News and Comment.
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy contmesoial houses.
West Riding C.M.U.A.
The report of the proceedings at the formation meeting of the West Riding C.M.U.A. will be found on pages 493 and 494.
New Models Again.
Three more new models are illustrated and described by us this week—two Purrey-Exshaw steamers, and the latest de Dion omnibus chassis.
The January Subsidy Trials.
The best illustrated report of the now-concluded War Office subsidy tests has been given by THE C031MERCIAL MOTOR. The fourth instalntent will be found on pages 506508.
Topical Subjects.
Our leading articles this week deal with the following topical subjects: (1) "Good and Bad Motor Schools ' • (2) "The North of England Motor Show " ; (3) "Provincial Associations " ; (4) " Export Trade in Relation to an Import Tariff for the 'United Kingdom ; (5) "Intermittent v. Continuous Transit" ; and (6), on page 503. "The L.G.O.C. Profit."
The Manchester Show.
Our third preliminary mention of the North of England Show, which will open at Manchester on Friday, the 14th inst., and which will remain open until thefollowing Saturday week, the 22nd inst., at the City Hall, near Deansgate, will be found on pages 496 and 497. This third reference principally consists of illustrations of representative types that will be shown. The first Show Number will he that of next week.
An Insurance Report.
The report of the directors of the Car and General Insurance Corporation, Ltd., for the year ended the 1st January last, shows a balance to the credit of revenue account of £8214. After provision for 5 per cent. interest on the preference shares, and a dividend on the ordinary paid-up capital of 7 per cent., both free of income tax, a balance of 25176 is carried forward. The net premiums were £291,919. Nottingham to Spend £5000.
The General Works and Highways Committee of the Nottingham Town Council recommends an expenditure during the next two years of £5000 upon up-to-date motor vehicles for the haulage of materials, and for purposes of street watering and street sweeping.
New York Truck Show.
The first-published report of the New York Commercial Vehicle Show is given on pages 498 and 499, whilst two illustrations, from some 30 which we received from our correspondent, are reproduced on page 502 hereafter. Extreme pressure on our space led us to discard the photographs, in favour of the critical article which we publish.
Another Staff Increase.
Owing to recent considerable increases in circulation of THE COMMERCIAL Moroa, we are desirous of obtaining further assistance in the Editorial offices of this journal. Applications to the Manager, 7-15, Rosebery Avenue, E.C., from suitable young men, with first-class practical technical ability and some journalistic inclination, will be carefully and confidentially considered.
Lacres at Manchester.
The new Lacre address, at Manchester, is Mayfield Station Buildings, London Road. The removal from Palmerston Road. Ancoats, is due to the pressing demand for larger accommodation to meet requirements. The new premises are easily accessible from all parts of the city, and from the several railway termini. The telephone number is 655 Central', and the telegraphic address "Unbaftled ". Manchester.
The Petrol Committee's Report.
The Petrol Committee, which is a joint body representing the Automobile Association, the Commercial Motor Users Association, the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, the Royal Automobile Club, and other societies, has now issued its second report. Copies may be nu-chased from the Secretary of the R.A.C.. Pall Mall, S.W., Price is.. and the contents are mostinteresting reading. The outcome of the Committee's deliberations is a strong recommendation of further investigation into the production of alternative fuels and particularly of benzol. Ilalley's Industrial Motors, Ltd., has successfully tendered for the supply of a chassis for a motor tower wagon for the Liverpool tramways.
Creditors of the British Business Motors, Ltd., are required, on or before the 18th inst., to send particulars of their debts or claims to Mr. Cecil Perry, 38, Conduit Street, W., or to Mr. C. Henry Gray, Cunard Works, Widdrington Road, Coventry, the liquidators of the company.
New Registrations.
Auto-Trailers, Ltd., with an authorized capital of 22000 (1975 ordinary shares of 21 each and 500 deferred shares of is. each), and with its office at 1, Queen Victoria Street, E.C., to carry on the business of manufacturers of trailers for use with motor and other vehicles. First directors : R. W. H. Kane, J. S. Mallam and 11. B. Tyler (secretary).
Hale Motor Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of £1000 in 21 shares, and with its office at Ashley Road, Hale, Cheshire, to carry on the business indicated by the title. First directors : J. W. Welch and Mrs. E. H. T. Welch.
The B.U.R.T. Co.
At a meeting of the creditors end shareholders of the B.U.R.T. Co., Ltd., Regency Street, Westminster, S.W., last week, at Carey Street, under a compulsory winding-up order made in October last, the Official Receiver gave the nominal capital of the company as 215,000, in 10,000 preference and 5000 ordinary shares. The issued capital amounted to 210,557, and consisted of 5000 ordinary shares, issued in part satisfaction of the purchase price, 5500 preference shares subscribed and paid for by the directors and their friends, and the seven signatory shares. The company was formed in February, 1910, to acquire for 25200 the interest of Messrs. F. L. Rondebush and L. S. Burt in an agreement with Halley's Industrial 'Motors, Ltd., appointing them sole concessionnaires. The agreement also provided for the taking over of certain contracts, the purchase of several demonstration vehicles and the expenditure of an average sum of 21500 tier annum on advertising the Halley motors. In consequence of litigation, the debenture holders in July last appointed Mr. R. R. Whitworth as receiver, and he was still in possession, carrying on the business. Failure. was attributed to unremunerative contracts taken over, to the large initial expenses under the agency agreement. and to want of working capital, the company having had to borrow money at a high rate of interest. The matter was left with the Official Receiver.
The British Coital at Morocco reports that the subject of motor transport in that country is worth studying by British experts and manufacturers.
IV. Crawford and Co., Ltd., biscuit maker of Liverpool and Edinburgh, has purchased six 32 h.p.. Albions. This company purchased its first Albion about eight years ago. and has steadily extended its fleet.
The :Halifax Flour Society, Ltd.. which company uses a Feden steamer, has found a net profit on work done at the rate Of £60 per annum, in spite of considerable delays at terminals, with its rubbertired vehicle of that make.
Limerick Harbour Bridge.
Limerick Harbour Board has lodged a Bill in Parliament to secure powers to enable them to set up a fixed bridge—in place of the weak swivel bridge now in position —at the exit from Limerick city to the north, close to the works of Cleeve Bros. Ltd. It, is hoped that assistance will be granted by the Road Board. From the I, of W.
Messrs. Arnell and Son, of the Home Mill. Newport, Isle of Wight, bought a Dennis van in February last. It had, by the end of the year, averaged 11,000 miles of running, without missing a single day. During the ten months of its working, it delivered 1450 tons of flour to all parts of the island, and it tackled every hill in "splendid fashion." The vehicle is one of the 18 h.p. type.
Liverpool and Warrington Orders.
Peter Walker and Son (Warrington and Burton) Ltd., has ordered a 40 h.p. Leyland wagon through Avery and Roberts, Ltd., of Liverpool and Warrington. The Liverpool Select Vestry also placed its order for a 30-cwt. Dennis van, to be used for distributing .goods from the workhouse to VarlOU8 depots, through this commercial-vehicle agency, which is very busy just now.