News of the Week
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LUNCHEON-CONFERENCE THE tickets for the luncheon-confer1 ence of the proposed Institute of Road Transport Engineers, which is to be held on Friday, April 28, at the Connaught Rooms, London, W.C,2, are now ready, and are being posted to those who have remitted the cost, which is 10s. per ticket. We shall be glad if all those who have already applied for tickets, or intend to do so, will forward this amount, and thus avoid a considerable amount of correspondence. By special arrangement with the caterers, the total accommodation has now been increased to 200, so that a few more applications can be entertained.
A' is pointed out by the Directorate of Salvage and Recovery, M.O.S., under-inflation and over-inflation of tyres are amongst the most serious menaces to economy. Therefore, some operators have adopted the device of painting , or stencilling the correct inflation pressure of a particular tyre on its appropriate mudguard. This is believed to be a good idea which might well be more widely followed, and it is, therefore, suggested that the inscription might take the form of a rectangle containing, for example, the following :— actual tual pressure in relation to the normal load earsied by the vehicle should be obtained from an authorized tyre depot or from the printed charts issued.
A SKILFUL negotiator, with 22 .1-1 years' experience of road and rail transport, and coastwise shipping, also a wide knowledge of up-to-date packing methods, who has operated contract and owned vehicles, with full control of staff and correspondence, requires a suitable position. He is, incidentally, a member of the Institute of Transport, and conversant with general industrial administration. Letters should be addressed "Transport Manager," care of the Editor.
I-IN March 28 the Minister of Produc tion opened the reorganized Works Relations Centre at Ivybridge, House, Adelphi, London, W.C.2. The object of the Centre is to show factory managers the best classes of material available for use as factory publicity. It is controlled by the Industrial Publicity Committee, representative of the Ministries of Production, Supply, Aircraf t.Production, Fuel and Power, and Information, also the Admiralty and the. Board of Trade. The London Centre is designed to serve four regions —London, South-Eastern, Eastern and Southern. The exhibition will remain open between' 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., from Monday to Friday each week, and visits are welcomed from factory executives, publicity men and others concerned with industrial propaganda. There are actiop photographs, posters, demonstrations, production charts, films, etc., each section indicating the facilities available. One of the most interesting exhibits is that of works newspapers, one being full size, made from scrap materials, and kept up to date as in a factory.
C°PIES of "..The Commercial is., Motor" dated May 19, 1943, January 21, 1944, and March 10, 1944, are required by Messrs. Burgess Industries (England), The Unit Works,. Cumberland Road, Bristol, i. ,Readers who wish to give or sell their copies should write direct to them.
TN an address to a North Lancashire 1 Co-operative conference at Blackburn, Mr. F. Jepson, of Blackpool, said that the travelling shop would probably be a post-war development in the north and he advocated house-to-house deliveries as a means for building up trade. He suggested that, in the postwar house, there should be special facilities for a tradesman to leave parcels in a container of some sort, even in the absence of the occupier. This would save considerable time and disappointment for all concerned.
"WE MUST REVERT TO PRIVATE ENTERPRISE" SQ PEAKING at the annual general meeting of Barr and Wallace Arnold Trust, Ltd., Mr. Robert Barr, A.M.Inst.B.E., in reviewing operations for the past year, said that he had yet
to be convinced that there is any real
alternative for private enterprise in the road-haulage industry. He added " Transport must be mobile and elastic and be capable of meeting any sudden change in traffics, as, for example, a change from war to peace requirements " Apropos the form of partial control which theroad-haulage industry had experienced during the past year, Mr. Barr said that whether it has been a complete success or not remains to be seen, but he would not like it to be continued a day longer than is necessary as a war emergency. On this theme, he made a further remark to the effect that " We must revert to private enterprise, and the need of indastry•is that it should be served by road-haulage units of a size dictated by the demands for economic administration and reasonable tariff rates." He also referred to the activities of Wallace Arnold Coaches and other subsidiaries, during the course of which he said that he foresaw an even greater demand for road excursions and tours.
%FE have been asked by Mr. P. S. Ifir Woodhouse, South-Eastern Area secretary, A.R.O., 95, High Street, Chatham, Kent, to point out that he has been requested to convene a conference of co-operative haulage pools of a type similar to that recently formed by the North and East Kent Transport and Trading Co., Ltd. His difficulty is to obtain a record of such companies as are at present in. operation, and, as actin,' secretary of the Conference, he would be glad to hear from all those co-operative pools which wish to receive invitations.
