7th April 1944, Page 20
7th April 1944
Page 20

Page 20, 7th April 1944
News Of The Week
TRANSPORT ENGINEERS' LUNCHEON-CON FERENCE T HE tickets for the luncheon-confer1 ence of the proposed Institute of Road Transport En g ineers, which is to be held on Friday,......
Bus Driver Loses Travel-priority Test Case
A BL'S driver in the employ of Halilax Corporation, who claimed priority right to travel as a passenger an a special late night bus service when ,going home froth work, was......
F-cwt. Of Ball And Roller Bearings In A Heavy Vehicle
T HE number of ball and • roller bearings fitted in -a heavy motor lorry might be as high as 50 and weigh about cwt. This statement was made by Mr. J. E. Potts * B.Sc.......