Passenger-Vehicle Topics.
Page 15

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Warrington T.C. is considering tenders received from A. W. Stevens, Ltd., and the Daimler Co.. Ltd., for supplying motor omnibuses.
M.A.B. Tenders.
The Metropolitan Asylums Board invites tenders for the. supply of four motor omnibuses. Particulars may be obtained at the offices of the Board, Embankment, E.C., and tenders must be lodged by 10 a.m. on the 24th inst.
L.G.O.C. Results.
The smallness of the L.G.O.C. dividend and carry-forward has caused much surprise in the City. The dividend is 8 per cent., and the carry-forward £11,000. Our comment on the situation will be found on the next page. The net profit shown is at the rate of about £250,000 per annum.
Was There a Promise ?
With reference to the paragraph under this heading in our issue of the 23rd ult., the Greenwich Borough Council has received a letter from the managing director of Thomas Tiling, ad., expressing regret that by an omission on the part of their traffic office the Council was not duly notified with regard to the new service, as that office was under the impression that the part. of Blackheath over which the buses pass was within the Borough of Lewisham, with whom they had discussed the matter of the route as far back as July last. We learn that the tone of this letter has been much appreciated.
Debenture Issue Formalities.
Thomas Tilling, Ltd., has issued a Crust deed and a supplemental trust deed to secure £250,000 e4 per cent. cumulative participating convertible income debenture stock. Interest is secured by a first charge on. the profits, out of which such interest is to be payable. Capital is secured by a floating charge on the profits and undertaking of the company, subject only to existing 275,000 4 per cent. first debentures. The trustees are C. E. Noverre, 14, West Cromwell Road, S. Kensington, and G. Wilkins, 23, St. Swithin's Lane, E.C.
A debenture has been issued by the Metropolitan Steam Omnibus Co., Ltd., to secure £85,000 charged on the company's undertaking and property, present and future, including uncalled canital. The holders are the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd.
In order to secure £1,500,000 0 per cent. debenture stock and 21,750,000 5 per cent. debenture stock, the L.G.O.C. has issued two trust. deeds.
Mr, H. E. Dixon, of the Broadstairs Garage, expects to put a motor char-&-bancs into service during the coming summer.
The Lancashire County Council has decided to petition against the Southport Corporation Bill for motorbus powers, so far as they concern services on county highways.
Dover T.C. has received a letter from the Daimler Co., Ltd., offering to place at the Council's disposal a demonstration omnibus for trial purposes, with a view to buses being employed as tramcar feeders.
London Cab Strike Items.
During the present period, several London owners are letting their cabs out to drivers at 4-id. per mile and free petrol.
The London taxi strike continues to drag along. Owner-drivers are reaping a rich harvest, and we estimate that the hulk of the drivers will go back to work, on the employers' terms, within the next three weeks.
The London and Provincial Motor Drivers' Union (as the old Cabmen's Union is now called) has been issuing daily tickets at 4s, each and nightly tickets at 2s. ed, each. All those drivers who are at work are expected to contribute.
The number of men returning to work at the big companies' yards is increasing daily. The General Motor Cab Co. is, at the time of going to press, getting as many as 50 machines out per day at Brixton. and the drivers are bringing in a total income which normally is derived from double that number of vehicles.
The secession of the London Improved Cab Co., Ltd., under the advice of Mr. Scott, from the ranks of the Cab Proprietors Association, and its permission to the men to take the cabs out, with petrol at the old price of 8d.. cannot be regarded as seriously affecting the taxicab situation in London. At, the present time, we understand that about 15 of the company's 50 P-1^haye cabs are undergoing their annual overhaul, Croydon Town Council has decided to oppose the L. and S.W.R. • Bill, so far as it relates to the acquirement of motorbus powers by the company.
-Vienna's petrol motob u se s which are now running between St:ephanplatz and Liebbartstal, are heated. The motorization of the whole omnibus system in Vienna is now
likely to take place. .
The Brighton, Hove and Preston Omnibus Co., Ltd., has intimated to the Brighton Corporation that it is prepared to run a service of upto-date motorbuses on the same terms as those which are proposed by Thos. Tilling, Ltd., or by any other would-be contractor.
The Gearless Co.
Mr. Edward Manville, presiding at the annual general meeting of the Gearless Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., on the 30th ult., announced that. an arrangement had been entered into with the directors of the L.G.O.C., under which the Gearless Co. would be entitled to run 20 motorbuses on the streets of London for a period of at least 30 years. These would be run as a portion of the L.G.O.C. fleet. Incidental agreements with the London and Suburban Traction Co., Ltd., and with the Daimler Co., Ltd., would put the company in a profitearning position.
International Road Congress.
Readers of this page will undoubtedly be interested to know the names of the authoi s of the papers, on ." The Development Since the Second Congress of Selfpropelled Public Service Vehicles," that are to be read in June next, on the occasion of the Third International Road Congress, which is to be held in London.
Seven countries are providing papers, and these, with the names of their writers in parentheses, are officially notified to be : Austria, Mr. M. R. Hofer (K. K. Hofrat in Handelsministerium. 'Wien); France, M. Perisse (Vice-President de la Commission Technique de l'Automobile Club de France, Paris): Germany, Herren Sehwiening (Oberbaurate Munchen) and Mayr • (Ministerialrat, Munchen); Hungary, M. S. Haltenberger (Conseiller technique des Postes et Telegraphes au Ministere du Commerce, Albrecht ut 3, Budapest); Russia, M. Tsimbalenko (Inspecteur principal A. la Direction des Routes et do in Navigation, 17, Rue Italianska, St. Petersburg) United Kingdom, E. S. ShrapnellSmith (Editor, THE COM91ERCIAL MOTOR: London); and United States. Horace M. Swetland, New York City.