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During July last the Air Ministry gave an order for six-wheeled chassis to John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., whilst the G.P.O. authorities placed orders for motor bodies with Duple Bodies and Motors, Ltd., and others for vans with Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., and Scammell Lorries, Ltd. The Crown Agents for the Colonies placed orders for road rollers with AvelingBarford, Ltd., and for chassis with the Ford Motor Co., Ltd.
The War Department orders included one for four-wheeled-lorry chassis to T.S. Motors, Ltd., one for six-wheeled chassis and bodies and one for bodywork for 30-cwt chassis given to Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., another for four-wheeled lorries to Rootes, Ltd., as well as one for water-tank trailers to Taskers of Andover, Ltd., another for
tractors and trailers to Reliance Trucks, Ltd., and one for power-driven trucks to the Mercury Truck and Tractor Co.
Oil-fuel Prices to London Transport.
We learn that the figures concerning the price of oil fuel, which were published in a financial paper on August 22 and criticized by Mr. W. H. Goddaid in our issue dated August 30, were unauthorized and incorrect. The Board purchases its oil-fuel supplies on a sliding scale, and the figures are never officially disclosed, but they are certainly not so low as 9d. per gallon.
Records Keeping: Driver Admonished.
An interesting point concerning the keeping of records was raised at Forfar Sheriff Court on August 29 by an Arbroath solicitor, who appeared on behalf of a lorry driver who was charged with failing to keep a proper record of his hours, journeys and loads.
The solicitor said that his client intended to fill in his record for the day when he returned from work but he was stopped by the police. He raised the ,point whether an entry should be made when one left on or when one returned from a journey, The Act said nothing about this point, but as it happened, the accused had for several years kept a record of his journeys.
Sheriff MacKinnon said he considered that this was a case for an admonition.
Vans Wanted in Algeria.
The Algerian Post and Telegraph authorities in Algiers are inviting tenders until September 23 next for the supply of 10 24--ton vans. Full particulars may be obtained from L'Office de l'Algerie, 8, Rue des Pyramides, Paris.
Triplex Trading Results.
In the year ended June 30 last, the Triplex Safety Glass Co., Ltd., made a trading profit of £126,692, compared with £130,787 for the previous year, the net profit being £111,503, against £106,170 a year earlier. A dividend of 30 per cent, is recommended for payment, and it is proposed to transfer £50,000 to the general reserve, leaving £3,335 to be carried forward, compared with £13,331• brought into the accounts.
Removal Contractors' Reconstruction.
The new company which has been formed in connection with the reconstruction of Grim shaw and Evans, Ltd., a concern of removal contractors, etc., of Leeds, has now been registered under the title Grinishaw and Evans (1935), Ltd. The transfer of the vehicle licences to the new company has been approved by the Yorkshire Licensing Authority. The directors of the new company are Mr. Charles Holdsworth and Mr. Oliver Holdsworth, of Halifax, and Mr. Robert Hanson and Mr. Donald Hanson, of Huddersfield, who are members of the syndicate which has acquired control of the Bouts-Tillotson group.
At a recent meeting of the Institution of Automobile Engineers, Mr. V. W. Filkington, manager of the engineering department of Leyland Motors, Ltd., was elected chairman of the north-western section of the Institution.
Mr. J. S. McCarthy, the Australian manager of Leyland Motors, Ltd., who, since his recent visit to the company s headquarters, has been touring on the Continent, is returning to Australia early this month, owing to pressure of business.
On Monday last, Aberdeen Town Council unanimously adopted the recommendation of the cleansing committee that Mr. William Alexander, cleansing superintendent, Ayr, should be appointed cleansing superintendent at Aberdeen, in succession to Mr. Findlay, who has resigned.
After being traffic supervisor for the United Automobile Services, Ltd., at Carlisle, for four years, Mr. S. B. Stevenson has been promoted to the Middlesbrough area in a similar capa
city. He was formerly in the company's service in the Newcastle area. His successor at Carlisle is Mr. J.
Strickland, of West Hartlepool.
The Minister of Transport haS appointed Mr. R. T. G. Tangye, 0.B.E., I3.A., LL.B., who is at present deputy to the Metropolitan Traffic Commissioner, also to act as deputy, to the Chairman of Traffic Commissioners for the South-Eastern Area (Sir Henry Piggott, C.B., 0.B.E.,) to assist in dealing with applications from goods carriers for licences.
New Brockhouse Concern in Ireland.
J. Brockhouse and Co. (Ireland) was registered on August 28 in Dublin as a public company, with a nominal capital of £100,000 in .£1 shares, to carry on business as ironworkers and manufacturers of and dealers in springs; tools, etc. The directors are Messrs. J. T. 13rockhouse, E. B. Burton, J. O'Neill, S. Moore and C. McConnell.
J. Brockhouse and Co., Ltd., of West Bromwich, which is well known in the commercial-vehicle industry as a maker of trailers and other products, is, it will be noted, represented on the board of the new company.
A Guide to Danger Points on Roads.
For the guidance of operators and drivers, Mr. G. H. Brock, secretary of the North-Eastern Division of the Commercial Motor Users' Association, is compiling, with the assistance of the police authorities in various districts, lists of bad corners and other danger points on roads in the division. The first list, relating to the Hull district, has been published, and other lists will follow. The information should prove of service not only to operators and drivers in the north-eastern area, but, perhaps, more sb to those running vehicles into the district from other parts of the country.