OUR article dealing with the " Golden Arrow " Royal Signals radio communications outfit, published in our issue dated March 24, included an illustration of and references to, the excellent equipment employed for conditioning the air supply. We should have stated that this was manufactured and fitted by Frigidaire, Ltd., 401, Edgware Road, The Hyde, Hendon, London, N.W.9, which company has established a 'world-wide reputation for the quality and variety of its products in the spheres of refrigeration and airconditioning.
THETHE well-known concern of hauliers, and warehousemen, Beck and Pollitzer, Ltd., which was established in 1863, announces the opening of an office at 28, John Dalton Street, Manchester, to handle and extend its growing business in the north. Mr. Hamer, who is well known in Manchester transport and shipping circles, has been appointed manager. The activities of. the company in Manchester will cover the whole transportation sphere, and special facilities will be available for motor haulage, insurance, shipping and forwarding.
D ECENTLY Messrs. P. A. Carter 14 and Sons, of Greenwich, brought a case against one of their drivers, the charges being of obtaining money by false pretences, i.e., 16s. subsistence allowance, and misusing one gallon of oil fuel. The vehicle in question was hired to the M.O.W.T. Road Haulage Organization, and both the unit controller and Mr. Carter happened to see the vehicle off its route. The driver pleaded guilty to both charges, but pleaded that he had nut direct to his home to visit his sick wife, and that the times shown on his record sheet were equivalent to that actually spent on the journey; so, in fact, he had been paid only what would have been due had he not run through the Saturday evening. He suggested also that the amount of fuel misused was only half a gallon. The magistrate held that both charges were proved, and the driver was fined £2 .on the first and 43 on the second.
WITH reference to the article, "Should There be an 'Opposition '?" in our issue dated March 24, . we have been asked to remove any impression that might have been gained by our readers that there is any alliance between the Committees of Action and Hauliers' Mutual Federation.
REPLYING to Sir H. G. Williams, in the House of Commons, last week, Mr. Noel-Baker, Parliamentary Secretary, M.O.W.T., said that the Appointing Trustees of the' L.P.T.B. for the time being are :—Mr. Somerville Hastings, M.S., F.R.C.S.—chairman of the London County Council ; Sir' Harry Vanderpant—London and Home Counties Traffic Advisory Committee ; Mr. Colin F. Campbell, J.P.—chairman of the Committee of the London Clearing Bankers; Mr. Ernest Bird—president of the Law Society ; Mr. C. J. G. Palmour,. F.C.A.—president of the Institute of Chartered Accountants; and Lord Ashfield, chairman of the Board.
PUBLICITY in connection with area progress in the setting up of the new National Road Transport Federation is being encouraged by the Road Transport Organization Joint Conference which, under the chairmanship of Lord Perry, formulated the Federation scheme. A suggestion which the Joint Conference has circulated to the areas is to the effect that information should be given so soon as possible to the technical Press and the local Press, as to the appointment of a,rea officials and the personnel of area committees for the three constituent national associations—the Road Haulage Association, the Traders' Road TranSport Associatien, and the Public Service Vehicle Operators' Association—along with the ' names of participating organizations within the area, and any other informa,tion likely to be of interest.
SPEAKING at the British Army Equipment Exhibition at Birming, ham, last Saturday, Sir Mlles Thomas, vice-chairman of the Nuffield Organization, said that as an employer of many thousands of Midland workpeople, men and women, he could assure his listeners that come blizzard or blitz, the Midland worker will respond to the call and deliver -the job on time. It is
• up to employers to give a square deal return—regular working hours, clean, safe and efficient factory conditions, proper canteen facilities and every encouragement for thrift and education.
Until now we had been building an enormous store of Munitions, but we are fully aware that the day may come when grievous losses, have to be made good. Then will be the time for versatility of production, inspired powers of improvisation and fervent application to output.
