New Structure for
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QERIOUS consideration was now bei 1,-1 given to the possibility of putti into effect the main resolution at it year's Road Haulage Association co ference, said Mr. El. 0. Good, natior chairman, last Saturday, and this mig mean that the structure of the Assoc! tion would be transformed. Obvious! said Mr. Good, members could not expected to bear indefinitely the burd of the additional work which impleme tation of the resolution would mean f many members and for all the Associ lion's staff. He had no doubt that 1-1 work would be amply justified by ti results and he hoped that whatev changes proved necessary would tali place by a process of evolution, whil was how the Association had made pr gress in the past.
Mr. Goad being indisposed, his spec was befng read for him by Mr. G. 1 Newman, secretary-general, at the annu dinner of the North Western (Easter area and the ,resolution referred to wt of course, the one calling upon the Ass ciation to examine means of co-operatic among members, the setting up of trail exchanges, pooled maintenance and on. He said he believed that the resol tion included in one way or another the suggestions which had emanated fro the North Western (Eastern) area in ti past.
The prestige of the Association hr never stood so high as it did today, sa Mr. Good, and it was going up all tI time; one important reason was that ti people who ran the Association tor their duties very seriously.
Memorial Service rtA MEMORIAL service to Mr. Frar F. Fowler, who had been connect with the Road Haulage Association f( more than 30 years, will be held in ti Crypt Chapel of St. Paul's Cathedral ne: Wednesday, December 11, at 2.30 p.m.