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0 UR news regarding th e amalgamation, last week, of the Commercial Motor Users Association and Associated Road Operators came...
those who run one or not more than a few vans for the transport of their own goods—there are many who have practically no...
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Enlisting the Sy m path THERE is no doubt that etic Consideration of a the road-transport group Politicians , .• in the Uouse...
More complaints of slow-going taxicabs obstructing faster traffic. 'Mat Glasgow is to have Belisha Beacons at a number of its...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is hy the...
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T HEquestion whether drivers' records are admissible as evidence in a prosecution against an employer was argued, on Monday,...
days—believed to he a record on the road-haulage side—the application of Convoys, Ltd., for A licences for three vehicles (two...
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charge of the sale and development of Leyland trolleybuses,' has resig ned his position with Leyland Motors, Ltd., to become...
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At Hamilton Sheriff Court, last Friday, Sheriff Brown gave a decision of " not proven " in a case in which a haulage firm were...
T HAT restrictions on 73 licences have, in the past, been wrongly imposed was the contention of Mr. H. 13ackhouSe (C.M.U.A....
I F efforts which are now being made be successful, attention will he drawn in Parliament to the disputes concerning the wages...
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Objection to the use of the Road Fund for purposes other than roads improvement was expressed by the Lord Provost of Aberdeen,...
UNIFICATION OF SCOTTISH TRANSPORT. T " question of unification -of Scottish transport having been raised by Mr. Kirkwood, Mr....
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T O meet a demand for a machine of larger capacity than its 7-cWt. threewheeler, the Reliant Engineering Co., Tamworth, has...
D ESCRIBED as model V6, a new light roller, expressly designed for playing fields and sports grounds, has been introduced by...
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confidence in the Merger IT was singularly fortunate that the annual dinner of the C.M.U.A. North-Eastern Division, at Leeds,...
The completion of the merger between A.R.O. and the C.M.U.A. was referred to by Major the Hon. Eric Long, J.P., T.D., at the...
T HAT the report of Sir Josiah Stamp, at the annual general meeting of the L.M.S. Railvkay Co., represented a direct attempt to...
" T HIS is the beginning of a tremen1 dons orga,thiation," said Major R. A. B. Smith, M.C., announcing the merger with the...
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the Lincolnshhc Transport Association was held at Lincoln on February 27, when Mr_ C. P. Ablett, president of the goods...
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OUR NEW COSTS RECORD I LLUSTRATED on this page is a sample sheet from The Commercial .4.1otor Operating Costs Record. Figures...
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T WO men, both owners of mixed ;fleets of goods vehicles, were exchanging views, when one of them, a Mr. Price, remarked: "What...
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and QUERIES OBJECTIONS FROM OPERATORS WITHOUT SUITABLE FACILITIES. [47601 As regards the letter from Mr. R. W. Sewill,...
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rACED with the problem of selecting a tractor to tow a I' trailer having a gross weight of 10 tons, Messrs. R. J. Weeks,...
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Latest Morris-Commercial 31 xi Lorry T HE high power-weight ratio of the Morris-Commercial 30-cwt. lorry makes it, even when...
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U TNITY in the road-transport industry—for some years one of the chief aims of The Commercial Motor —has been achieved, in the...
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) Co-OP SHOP 0 PERATING about 120 vehicles, the United Co-operative Baking Society, Ltd., of Glasgow, may be classed as one of...
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O PERATORS are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the administration of Section 11 (3) (b) of the Road and Rail Traffic...
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Ltd., High Street, Burtonon-Trent, for a - rule nisi to the West Midland Traffic Commissioners was granted by Justices Talbot,...
D 1.110,NG the pit nine months, Thomas Tilling, Ltd., has approached Southend Corporation with a view to forming a joint...
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MESTERDAY (Thursday) Mr. W. G. • I Marks, Liverpool Corporation's transport manager, subniitted to the city council a report...
YV committees of similar bus undertakings and plans are being fotmailated for co-ordinated action." This significant paragraph...
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T "• proposal of the Western National Omnibus Co., Ltd., to Plymouth Corporation, that their transport undertakings within a...
by London Transport, ' in which the company holds stock, was expressed by Mr. John F. Heaton, chairman, at the 39th annual...
L.M.S. AIR POLICY DEFINED. A T -the 13th annual meeting of the L M S . Railway Co., last Friday, the chairman, Sir Josiah...
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A NUMBER of interesting trailers, constructed expressly for a variety of specific types of work, has recently been built by...
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A Resum4 of Patent Specifications That Have Recently Been Published DATE.NT No. 441,4% shows a trailer I coupling whiCh serves...