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D ESPITE the effects of the ban on the basic ration, there is still a considerable amount of traffic on our roads, and, of...
Early Experiences p ECENTLY,•in this feature, with Double decker " we asked if any reader had in Scotland . . . had an...
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Hears-- Of the Government's guilt-edged receiving of gilt edge securities. 0 That the London taxi-driver has a gentleman's...
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BIG INCREASES IN WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS? A SUB-COMMITTEE appointed by the highway transport committee of the International...
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" T HERE appears to be a feeling in some quarters that, through developments which may arise before the [Transport] Act is...
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M. AUGUST DUTREUX, president of the S.A. des Pneumatiques Dunlops, has been made a Commander of the Legion of Honour. • MR. H....
RAR. ALFRED BARNES, Minister of 1Y1 Transport, hopes to make an early statement on the use of coaches. " Indignation " was...
B RITISH cleansing appliances aro. being shipped to Cairo to assist in the prevention of cholera and similar epidemics....
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T HE result of last Friday's meeting of the National council for the Omnibus Industry, on the new wage claims, was that the...
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rIONSIDERABLE work by the %-.0 Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders and other interested parties has resulted in some...
should be sent to a member of the Cabinet for large industrial and commercial concerns to make arrangements to receive goods on...
Road Transport C ONFIDENCE in road transport, particularly on the goods side, was voiced by Mr. W. E. Macve, North Western...
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TALKS broke down, last week, I between the Transport and General Workers' Union and the London Transport Executive on the new...
Buses for Lisbon P ROOF that British craftsmanship can still be of the highest standard in the world is provided by 42...
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the Two-speed Axle, is Capable of Keeping Pace With Similarly ' Laden Traffic. Eight Forward Ratios Afford a Close Selection of...
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T HE urgent need for education in road transport gives special importance to "The Short Road to Industrial Co-operation," which...
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Why a Bus Costs More to Operate than a Coach. Figures Investigated in Connection with a 26-seater Proposed to be Used by a...
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a list concerning the standing " time of our vehicles at Liverpool docks during the period December 23, 1947, to January 12,...
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rin9s edit. Hall and Co., Ltd., a Flourishin4 Concern, Employs Many Vehicles Operating Under B and C Licences, for the...
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Seddon Passenger Chassis, with Perkins P.6 Oil Engine, to Make its Debut at Brussels Show I T is understood that a well-knows...
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D ESIGNED to conform with the requirements of overseas reguIa. tions, the new Walker P.D. 5-ton chassis incorporates many of...
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H A VING changed largely from manual to battery-electric transport, Mills and Rockleys, Ltd., of Coventry, one of the leading...
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cwt. vans, the Hypower braking equipment, manufactured by the Midland Steel Products Co., Ohio, U.S.A., is claimed to be easy...
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Two C.A.V. Experts Review Progress Made to Date in a Paper Read to the Institution of Mechanical Engineers on Tuesday A PAPER...
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and Additional Tonnage Attempt to Buy Licence Alleged. Applications Based on Difficulties Caused by Five-clay Week Must be...