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Of the Government's guilt-edged receiving of gilt edge securities. 0 That the London taxi-driver has a gentleman's life —in the view of his country cousin.
That the rural taxi-man has to put up with tough loads and rough roads.
That in future British snow is to be shown where it gets off, so that traffic can get on.
That, in the past, Britain has been more inclined to "hold the baby" than "pass the buck."
Of a reader saying that the rest of the Specialloid fat lady's family must have a thin time.
That "Come to Britain and rough it" isn't really the best slogan to attract foreign tourists.
From America, that never has the world tossed its calendars into the trash can with such a sigh of relief.
Hopes that the sigh will not need to be so deep next year.
That as a. rule State transport does not satisfy because it does not care whether it satisfies or not.
That it isn't only the people of India who have lost faith in "small officials."
Of anxiety concerning the control of local ambulance services after July 5.
That the Russian exchequer relies on sales taxes for four-fifths of its revenue:
That hot extrusion instead of normal forging is being used to form stub axles.
That this is claimed to give 50 per cent, greater resistance to fatigue.
That Mr. Bevin tries to keep his temper by remembering that railing tones gather no Moscow.
That experiments with new forms of carbon black to improve rubber can prove very expensive.
Of many country cats and dogs going short of food because the " catsmeat man" has insufficient petrol to serve his usual round.
Of those who say they'd have more respect for the Government if it would acknowledge its mistakes with the disarming candour of Much Binding's Dudley Davenport.