RATES INEQUALITIES UNDERGOVERNMENT SCHEME WHEN Mr, P. J. Noel-Baker, ParliaW mentary Secretary, M.O.W.T., refused, in the House of Commons, last week, to accept the -suggestion of Sir Oliver Simmonds that the remuneration for vehicles hired by the Road Haulage Organization compared unfavourably with the average remuneration of controlled undertakings, Sir Oliver asserted that there was grave dissatisfaction about " these inequalities " and asked him to receive a deputation of those hired operators.
Mr. Noel-Baker said he would be happy to receive a deputation but, he added, there was, in fact, established machinery initiated by Lord Leathers, for dealing with such questions. There was a recent meeting about the rates paid for hired vehicles, and full agreement was reached.
WE are advised that the motor hire-. purchase business, previously conducted by Southern. Insurance Co., Ltd., Chester and Cole, Ltd., Karflex, Ltd., and Autovend (1930), Ltd., has been amalgamated and in future will be conducted under the name of Southern Industrial Trust, Ltd., with an emergency address at 18, Moreton End Lane, Harpenden, Herts.
The business will be carried on by the sauce manage,me.nt and staff as heretofore.
TIMGovernment was interfering their business in a way which was not to their approval, declared Sir John McDonald, president of the Scottish Commercial Motor Users' Association, at the Association's annual meeting in Glasgow, last week. During war-time control must be accepted, Sir John added, but everyone should be resolved to get away from it so soon as was practicable. 'It was necessary that private enterprise should be developed at the earliest possible moment after the cessiltion of hostilities and an end put to Government " dictation." He wished to 'say, however, that the Association had backed up the -Government as loyally as it could.
Sir John said that he anticipated this would be the last annual meeting• to be held by the Association, as ,it was to be amalgamated at an early date as the Scottish Area Committeein the Road Transport Organization Joint Conference. 'He hoped that the menibers appointed from Scotland to the Council of the Conference, the meetings of which are to be held in London, would see that the interests of Scotland were well preserved and kept to the forefront. .
The Association's revenue for 1943 amounted to £6,009, and the expenditure totalled £4,686.
Sir John. McDonald was re-elected president, with Sir William Thomson as honorary vice-president. Vicepresidents -appointed were Messrs. Isaac Barrie, G. S. Vickary, Robert Beveridge, and George A. Adamson.
SERVICEMEN, particularly those abroad, who are unable to obtain copies of this journal may receive regular supplies through the generosity of certain of our readers who are willing to send copies free of charge. Those who wish to take advantage of this scheme should write to the Editor.
Sympathy will be felt for Mr. Robert Barr, of Leeds, chairman of Barr and Wallace Arnold Trust, Ltd., in the great loss which he and his wife have sustained by the death of their eldest son, SUB-LIEUT. ROBERT GODFREY BARR, Fleet Air Arm, on active service. He was 20 years old.
The death is announced of MR. JAMES C. HARPER, director of William Harper and Sons, Ltd., haulage contractor, Liverpool, at the age of 91 years. He was the sole surviving signatory of the memorandum of the articles of association upon the conversion of the Liverpool Cartowners' Association into .a limited company in 1891, in which year he was president. The association is now the Liverpool Cart and Motor Owners' Association.
IMPROVEMENTS TO THE JONES ENGINE TESTER WRITING to us concerning the W engine load test unit, which we described in our issue dated March 10 under the title " Easy-tb-huild Engine Tester," Arthur E. Gould, Ltd.,' 1214, Chenies Street, London, W.C.1, points out that whilst it is not seeking publicity, it feels that as a pioneer in the construction of, and experiments with, the first tester of this type, itse experience may be of value to anyone: interested in produCing it. As a matter of fact, the appliance was built up and fitted tb the company's existing test bench, after the idea had been introduced by Mr. W. P. Johes, of the Ministry of Supply.
As a result of the test made with the original machine, certain modifications which tend to give the tester more stability when picking up the load, have been introduced. These were not mentioned in our article, but sonic readers may like to .follow them up. VEHICLE ANALYSIS OF FATAL 'ROAD ACCIDENTS
A RRANGEMENTS are being inade
by the M.O.W.T., at the suggestion of Mr. Graham White, to include in the monthly return of road fatalities, an analysis indicating the number of each class of vehicle involved in fatal accidents.
WE are advised that Wellworthy Piston Rings, Ltd., has opened a new service depot at 9, Drumsheugh Place, Edinburgh.