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Charter for the Institute of Transport.
It was very good news to the members of the Institute of Transport to learn that by warrant of the King's Sign Manual a Charter of Incorporation had been granted to the Institute, with the provision that H.M. The King becomes the first patron after the granting of the charter, a further clause ordaining that the hon. president shall be H.R.H. the Prince of Wales.
The Institute is quite a young body, having been officially inaugurated in March, 1920, and within such a short period of its foundation it has stepped into the front rank of the scientific and technical institutions, and its status has now been considerably enhanced by the granting of the Royal Charter, upon which the president, the council and officials are to be heartily congratulated.
The Dennis General Meeting.
The chairman, Mr. N. P. Andrew, and the directors of Dennis Bros., Ltd., met the shareholders of the company in London on Tuesday of last week. They were able to announce the handsome trading profit of £291,704, which, has enabled them to pay a dividend of 25 per cent. for the year and to write off the whole of the item of goodwill, which had stood in the books at £102,000 odd. An unusual proposal was made by the directors, viz., that 10s, per share, or half of the original value when the shares were issued in 1913, should be returned to the shareholders, the directors feeling that they had more liquid assets in the business than they could usefully employ, whilst with them they did not wish to embark upon other ventures which were more speculative. The proposals of 'the directors were adopted with many notes of congratulations from the shareholders, in which we ourselves desire to join.
Chief Constables and Bus Doors. The Chief Constables' Association in timates that the following resolution of the executive committee of the associa tion has been forwarded to the Ministry of Transport for consideration when the regulations governing stage car riages on a national basis are drafted: "That this committee is of opinion that the general type and construction of stage carriages used in the provinces differ very considerably from those which are so familiar in London, and having regard to the fact that stage carriages in the provinces to a large extent travel long distances where no help in ease of fire can be obtained, such carriages should have a door at the front of the vehicle at the near side, and another at the extreme rear."
Official Orders for October,
A number of orders for motor vehicles was given out by Government Departments during October last, amongst which were the following:— By the Air Ministry, one to W. S. Reynolds,_ for Ford vehicles and chassis.
By the Admiralty, one to Guy Motors, Ltd., for 30-cwt. W.D. subsidy-type lorries, and another to X., I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., for tractors. By the War Office, one to Crossley Motors, Ltd., for six-wheeled chassis, another to Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., for six-wheeled vehicles and a third to the Four Wheel Drive Lorry Co., Ltd., for trucks. By the Crown Agents for the Colonies, one to Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., for lorries ; one to the Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., for chassis; one to Barford and Perkins, Ltd., for motor road rollers, and one to J. I. Thorn ycroft and Co., Ltd., for lorries.
R.A.S.E. Annual Meeting.
The annual general meeting of governors and members of the Royal Agricultural Society of England will take place In the club room at the Royal Agricultural Hall, Islington, London, N., tnmorrow (Wednesday).
Talks with Drivers.
The secretary of the %Vest Midlands Division of the Commercial Motor 'Users Association informs us that the first of this season's series of talks with drivers, matesand others, which were very popular last winter, will be held on Tuesday December 14th, at 7.15 p.m., at the Woodman Hotel, Easy Row, Birmingham. This " talk " will be opened by Mr. E. F. Hughes, of the Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd.
Municipal Purchase of a Private Bus Undertaking.
Despite the holding of some public meetings at which dissent of the proposals was expressed, the Risen and Aberearn 'Urban District Councils have now decided to proceed with the presentation of the Parliamentary Bill to acquire two garages and 29 buses from Lewis and James (Ltd.), Newbridge (the 'Western Valleys Bus Services, Ltd.). at a cost of approximately £45,000, and the text of the Bill is now available.
It should be stated that the Risco. Urban District Council possesses powers to run buses, but leases them under an arrangement of annual payment to the company concerned in the proposed deal. The Bill is necessitated by the Aberearn -Urban District Council being without the necessary powers, and by the fact that the councils wish to mains thin joint services in which they share peofits or losses. Front-wheel Brakes on Public Vehicles.
It is now generally known that the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolls has approved a trial of front-wheel brakes on a limited number of omnibuses, and an official statement recently issued makes it clear that the authorities are prepared to consider the application of any four-wheel braking system to licensed motorcabs and chars-a-banes. Applications can only he received from the proprietors of the vehicles to which the brakes are proposed to be fitted.
