The Wheels of Industry.
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This journal, dealing as it does with the "Chariots of War," no less than with the "Wheels of Industry," continues of national importance. Its interests embrace impartially the transport wagon and the parcelcar, the military tractor and the steam lorry.
The latest Manchester taxicabfare juggle has now received the L.G.B. blessing. Manchester is entitled to some improvement.
Still More London Buses.
The total number of London buses being operated on the London streets on the 30th of last month was 2180. This shows an increase of 77 over the figure for the previous month.
A Flywheel Brake Mishap.
The Rochdale coroner has had to hold an inquest on the body of Samuel Jowett, a driver of a steam motor lorry, who was killed by the bursting of its flywheel. The flywheel, it is stated, broke without warning, and it is believed the fracture was due to the application of the flywheel brake while travelling down a steep road. It was stated in court that the victim had been warned about the application of the flywheel brake.
Tractors with Two Trailers.
During last week, several summonses were issued against the drivers of tractors for using such light locomotives by drawing two or more trucks within the city area of Exeter without traction-engine permits. A fine of 20s. was inflicted on the first summons, and the second was withdrawn by the Chef Constable, who remarked that perhaps the defendant acted in ignorance. He added that a heavy-motorcar licence was 22, while a heavylocomotive licence costs 210. We do not know upon what authority he based his statement with regard to the former licence in respect of a tractor. A motorcar used for trade or agricultural purposes solely is exempt from all duty under the Locomotives Acts. It appears that these tractors have been employed recently in connection with Government work, and have borne the inscription " 0.H.M.S.," which the drivers imagined gave them immunity in respect of the traction-engine regulations. Some of the local constables were also under this impression. A fine of 20s. was also inflicted in another such case.
Southport's Ambulance Fleet.
Southport has presented seven fully-equipped motor ambulances to the nation. The Mayor presented them last week to BrigadierGeneral Beckett for the War Office, and an appreciative message from the King was subsequently received.
A Novel Plying for Hire.
Summoned for permitting an unlicensed omnibus to ply for hire at Clacton, the manager of the Clacton and District Motor Service, Ltd., at the last Tendring Hundred Sessions, stated that thee of the company's machines had been impressed by the Government, one of the other two had broken down, and a substitute had been procured for it. He claimed that the machine in question was not plying for hire, but was simply there to take up a load for which the car was specially ordered. If any other passengers got on they did not collect the money until they got outside the district. The magistrate's clerk rightly pointed out the illegality of such action. Proposals and Purchases.
Durham R.D.C. is purchasing a Faden motor-tipping wagon for 2565.
Walthamstow U.D.C. has received delivery of its Ford motor ambulance.
Hoylake and West Kirby U.D.C. is inquiring as to the cost of a motor fire-engine.
Banbury Town Council is about -to purchase a second-hand motor fire-engine, at 2540.
Abersychan U.D.C. has been authorized by the L.G.B. to purchase. a motor fire-engine.
The question of purchasing motor bedding vans is to be considered by Waltharnstow Public Health Committee. •
The Northampton Tramways General Manager is to proceed with the provision and equipment of a motor tower wagon. The cost is estimated at 2200.
The L.C.C. Stores Committee proposes to purchase its supply of petrol (motor spirit) this year from S. Bowley and Son and Carless, Capel and Leonard.
The Chief Officer of the West Ham Fire Brigade suggests, in his annual report, the early conversion to motor haulage of the existing steamer and horsed fire-escape.
WaIthamstow District Council regards as satisfactory a report of the Surveyor as to the results obtained by the use of a Clayton steam wagon for street watering.
The Ilford Electrical Engineer has reported upon the result of his inquiries as to the provision of a mechanical wagon for the cartage of coal. The report favours an electric vehicle.
Southampton Town Council is purchasing a motor fire-engine from J. Morris and Sons, Ltd., for 21035, and a steam tractor from Mann's Patent Steam Cart and Wagon Co., Ltd., for 2065.
A 5-ton combination steam lorry, with street-watering tank and interchangeable end-tipping wagon is being purchased from Mann's Patent Steam Cart and Wagon Co.' by the Yeovil Town Council for 2595.
Leyton District Council has approved a proposal whereby the mechanics at the Electricity Works will be enabled, in their spare time, to assist the manufacture of spare parts for transport motors for war purposes with material, supplied by the Associated Equipment Co. The men will be permitted to Use the Council's tools and will receive payment from the company.
The Wallasey fire-engine was badly bunkered in the sand on the golf links, where somebody had sent for it to put out some burning grass.
The Argyllshire Motor Co., of Campbeltown has secured the contract for the conveyance of mails by motor between Dahnally and Inveraray.
