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L A TELY, in the road-transport industry, particularly on the passenger-carrying side, there have been far too many strikes,...
\V E are amongst those who believe that to be prepared, and yet not to display undue aggressiveness, is far more likely to...
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A CURIOUS accusation which has been lodged clagainst road-transport operators in Victoria, New South Wales, is that sheep...
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Of learners playing L on the roads. " That's Champion," from a gay spark. Hazy memories of the top line in last week's Foden...
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'The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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During July last the Air Ministry gave an order for six-wheeled chassis to John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., whilst the G.P.O....
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During the Glasgow Fair Holidays, when all business is at a standstill, two employees of a Glasgow contractor, including the...
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A commercial motor parade, arranged by the Commercial Motor Users' Association and the East Lancashire Road Transport...
I N connection with extensions to the Queen's Road garage of Manchester Corporation, the Hammond Pump and Equipment Co., Ltd.,...
T HE text of the agreement on wages and conditions in the Yorkshire Traffic Area, sighed by members of the employers' and...
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A serious shortage of petroleum and its derivatives in the United States, within the next five to eight years, is predicted in...
Stoke-on-Trust Corporation is buying a Leyland 400 g.p.m. fire-engine. Coventry Transport Committee is purchasing Iwo Leyland...
OW operating costs on bus routes in .1.4 America for both long and shortdistance work were forecast a few days ago after the...
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Tyre Maintenance A Rational System of Dealing with the Servicing of the Tyres of the Large Fleet of Vehicles Used by the Great...
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Lively Performance, Ease of Control and Maximum Body Space are Features of the New Morris 8-1 0cwt. Van. The Latest Model...
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Compulsory Insurance— a Transport Manager's Criticisms. Income Tax Rebate for Wear and Tear. Wage Rates in the West An Unusual...
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NEW ROCHESTER-PORTSMOUTH SERVICE. O N August 30, Short Brothers, Ltd., of Rochester, which has, for two seasons, operated...
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VEVIENT-a 30 m.p.h. 5-tonner Full and Exclusive - Details of Two Entirely New Commer Chassis Expressly Built to Carry, with...
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over long distances How 27 Lorries Employed by a Group of London Companies Cover the Country, Carrying Signs, Fronts and...
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The Bulldog Industrial Machine is Sturdily Built and is of Bigger Capacity . Than Previous Models WELL-KNOWN as the maker of a...
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Designing Goods Vehicles with art Eye to Attractive Appearance and Utility Arrangements of Shelves and Doorways T HE...
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T HE hearing was continued at the Mansion House on Monday last of the summons against the London Transport Board in connection...
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IT is announced by London Coastal "Coaches, Ltd., that a general reduction in fares to many coastal resorts and provincial...
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I N the year ended May 15, 1935, the 64 buses of Dundee Corporation— mainly of Leyland make—were operated at a gross profit of...
A New All-metal 30-cwt. Tipper, a 150-gallon Tanker and a Variety of Light Models for General and Specific Purposes A LL...
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Built Primarily for Transporting Heavy Machinery, this Taskers Conversion Meets a Variety of Needs I N 1929, Henry Osman and...
The Duffield Process of Making Alcohol Fuel May Have Vast Commercial Possibilities S O much attention has been paid during the...
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How Important Omissions in a Haulier's Cost Account Turned an Apparent Profit Into a Loss J AM continuing the account of a...
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Latest Bendix Brake IN patent No. 432,194 Bendix Avia tion Corporation, of Chicago, U.S.A., shows a brake assembly possessing...