In the case of cabs the driver has to take the route required by his passenger, which may include hills that a private driver would avoid by an alternative route, and stage carriages have to run to a time-table, and, in addition to the traffic stops common to all vehicles, have to make a large number of stops for the purpose of picking up and setting down passengers.
The conditions required of any form 'of four-wheel braking are as follow:— Efficiency of braking coupled with an easy retardation, satisfactory compensation with regard to both front and rear wheels, and particularly that there should be no danger of skidding.
Thornycroft Profits.
Sir John E. Thornycroft had a pleasant duty to undertake at the meeting of the shareholders af John I. Thornycroft and Co.. Ltd., on Tuesday of last week, when be was able to report that, after the deduction of all charges and depreciation, the profit for the year ending July 31st last was £57,29(7, approximately £20,000 better than in the previous year.
As we have already announced, the directors propose to pay a final dividend of 3 per cent. on the cumulative preference shares (making fi per cent. for the year), 7i per cent. on the preferred ordinary shares, and it per cent. on the ordinary shares (the first time a dividend on these shares has been paid since, we believe, 1920). The benevolent fund will receive £2,000.
Sir John said that the commercialvehicle side of the business sales had in
creased. The 30-cwt. vehicle, originally designed to meet the requirements of the War Office subsidy scheme, bad proved most successful.
Singapore to London by Trojan.
On Wednesday of last week three intrepid travellers, who had just arrived in London after journeying from Singapore in a solid-tyred Trojan car, were the guests at a luncheon in London given in their honour by the directors of Leyland Motors, Ltd., the makers of the Trojan vehicle. The journey took nearly 15 months to complete, and many and varied were the experiences of the small party during its 12,000-mile expedition. This trip is said to constitute the longest motor journey ever undertaken, and it has afforded proof of the reliability and efficiency of the Trojan car (the chassis of which is identical with that used in the Trojan van) under extremely difficult conditions.
The New Border Bridge.
The final stage in the construction of the new ferro-concrete bridge across the River Tweed at Berwick has now been reached, the fourth and longest arch being well in hand. The work was ,•ommenced in January, 1925, and is to be completed within 24 years. It will incorporate the biggest.hridge span and carry the longest road bridge in Great Britain. The total -cost of the work will be about £160,000.
The total length of the bridge is 1,405 ft., and the width of 46 ft. is made up of a roadway 30 ft. wide and two Pavements -each 8 ft. wide. According to the Ministry of Transport's loading regulations, the largest span of the hridge-611 ft.—is designed to carry
safely a moving load of 1,350 tons. .
Buses versus Trams at Stoke.
At a meeting of a special committee of the Stoke-on-Trent Corporation Mr. E. D. Sharpley, the town clerk, reported that in accordance with the
instructions of the committee he had inquired from the tramway eompany whether it was prepared at once to abandon the tramcars, and, if so, what terms it suggested should be operative in regard thereto. He submitted a letter from the company in reply stating that 'heel-meg for 73 additional omnibuses would be required. The committee considered this matter -at length and it was eventually resolved to inform the company that its proposals were regarded as being unreasonable, and that the 'negotiations in this matter be not proceeded with.
Hiring Buses for Experimental Services.
Darlington Corporation, which has powers to run both • trolley-buses and motorbuses in the borough, is to carry Out an interesting experiment before going to the heavy expense of purchasing either a fleet of buses or extending its existing trolley-bus routes. In order to ascertain the suitability of "motorbuses under local traffic conditions the authority is now negotiating with a prominent passenger-carrying undertaking in the district for the hire of a number of buses with which to open up two new services for a period of six months. The arrangement is that the company will provide and run the vehicles for a fixed charge per mile, 'and that the municipality will provide the conductors and be responsible for the firouwial side.
Shefflex Orders.
The Shofflex Motor Co., Tinsley, Sheffield, advises us that it has recently received orders for its 30-40-cwt. and 40-50-ewt. chassis from users in different parts of the country. Those who. are pureh.asing the heavier Shefflex model include J. G. and B. Thompson, Ltd., flour millers, of Lfull
G. Tether and Sons, Ltd., fish curers, Hull; Great Grimsby Coal, Salt and Tanning Co. (repeat order) ; and Messrs. P. J. Yates, iron and steel. merchants, Rotherham.
