veh. (40. Good's for Hulland Products, as required; quarried arid building mats. within 100 miles; goods for and on behalf of Tipper Movements1West Midlands) Ltd., within 150 miles.
East Midland
APPLICATIONS August 27 1969 H. Allen, Cleathorpes, Lincs. New A lie., 1 veh 141 18c). Produce and pg. GB. If granted, Con A lie, will be surrendered. .1. V. Warner Ltd., Markfield, Leics. Aver.. add. 4 veh. 126t Sc). Mainly building and road-making mats., quarry products, scrap metals and solid fuels, as required. If granted. Con A lie, will be surrendered. . Melbourne, Clifton.Ashbourne, Derbys. New B lie., 1 veh. (40. Agric. requisites. building and road-making mats.. within 200 miles.
C. C. Holwell end Son, Easton-on-theHill. Stamford, Lines. New 13 lie,, 1 veh. 170. Agric. produce and requisites within 150 miles.
D.J. Fairbrother, Hanger. Stragglethorpe. Lincs. New 8 lic., 1 veh. 14t Sc), Compost manure within 80 miles.
R. Downs, Leicester. B var., add. 1 veh. (40. Tippable mats. within 25 miles.
APPLICATIONS August 261969 G. E. Wheeler, C.stcolt, Som. Aver.. add.
2 arts. 116t 10c). Mainly agric, and horticultural products and requisites. stone. building plant and mats.. forestry products. metals, cleansing products and machine parts, normally within 250 miles.
W. C. Horton, Bath. New B lie., 1 veh. 130. G.g. within 100 miles.
Hall and Co. (West Midlands) Ltd„ Bristol. New B lie.. 4 T 1170. Aggregates for Western Aggregates Ltd. within 30 miles of Coles Quarry, West Town. Bristol.
M. S. Wilson, Bristol. New B lic., 1 veh. 14t 5c). Pm-cast builders' mats. for Westem Aggregates {West Town) within 100 miles; goods for Harbour Haulage. Bristol as required.
S. P. Pattemore, Somerton. B var., add.
I veh. (40. Antiques and works of art and antique dealers merchandise GB. CONTRACTIONS: add., additional; agric.. agricultural: art., articulated unit: c., cwt: pg.. general goods; GB.. Great Britain; incl.. indivisible; lie., licence: low-ldr., low-loader; mats., materials: N.U., normal user: S.T.. special type: t., tons; T., tipper: 01.. trailer; vat., variation; wh., wheels.
APPLICATIONS August 28 1969
Associated Deliveries Ltd., Reading. New B lie., lOveh. (400. Groceries, chocolate and confectionery uplifted from any depot of the licensee's arid empty containers, within 75 miles.
A. J. Capaldi, Chertsey. New B tic.. 1 T 13t 17c). Top soil, hard core, tarmacadam, muck, sand and ballast for R. Pendry. C. Stoneman and A. E. Wade. all of Chertsey, and scrap steel for P. Peters. within 150 miles.
C. F. Cronin Ltd., N.W.2. New B lie,, 2T (6110c). Muck and builders' rubble, within 20 mites.
R. W. Grant, N.18. New B lie., 1 veh. (6t 10c). Building, road-making and excavated mats. and builders' rubbish. within 40 miles.
P. Harris, 8.14. New 8 lic., 1 veh. 51). G.g.. within 50 miles J. Helfand, S.E.23. New 8 tic., 1 veh. (St 10c). Fruit and vegetables, within 100 miles.
M. A. Killeen, E.17. New A lie.. 4 veh. 12011. Cartons of toys, England. Scotland and Wales.
C. G. Morris, E.14. New B lit., 1 veh. 150.6.9,. within 50 miles.
Murcott Wilden and Jacobs Ltd-. E.C.3. New 13 lie., 5 veh. 1250. GB.. within 30 miles:, fruit and vegetables ex London docks and railheads to southern and eastern ports, within 150 miles.
D. M. Parker, Rainham. Essex, New B lie.. 1 T (5t 13c). Ashes, breeze, clinker. lytag, coke, for Direct Haulage Ltd., within 75 miles.
M. W. Pocock, Itemising, Kent. New lie.. 2 veil. (13t 30. Building and road' making mats„ excavations and rubbish, within 25 miles.
H. J. and J. W. Pugh, E14. New A lie.. 1 veh. (3t 13c). Fruit and vegetables, GB. J. S. Auker, Toddington, Beds. B var., add 1 veto. 13t 10c), Brain Haulage Ltd.. Grays, Essex. Aver.. add. 12 veh. 11140.
Continental Hardwoods (Fulham) Ltd., SW6. B var., (A) add. 1 veh.)3t 130. Hatchers (Home Counties) Ltd., 5E1, A var., add. 2 veh. (20-10.
R. A. Hosgood, South Harrow, Middx.
B var., add. 1 T 16t 2c), Road and building mats. and excavated mats., within 25 miles.