More Yorkshire Wages Complications
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I F efforts which are now being made be successful, attention will he drawn in Parliament to the disputes concerning the wages of employees of A and Blicence holders in the Yorkshire and North-Western Areas. It is understood that at a meeting in Manchester, this week, attended by both Lancashire and Yorkshire operators, it was decided that a deputation should seek an interview with .members of the Parliament ary road-transport group. .
It is believed that the deputation will urge that it is impracticable to carry out in Lancashire and Yorkshhe the findings of the National Boaicl, that the Board ehould be reconstituted, and the matter raised in Parliament. .
The situation in Yorkshire, this week, has been confusing. It ‘se.s an nounced recently that the new terms as to wages and conditiOns, which have the support of all the employers' associations represented on the employers' panel of the Yorkshire Board, with the exception of the Sheffield Horse and Motor Owners Association, would be put into operation as from the beginning of this week.
The opposition of the Sheffield Association appears to have complicated matters. A correSpondent learned, this week, that the operation of the new terms had been postponed until Mardi 9, except, of course, in the case of members of the Sheffield Association.. who are supporting the continuance of the interim agreement.
.The National Beard has recently laid it down that in all areas interintagreements shall continue to operate until the date fixed for the operation of final grading.
It is now, definitely stated that a move is being made to take before the Industrial Court a test case on the Yorkshire employers' new terms.
Complications that would follow North-Western employers increasing wages at the end of March, whilst the official higher scales did not come Into force in the adjacent Yorkshire area until the end of September, were also discussed in Manchester, this week.
It is understood that postponement of the North-Western wages increases until the end of September was considered advisable by both areas