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I N the light of rather more publicity than they would have liked, the Road Haulage Association (as reported on the next page)...
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A ROAD haulage licensing system is necessary to promote road safety as well as to keep the transport industry stable, but a...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT T HE Minister of Transport will he able to make regulations minimizing the chances of fraud...
QERIOUS consideration was now bei 1 , - 1 given to the possibility of putti into effect the main resolution at it year's Road...
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A FTER studying reports from Associa tion areas, the R.H.A. highways and vehicles committee on Tuesday decided to seek a...
for efficient management, maximum employment of the company's resources, and co-operation and control at all levels if the...
A GROSS vehicle weight of 16 tons is now permitted in the Republic of Ireland for two-axle vehicles. This limit, which...
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`Clarify the Re-n Threat' if THE threat of nationalization looms again—and for all the vagueness of this political threat, so...
T " years of study in Holland, France and Italy by R. A. Dyson and Co. Ltd. is embodied in the design of Dyson semi-trailers...
MPHASIZING his concern about the .1-a problem of smoking vehicles, the Minister of Transport personally attended a roadside...
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NEW and bigger version of the Mercedes-Benz Onimog tractor— .e type 406—is making its first public )pearance in the U.K. at...
E XERCISES in mechanical loading on I-4 British Road Services trailers were a feature of a demonstration lastSaturday at the...
Union is seeking, the views Of its areas and branches on the goods vehicle licensing SySteill in order to submit evidence to...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT A N early interim pay rise is expected to be announced shortly for London Transport's 37,000...
WELCOMING the Buchanan Rep YV as an excellent and far-seeing do ment, the Passenger Vehicle Operat Association this week stated...
A SPEED-UP of express coach services Ft operated between North West England and London by RibbleiStanderwick/Scout came into...
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Ford P.S.V. for Cairo: The commercial vehicle section of the Ford Motor Co. Ltd. has received a £60,000 order from Egypt for 40...
T HE '' pirate operations '' of a minibus carrying bingo fans were referred to in prosecutions at Llanelly 'Magistrates' Court...
Co. Ltd to an employee of a road passenger transport company in England or Wales who achieves within th r ee consecutive years...
W E re g ret to record the deaths of Mr. M. E. Faithfuli, Mr. R. B. Frost and Mr. S. W. Mannin g . Mr. Faithfull, who was...
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MANY traffic accidents were due to ILL the absence of adequate indicator signals on trailers behind heavy lorries, Mr. Marples...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT L AST week-cnd, the Conservative Party reaffirmed its faith in transport competition. But at...
for certifying officers on the subject of luggage trailers for buses (The Commercial Motor, July 19) has now been issued for...
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T HE rates of payment laid down by the Milk Marketing Board for the road haulage industry bore no relation to the accepted...
L.A. wants Descriptions T HE second session in the series of long steel applications and revocation inquiries held at Durham by...
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" IT is clear that at some time in the past my clients have been operating trailers in excess of the maximum weight authorized...
A SERIES of applications submitted rx by W. C. Standerwick Ltd. and Scout Motor Services Ltd. involving the use of the M6...
QUPPORTING an application by Willmott Haulage Ltd. of Plymouth for an eight-vehicle B licence to carry roadmaking materials for...
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T HE publication in the Northern area Applications and Decisions of an application by a Metropolitan-based operator to vary a B...
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CALL for a national export corporation — a central organization to - ordinate all aspects of export business id act as a focal...
of orders for Leyland goods assis placed through Ashenhurst, Williams d Co. Ltd., of Dublin, will allow Irish lerators to...
A VEHICLE recently supplied to the PA Fens Sub-area of the Eastern Electricity Board by King and Harper Ltd., Morris...
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Good Year for Dennis: Mr. David J. Grimes, chairman of Dennis Brothers Ltd.. Guildford, said in the company's annual report...
IN any vehicle repair shop, the sound i of heavy and prolonged hammering will usually indicate a rough and sticky job in...
T HE following idea has been submitted by Mr. P. Smith, of Kesgrave, nr. Ipswich, and wins this week's prize of three guineas....
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and Publications luorescent Hand Lamp OW cur ent consumption and . robust construction are -0 features of a new fluorescent...
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PART 1 By P. A. C. BROCKINGTON, A.M.I.Mech.E O PERATORS usually hold firm views about the good and bad points of commercial...
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BY JOHN F. MOON, ROAD TEST: Commer Diesel-engined 4-tonner W HEN the Rootes Group announced a new series of mediumcapacity...
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S INCE last Friday certified officers and examiners of the " Ministry of Transport must be wondering if they have got the...
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out the volume (f... traffic' S O rich a mixture is provided by the Buchanan Report that almost every section of the public...
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By John F. Moon, A.M.I.R.T.E. A PARTICULAR feature of the annual reports of the Licensing Authorities for 1961-62, which were...
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Black Smoke- . -Pump Setting Query jvHILST I cannot claim to have followed in detail recent " articles in your magazine by Mr....
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COMPARISON of operating .costs at varying mileages is requested by a reader for a 2-ton van, fitted with either petrol or oil...
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Terr;er Coaches Ltd. Cap. £5,000. Objects: To carry on Ole business of public service vehicle operators, general carriers, etc,...