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Five Lanes To Fight Congestion On M25
• The M25 is to be converted to five lanes in some sections as part of a Government "action plan" to cope with a forecast doubling of traffic. The decision, unveiled this week......
Ministers Bac 18.35m Drawbars
• Europe's transport ministers are likely to settle on an 18.35m drawbar limit when they meet on 17/18 December, following Germany's decision to change sides and swing towards......
Tanker Men Want Targetted Checks
• Tanker hauliers are to meet health and safety officials to discuss better targetting of roadside checks following the much-criticised Operation Cherncheck, held in the......
Coming Clean Iiii Avon Haulier Peter Lane Has Given Its
drivers fluorescent windscreen stickers explaining that a drought order makes it hard to clean vehicles to "normal high standards".......
Wheel Fund Cash-in
• The Department of Trade and Industry has pledged to match the £10,000 raised so far by the industry and Commercial Motor to fund research into truck wheel loss. Commercial......