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SOLICITORS Aaron & Partners Grosvenor Court, Forecourt Street, Chester, Cheshire CHI IHG Tel: )0244) 315366 (Jonathan Lawton) Brindley, Twist, Taft and James 3 The Quadrant, Coventry CV1 2DJ Tel: (0203) 631632 Cartwrighis P 0 Box 18, Marsh House, Marsh Street, Bristol BS99 7B8 Tel: (0272) 293601 Crosse and Crosse 12 Southemay Street, Exeter, Devon EX1 1PL Tel: (0392) 58451 (Chris Over) Cunningham Turner Royal Bank of Scotland Chambers, 58/ 62 King William Street, Blackburn, Lancs BB1 7DT Tel: (0254) 59292 (Michael Cunningham, Nicholas Turner and John Bleasdate) Daltons lo Mengham Road, Hayling Island, Hants P011 9BG Tel: (0705) 464844 (Graham A Dickinson) Daynes Hill & Perks Poston House, Princes Street, Norwich, Norfolk NR3 1BD 24-hour tel: (0603) 660241 (Malcolm Partridge, Malcolm Savory) Downs 156 High Street, Dorking, Surrey Tel: (0306) 880110 (David Rea) Gateley Wareing Equity House, 7 Rochester Court, Wit tall Street, Birmingham B4 6DD. Tel: 021-236 8585 (Martin Jones) Jeremy Fear 515-521 High Street, Tottenham, London N17 6SB.
Tel: 081-801 6024 (Jeremy Fear) Foinette Quinn 41 Windsor Street, Wolverton, Milton Keynes MK12 5AL Tel: (0908) 316351 (C C Hallsworth) Ford & Warren Westgate Point, Westgate, Leeds Tel: (0532) 436601 (Gary Hodgson, Anthony Scofield) Hawks & Scofield 19 Victoria Street, Burnham on Sea, Somerset TA8 1AL Tel: (0278) 787761 (George Hawks, Anthony Scofield) Thomas Mallom 126 High Street, Oxford OX] 40G Tel: (0865) 244661 (Chris Butterfield, Robert Hawes, Simon Russell) Passmores 21 Tynewydd Road, Barry, South Glam CF6 6AY Tel: (0446) 746949 (Glyn Hughes) Pinsent & Co Post and Mail House, 26 Colmore Circus, Birmingham B4 6BH Tel: 021-200 1040 Rotheras 24 Friar Lane, Nottingham NG1 60W Tel: (0602) 470831/414415 (P I Rothera, Mrs J E George, J P Davies) Shockett, Stafford, Arnott & Wardlaw 28 Si Mary's Place, Newcastle upon Tyne NE] Tel: (0912) 323008 (R W S Hird) Simpson Curtis
41 Park Square; Leeds LS1 2NS
Tel: (0532) 433433 (Michael James) Wedlake Saint 14 John Street, London WC1N 2EB Tel: 071-405 9446 Ii3orry Prior, Claire Postins) Wedlake Saint is also on 081-800 1253.
EXPERT WITNESSES/CONSULTANT ENGINEERS Beauchamp Ratcliffe & Partners Emerson House, Albert Street, Eccles, Manchester M30 OLT Tel: 061-789 6608/7530 (Ivan Ratcliffe: consulting engineer, automobile assessor and employer's liability) Don Card
ch, Ward & Associates
(Forensic scientist) Frazer Nash Consultancy Randalls Way, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 7TX Tel: (0372) 379717 (In-service failure investigations, acci dent analysis, strength assessment of vehicle components).
Michael W H Gillham Pennants House, 1 Old Kiln Lane, Penn, Bucks.
Tel: (0494) 813041 (Specialist witness in metallurgy, acci dent troubleshooting) Ralph Ingham Johnson trading as Transport Consultatancy Ser vice, P 0 Box 43, Theme, Oxon OX9 2PL Tel: (0844) 213707.
(R D M Ingham Johnson) Keith Lawrence 2 Teal Close, Hayling Island, Hants P011 9NN Tel: (0705) 469046 (Expert witness on EC drivers' hours and tachograph legislation) David Middlewick c/o Ward and Associaties (Freight forwarding consultant) Mills Associates Hilton House, Lord Street, Stockport, Cheshire SKI 3NA Tel: 061-477 4466 (Legal expenses protection, forensic accident analysis, tachograph analysis) (Hywell Hubert) W Montague Brewery Transport Advisory Commitee 2 Aldwych Close, Hornchurch, Essex Tel: (04024) 71376 Bob Pearson do Ward and Associates (Hazchem waste disposal, environmen tal consultant) Christopher J Sawyer Engineering Consultant 355 Ripon Road, Stevenage, Herts SG1 4LU Tel: (0438) 723142 (Vehicle engineering design, test and investigation specialist in vehicle recov ery and STGO engineering) Sigma Engineering Consultants 35 Welbeck Avenue, Burbage, Hinc kley, teics LE10 2JH Tel: 10455) 632923 (Vehicle failures) (0 H Wright) Stanley E Thomas Tramways, Wolverhampton Road, Pen kridge, Staffs ST19 5AQ Tel: (078571) 3682 (Expert testimony) Transport Counsellors Dunbar, Beckenham Place Park, Beckenham, Kent Tel: 081-650 1546 (Legal, 0-Licensing, public enquiry, fleet operation) (Ralph Cropper) Transport Counsellors is also at Tre garth, Tolgus Hill, Redruth, Cornwall Tel: (0209) 214405 (Rory Cropper) Transport Technical S-ervices 117 Park Lane, Sandbach, Cheshire Tel: (0270) 762515 (Engineering specialist witness, vehicle fleet inspection, accident and engineer ing reports) (Bob Widgery) Vehicle Industries Consultants 21 Sandford Road, Wareham, Dorset BH20 4DG Tel: (0929) 553203 (Technical and legal assistance, accident investigation and expert witness) E Tarry, V J Tarry) Ward & Associates 179 West Street, Fareham, Hants P016 OEF 24-hour Tel: (0329) 280280 (Legal, Operator's Licensing, public in quiries, transport operation, accountancy) LEGAL SERVICES/ADVICE/ AUTHORITIES Co Form (UK) Shalbern House, 28 Scrutton Street, London EC2A 4RQ Tel: 071-247 8187 Foster Tachograph Analysis 5 Eastway Business Village, Olivers Place, Fulwood, Preston PR2 4WT Tel: 10772) 651919 (Tacho chart analysis) Infotach Data P 0 Box 24, Trowbridge, Wilts Tel: (0225) 754105 (Tech° chart analysis software) Mills Eurofield Bridge House, Bridge Street, Halstead, Essex C09 1HT Tel: (0787) 473768 (consultancy, 855750 advice) Resource Management Associates 35 Robjohns Road, Chelmsford, Essex Tel: (0245) 252525 (Practice, merger, disposal, acquisition) (David Dormer) TRANSPORT TRIBUNAL The Transport Tribunal is al 48-69 Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1SR Tel: 071-936 7494