A 30-40-ewt. Shefflex lorry, with a tipping body, is being constructed to the order of Messrs. Richard Wrar..g, slate and builders' merchants.
The M. of T. add a Leeds Appeal.
At a meeting of the Leeds Watch Committee a letter was submitted from the Ministry of Transport with reference to the appeal of Messrs. 0. and C. noldsworth under Section 14 (3) of the Roads Act, 1920, against the refusal of the committee to grant licences to ply for him in the city with seven omnibuses in connection with a service between Halifax and Leeds. It was stated that, after due investigation of the facts, and after consideration of the representations made at the inquiry hold on October 8th (reported in our issue dated October 19th), the Minister had decided not to make any order in the matter. Personal Pars.
We are informed that Mr. Chris. Ifornhy has been appointed Scottish manager for Henley's Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., and he will be stationed at 59, Waterloo Street, Glasgow. Mr. Hornby SORS formerly with Chas. Macintosh and Co., Ltd.
Lt.-Col. A. F. Watt, D.S.O., who is a director of the Pyrene Co., Ltd., set out on November 27th on a protracted world tour, during which he will pay visits to Colombo, Melbourne, Auckland, Wellington, Sydney, Hong Kong, Kobe, Yokohama, San Francisco, Vancouver, Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto. It is expected that he will be back in London towards the end of June next.
Meanwhile, the Pyretic Co., Ltd., is installing additional plant in it London works to cope with the increasing demand for its products.
During a recent visit to the works of Messrs. Strachan and Brown we were pleased to see Mr. 3. M. Strachan, who is now resuming his business 'activities after a protracted illness of a serious nature. Mr. Strachan has been away from business for nearly eight months —he has undergone two serious operationsand has been critically ill. However, thanks to a sound constitution and indomitable will-power Mr. Strachan had made a splendid recovery.. In fact, he now declares that he has never felt better in his life and with characteristic enthusiasm tells us that he hopes shortly to resume his normal business routine.
A Licence Application Held Up.
Chorley watch committee has adjourned consideration Of the application of Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., for hackney carriage licences pending the result of the appeal against the refusal of the Harwich Urban District Council to grant licences to the company.
An Owner's Appeal Upheld.
The Ministry of Transport, "in announcing its finding with reference to a recent inquiry at Newcastle, upholds an appeal made by Mr. Thos. Foster Dale. a private bus owner, against the refusal of the Newcastle Watch Committee to grant him licences to ply for hire in the city from Stamfordham.
Readers will recall, as reported ie The Commercial Motor of November 9th, that when the inquiry was conducted . by Mr. F. G. Langley the corporation urgel that its refusal was on account of congestion on the stretch of road between Newcastle and Heddon, and that it expressed willingness to grant the licences if the proprietor would operate over an alternative route between the two places. For the applicant Mr. Frank J. Lambert sub
milted that the Newcastle authority had no jurisdiction over roads outside its own area, and that it could not dictate routes beyond the City boundaries. The decision of the Ministry is that Mr. Dale should be granted licences to permit him to run the service between Newcastle and Stainfordhain.
Seeking Bus Licences.
At a recent meeting of the Dover Watch Committee a letter was _read from Mr. A. M. Kemp-Gee, renewing on behalf of the Cambrian Coaching Co. an application for ten omnibus licences. It was mentioned that the application had been purposely delayed until after the summer season so that the council might be assured it was not the intention of the company to run the proposed service during the summer mouths only. Attention was drawn to the fact that the fleet of omnibuses operated by Mr.B. V. Wills, of Folkestone, had been purchased by the East Kent Road Car Co., Ltd., and it was suggested that competition benefits the travelling public by reducing fares. Furthermore, it was pointed out that owing to the modern equipment of the Cambrian
B2'2 omnibuses, they can be turned in a smaller space than many of the vehicles now running on the Dover-Folkestone service, and that if granted the necessary licences to run into Dover the company would, of necessity; become a local ratepayer. The town clerk gave particulars as to the number of motor omnibus licences at present existing in the borough, and the committee granted the licences sought by the company.
Hi-Lift Tipping Gear.
