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Servo Unit
Westinghouse CVB has produced a pamphlet that describes the company's air /hydraulic/mechanical servo unit that is particularly suitable for clutch operation on a vehicle having......
Body Extensions
Body extension kits are available from Telehoist Ltd., Cheltenham, for increasing the capacity of the company's 14ft Tel-lite steel bodies and 14ft Tel-by aluminium bodies......
Spring Washers
Following the publication of metric specifications for plain washers (BS 4320) and crinkle washers (BS 4463), the British Standards Institution has published BS......
Ring Spanners
T. Williams (Drop Forgings and Tools) Ltd. has introduced a range of short bi-hexagon ringspanners in fully polished chromium plate. The shorter length is in demand among......
Coupling Frame
A special frame is produced by Slaven Transport Products to enable the company's STP Hitch fifth-wheel coupling to be mounted on a Bedford TK tractive unit chassis. The frame is......
Tyre Tread Gauge A Tyre Tread-depth Gauge Produced By Mb...
Graduated in divisions of rnm, the MB tyre tread-depth gauge gives readings of 0.5mm to 20min. graduated in divisions of •-mm. It is being supplied to the Ministry of Works for......