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Not a few of the leading provincial newspapers are following the example of " The Times." Some of these, however, are failing...
The summary of sources of support, a, tabular statement of whichappears at the head of the first page which, deals with our "...
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with economy and efficiency. In only two or three directions have our applications for donations met with rebuffs, due either...
Circumstances of mistaken identity have arisen, in connection with an " Inspection and Trial " ca-se which that busy department...
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20 h.p. Engine—Leather Universal Couplings—Solid-Forged Back Axle. The latest Napier production is unique in at least one...
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A Sectional Committee on Automobile Parts was appointed by the Engineering Standards Committee on 18th July, 1912. Eleven...
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The recent establishment by " The Times" of a freight exchange through which the owners of commercial motors can get in touch...
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This journal, dealing as it does with the "Chariots of War," no less than with the "Wheels of Industry," continues of national...
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Girl Help. Money Going.' Dud Drivers. By "The Extractor." A Wonderful Chance for the Fair Sex. "What we require is a little...
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Useful Criticism of Certain Aspects of the M.T. Organization--Transport Conditions During the Last Battle of Ypres. These...
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Will Private Owners Teach Drivers ? The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [1415] Sir,—We have read your remarks in your issue of...
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cash for the month of April. It will be observed that they bring the total, on Friday of last week, up to 24335 19s. led. We...
A Few Impressions, by One of the Packers, of the Growth of the Distribution Branch of the Campaign Comforts Fund, Interspersed...
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By E. W. IL1 The training of drivers by makers of steam vehicles, which you again advocate in a recent editorial, might with...
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When Was LF9875 Delivered? L2640] (Hove).—We have taken a little trouble to find out for you about registration dates in the...
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g Where to Buy your Supplies. You Can Get It At " Makers" (Lincoln).—In reply to your recent, inquiry, the Wok troughs about...
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received, and gne penny a line of ten words for anything else published, with an allowance for photographs. Send us an account...