In our issue dated November 23rd we illustrated an interesting Carrimore municipal trailer equipped with a highangle tipping body, but in our description we omitted to mention that the HiLift gear, which raises and lowers the body by hydraulic means, is the product of the Hydraulic Hoist Co., Ltd., 182, Lord Street, Southport. In inanufacturiug this particular gear the 'company has adopted the principles of the Wood underbody type, under which patents it can put this to various uses.
West Lothian Roads Not to be Closed.
• It will be remembered that early in October an inquiry was held into the application of the West Lothian municipal authorities for the closing of certain roads to heavy traffic. The inquiry was conducted by a commissioner nominated by the Ministry of Transport, and evidence was given by certain associations concerned with the interests of road users. It is interesting to learn that the Minister has now intimated that, in his opinion, he does not feel justified in closing the roads to the ' class of traffic referred to, and an order, therefore, will not be made.
• Pneumatics and Mileage.
The .bus superintendent of the 141er. thyr. Corporation reports that over twice the mileage has been secured from the pneumatic tyres on the rear wheels of buses as compared with that obtained from the original solids. Light Vans for Tradesmen.
Two models which are marketed by Peugeot (England), Ltd., 78-80, Brompton Road, London, S.W.3, for the benefit of transport users who are concerned with light loads are referred to in a booklet which has Swat been issued by the company, and which can be obtained on applieation to it at the above address. One of these vehicles is built for maximum loads ot 5 cwt., and is available with different types of body, whilst the other is built for carrying 12-cwt. loads.
A Piston Price-list.
Specialloid, Ltd., Friern Park, London, N.12, has sent us a copy of its commercial price-list for 1927. This gives a concise tabulation of the type and size of Specialloid piston suitable for use on various makes of commercial vehicle. The booklet also contains a brief summary of the features of the Specialloid piston and gives the names of a number of prominent passengervehicle companies using vehicles in which the company's pistons have given satisfactory service.
The Reason Consent is Withheld.
Application has been made to the Stretford Urban District Council by the North Western Road Car Co., Ltd., for the necessary consents to enable the company to operate the following motorbus services through the district of Stretford :—(1) Stockport to Eccles. (2) Northwich to Piccadilly, Manchester. (3) Knutsford to Piccadilly, Manchester.
The watch committee, however, reports that it is unable to consent to grant licences for the routes mentioned so long as the Manchester Corporation continues to operate, on behalf of thv! local authorities, the tramway services in the respective districts and is pri pared to supplement such services as may be necessary in the interests of the travelling public.
Inst.A.E. Papers.
At a general meeting of the Institution of Automobile Engineers, to he held to-day (Tuesday) at the Royal Society of Arts, John Street, London, W.C.2, a paper, entitled "The Use of the Optical Indicator as a Means of Examin ing Combustion in Internal-combustion Engiiies," will be read by Professor W. Morgan. '
Another interesting paper, which will be read before several of the provincial centres of the Institution, is by Mr. F. Randle, and-deals with the question of radiator design, particularly from the point of view of the zepairer. This paper will be read in Manchester at the Engineers' Club, Albert Square, on December 15th; in Glasgow, at the Royal Technical College, on Dec:nher 20th; and in Wolverhampton, on December 21st, at the Engineering Club, Queen Street.
A London-Southampton Service.
At a meeting of the Guildford Watch Committee the town clerk read a letter from Mr. P. Lidstone, Of 95, Hamilton Road, Golders Green, 'stating that it was proposed to institute a saloon motor service between London and Southampton, via Guildford, and applying foe sanction to pick up andset down pas. sengers in the Borough of Guildford. The application was granted, subject to passengers being set down at the lower end of High Street on the outward journey to Southampton and at the other end of High Street on the return journey.
A Devon Roads Inquiry. •
The Devon County Council recently applied to the Minister of Transport for an order prohibiting or. restricting the driving of heavy motor vehicles, and locomotives on certain highways in spetified districts in the county, these including Crediton, Paignton and–Salcomhe urban districts and the Barnstaple rural district. The inquiry was conducted at Exeter recently, when a considerable volume of evidence was given by representatives of the various councils concerned and by other interested bodies, and the view of the Minister of Transport will be made known at Ft later date.
Hull Motorbus Appeals.