Edinburgh Town Council lias quoted a night-charging rate of ld. per unit to a Princes Street firm which proposes to use electromobiles for its delivery work.
'Arrangements have been made by the Post Office authorities in Glasgow for the conveyance by motor vehicles of the greater part of the mail traffic in the city. The contract for this work has been secured by Messrs. Wylie and Lochhead.
Leeds Corporation is proposing serious limitations to the employment of heavy haulage in many of its thoroughfares. Great opposition has been aroused. The Lord Mayor has expressed his opinion that such proposals are ridiculous. The Leeds Chamber of Commerce has passed a resolution deprecating the action of the City Council.
The report of Thos. Tilling, Ltd., for the past year shows a record of gross receipts amounting to 2641,900, an increase of £61,400. This improvement, however, is offset by the heavy working-coats ratio. The net revenue shows an advance of 15400. Debenture interest takes 214,000, and £3133 is set aside as investment reserve. Nothing further is added to the reserve for obsolescence, which last year received 21500. The ordinary shares again get five per cent., free of income tax, and 217,186 goes forward.
Recent Registrations, London and Counties Haulage Co., Ltd. (21000). Office at 20a, High Street, Peckham, S.E. V. L. Motor Specialities, Ltd. (21000). Office at 16, Cook Street, Liverpool.
Central Garage (Hastings), Ltd. (21000). By C. R. Enever, groad Street House, E. C., to carry on the business of manufacturers of motor' vehicles, etc.
Stuart A. Curzon.
At the public examination, at the London Bankruptcy Court, of Stuart A. Curzon, on Wednesday of last week, it was stated that the liabilities were 210,416, of which 27660 were expected to rank. The assets were estimated to yield a surplus of 22333. In August last, he sold a motor dealer's business, which he was carrying on to General Omnibus Supply, Ltd., for 27000. In the course of the proceedings, it was ascertained that during the two years immediately preceding the sale the business had been conducted at a loss of 23000. The examination was adjourned.
County Council Disputes Right of Issue of Traction-engine Licence Tor Heavy Motorcar.
Back in December last, a Little Giant tractor, belonging to J. and B. Blower, Ltd., of Pride Hill, Shrewsbury, passed through
Stratford-on-Avon with two trailers attached to it ; in other words, this heavy motorcar was at the time being employed as a traction engine. At the original hearing, tho oolice stated that the machine had been stopped because it was a, heavy motorcar licensed in the usual way, but that it was being operated as a traction engine. At the adjourned hearing, proof of registration in Southampton as a heavy motorcar was lodged. It was' also shown that the machine had also been licensed under the Locomotives Act of 1898; this effected in the County of Shropshire, dated the 19th March, 1914, at a cost of 10 guineas. The latter licence referred to the same vehicle as the heavy motorcar, and had reference to the machine now under consideration. The engine had been used with more than one trailerin many parts of the country. The permission of the CountytCouncil in each case had been obtained without question. In the case under notice, the, Mayor stated that the machine was proceeding by virtue of a permit from the Warwickshire County Council. Counsel for the Council alleged that the defendants had committed a technical offence, and it was claimed that, although acting as a locomotive, by virtue of its being a motorcar it could travel at 12 m.p.h. Counsel held that it was not right for the machine to be licensed and registered in two inconsistent capacities. The Bench considered that there could not be a conviction. Counsel for the prosecution asked for a case to be stated, and the magistrates agreed. Ten guineas costs was allowed to the defendants, as it
was stated that expense had been incurred since the County Council had taken the matter up.
American Components.
We learn from Bramco, Ltd., that it is representing a series of thebest firms in America, and is in a position to quote for all sizes of drop ,forgings, cast-steel wheels and all chassis components of American design.
No Women Taxi-drivers in London.
In reply to a question by Sir Henry Norman, the Home Secretaryrepeated a previous statement in which he said he doubted whether the public would have sufficient confidence in women taxicab drivers, and it was stated that the Commissioner of Police found that the number of available drivers was considerably in excess of the number of licensed vehicles, so that the muchadvertised woman taxi-driver will not be seen in London, at present..
Roads Destroyed by W.D.
The Executive Council of the County Councils Association assem-. bled at Caxton House, -Westminster, on 28th ult., passed resolutions. protesting against the requirement of the Treasury that the Road Board should make it a condition of a grant towards the improvement of certain roads that they should be satisfied as to the adequate maintenance of other roads towards, which they had made no grant, and: expressing the opinion that theRoad Boaad grant for 1915-16 towards the scheme previously sanctioned by the Road Board for the use of improved materials upon themore important main roads in the county of Gloucester ought not to be largely reduced in order to relieve the Parliamentary votes for war purposes, at the cost of the. Road. Improvement Fund, from the charge of remaking roads destroyed by military traffic.