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Men . who are desirous to train as motorcar drivers for private service generally seek to get their initial experience at a...
The writer has found, during several visits which he has paid to Lancashire and Yorkshire during the past fortnight, that...
The proceedings in Bradford, which are reported elsewhere in this issue, promise to be repeated in other important...
We are in receipt, from one of this country's leading manufacturers of commercial motors, of yet another lament in regard to...
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The claims of the Adkins-Lewis sub-surface transit scheme, on the continuous plan of operation, were advocated before the...
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That 120 and 40 make 160. Of few visible tracks on waterproof roads That the " C.M." Annual is seen to be IT. That quite a...
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First-published Particulars of the New Four-ton and Six-ton Steam Lorries Manukactured in Bordeaux. Hearing from Mr. D. M....
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The Statement of the Case in the West Riding of Yorkshire.'' A irieeting of users of commeacial motor was MO on Thursday...
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Edinburgh and its Exhibition. Wanted an Assistant Extractor. The Uses 04 Advertiserneet. By "The Extractor." The exigencies...
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Preparations to Fill the City Hall from the 14th to 22nd inst. The accompanying illustrations are of representative types....
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By Our Own Correspondent.' The annual Commercial Vehicle Show, or as it is called in the U.S., the Truck Show, has now become...
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy contmesoial houses. a REMINDERS. West Riding C.M.U.A. The...
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A number of the following paragraphs were unavoidably held over from last week's issue. Correspondence between Messrs....
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Warrington T.C. is considering tenders received from A. W. Stevens, Ltd., and the Daimler Co.. Ltd., for supplying motor...
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On Saturday last, the Wimbledon Fire Brigade gave a. demonstration with its two Dennis engines, which it has acquired within...
Extreme surprise has been caused, in many financial circles,. by the poor net results of the L.G.O.C. trading during the period...
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First-published Particulars of a New 2i-ton Chassis which has been Built at the Famous De Dion Factory, Specially to the...
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Another Week of Exceptionally Heavy Going, over Hilly Roads in Kent and Sussex. A Group of Incidents marks this Penultimate...
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Mails for the Hills Calcutta's Housing Question -The Bullock and the Motorvan. From Our Own Correspondent in India.) For...
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Worm-gear Differential. The Editor, THE ClADRERCIAL MOTOR. [1169] Sir,-1 notice in your editorial footnote to my letter on...
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The Price of Benzol, [2103] " Tim; MAKERS" write :--" We note, according to the issue of THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR dated 26tii...
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Where to Buy your Supplies. Tools and Supplies. The coming of the commercial motor has led to the introduction of many tools...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY is paid for the best cornmunication received, and one penny a line of ten words for anything else...
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Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the by the Sales Branch, Patent Office,...