At a meeting of the Hull Watch Committee the town Clerk referred to the appeals of B.C. Motor Works, Ltd., to the Minister of Transport, under Section 14 (3) of the Roads Act, 1920, ingainst the refusal of the corporation to allow the company to run tinnibuses from Paragon Square via King Edward
Street, Prospect Street, Sprint: Bank, Spring Bank West, along the new Willerby Road to Willerby and Kirkella. He also referred to the refusal of the corporation to grant licences owing to the company declining to make application with a condition attached binding it to charge a minimum fare of id.
over and above the fare on tram routes. The appeals were heard by Mr. Besiy, an inspector from the Ministry of Transport, on Octobei 5th, and it is now reported that the Minister had decided to make no order on either appeal. The committee decided to ask B.C. Motor Works, Ltd., to make application forthwith for its omnibuses to be licensed.
Scotland Yard's Choice.
S. Smith and Sons (M.A.), Ltd., Cricklewood Works, London, N.W.2, informs us that it has recently received an order from Scotland Yard to equip their entire fleet of 60 motor vehicles with windscreen wipers. Although only a detail fitting, such an accessory is of particular value on vehicles used fur speedy official service, in that it alWaya provides the driver with a clear view of time road ahead.
Blackpool's Popular Buses.
In a statement dealing with the bus ,activities of the Blackpool Corporation the general manager, Mr. C. Furness, states that the corporation has 38 vehicles at present in service, and that in the seven months from April 1st to November 11th last the fleet covered a mileage of 436,245 and carried 3,772,798 passengers.
Some idea of the growth of Blackpool's bus system can be gathered from the fact that in the first complete year of wanking—i.e., to March 31st, 1923 :--the buses then in use only covered 54,141, miles and carried 262,2775passengers, whereas in the. last complete year for which figures are available—i.e., to March 31st, 1926, 332,958 miles were covered by the vehicles, which carried 3,085,651 passeugers.
The general manager now recommends that six new buses should be purchased, three of which should be S.D. Freighters, similar to those which proved sneh a success during the past summer. These will be charged against the £30,000 loan, of which £11,000 remains unexpended.
G.W.R. Purchases.
We learn that the Great , Western Railway Co. is replacing forty of its old-type inotoreuses with modern vehicles. Orders have also. lately been given outnine more Poulson. tractors an an equal number of Eagle trailers, an International tractor for heavy-duty work and six Thorn ycroft vans.
Ensuring Riding Comfort,
David Moseley and Sons, Ltd., Chapel Field Works, Ardwick; Manchester, has just Published a folder to emphasize the degree of safety and Comfort which can be secured by the combined use of the company's ribbed motortyre and its Moat on Air pneumatic upholstery. The tread of this Moseley tyre has deeply moulded ribs, which give a firm grip against side skids, and crossbars which prevent wheelspin. A low air pressure is used in the company's Float-onAir cushions, and from personal test we can certainly endorse the makers' claim of comfortable riding Properties. Local Proceedings.
'Bolton Corporation is considering the purchase of another motor lorry for the gas department.
Bolton Corporation is considering the purchase of three petrol lorries for the cleansing department.
Leeds Corporatiou has authorised the purchase of two Morris motor vehicles for the electricity department.
Goole Rural District Council is inviting tenders for a 1-ton motor lorry suitable for scavenging and highway work.
Guildford Corporation has accepted the tender of Karrier Motors, Ltd., at, £975, for the supply of a motor roadsweeper and collector.
Leeds Watch Committee has asked a sub-committee to deal with the proposal for the purchase of a new motor ambulance and a police patrol wagon.
The tender accepted by the tranways committee of the Leeds Corporation for the supply of twelve 32-seater singledeck motor omnibuses was for the total sum of £13,646.
The tramways committee of the Manchester Corporation has accepted the tender of Karrier Motors, Ltd., for the supply of a six-wheeled double-deck topcovered motorbus: The tramways committee of the Oldham Corporation is considering whether the Lees tramway track should be reconstructed or the system replaced by a 'service of motorbuses.
Stoke-on-Trent Corporation has arranged with the Potteries Electric Traction Co., Ltd., for the abandonment of the tramway route in Victoria Road and Lichfield Street, Hanley.
At a meeting of tire markets committee of the Guildford Corporation the accountant reported that tho receipts for parking vehicles at the cattle market during the year 1025-20 amounted to £360 17s. Bridgwater Corporation is considering the provision of a motor fire-engine.
Coventry Corporation has authorised the purchase of a motor van fur the gas department at a cost of about £230.
Merthyr Corporation reports that the gyratory system of control on the Swan Street bus route has greatly relieved traffic congestion in Lower High Street.
The tramways eommittee of the Morecambe Corporation recommends the nurchase of the undertaking of the Heysham and District Motors, Ltd., for £11,000.
The tramways committee of the Birkenhead Corporation has accepted the tender of Henley's Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., for the supply of tyres for motorbuses for one year.
Coulsdon Urban District Council is to install an additional 1,000-gallon tank at its depot at a cost of about £130, for the purpose of storing commercial non-combine petrol.
Belfast Corporation is inviting tenders for the supply of two petrol-propelled sweeping machines, which are required for street-cleansing purposes. Tenders have to be delivered to the town clerk's office not later than Monday. December 13th. Motor-vehicle users are at all times desirous of effecting the utmost economy in their transport costs, and for this reason we feel that many of them Will do well to peruse a copy of a booklet, entitled, "Cutting Carrying Costs," which has just been issued by Automobiles M. Berliet, Richmond Bridge Works, ,Twiekenhain, London. The booklet gives brief details of the various types of passenger and goods-carryiug vehicle built by the company, as well as a summary of the specification of each type of Berliet chassis." It is well illustrated and the pictures serve to give an, idea of the suitability of Berliet products for use in different spheres of transport.
New Forward-control Thornycroft.
We are able to illustrate, on this page, the first of a new Thornycroft
production which is known as the PB model on the modified J-type 4-ton chassis, with a wheelbase of 13 ft. (instead of 14 ft, which is usual with the J-type) and the 11B4 power unit. This is one of an order for a large number placed with John I. Thornycroft
and Co., Ltd., by the Great Western Railway. The short wheelbase has been chosen in order that the vehicle may be able easily and quickly to maeoenvre in warehouse yards, because the vehicle is intended for town work. The driver's position is placed beside the engine, and whilst there is a large
dash sloped well back to cover the knees of the driver and his mate, it has not been thought necessary to provide a windscreen.
A very important variation from the J-typo chassis is the fact that the 11134
combined ensi..:a clutch and gearbox is
employed instead of the separate coinponentrs, Po that the rated h.p. of the
vehicle is 30.6. In order to make this unit suitable for a forward-control position, the gear-change lever turret has been carried forward and is now mounted over the clutch housing, the position usually occupied by it on the 11184 power unit being closed by a cover plate.
The chassis of this type weighs under 3 tons 6 cwt., and is priced with tyres at £750.
Trailers • in Paris.
The police authorities in Paris have just issued a new regulation, which is to come into operation on March let next, reducing the permissible length of a tractor and trailer from 39.3 ft. to 29.5 ft. If, however, a two-axle trailer be fitted with a brake, or if in n single
toile trader the load be partially carHell on the trailer, a total length of 39.3 ft. will still be permitted.
A Difficult Transport Task.
A Thornycroft six-wheeled motor vehicle was used to convey the large tell from York Minster which has been eturned to Messrs. J. Taylor and Sons
for re-casting. The bell weighs, it is said, over 111 tons, and, apart from the time taken to lower it from the tower to the ground, 'three hours were spent in loading the bell on to the lorry.
Popular Transport Lectures. Public interest in the two lectures on London's omnibus and railway systems,
-which are issued by the Underground railway authorities, Continues to be maintained, and to date 1,180 lectures have been delivered to audiences totalling well over 200,000 people. The leetures tell, in simple language, the story of the origin, growth and development of the network of bus and railway routes in London,
Leyland Longevity.
The bus superintendent of the Merthyr Corporation reports that the engine of one of the Leyland motorbuses has been thoroughly examined for Wear of Parts and, considering the mileage the vehicle has ran, the lack of wear is remarkable. He adds that this is certainly a tribute to the materials used by Leyland Motors, Ltd., as well ax showing the advantage of using a goodquality lubricating oil.
Buses and Trolley-buses for Grimsby?
Grimsby Corporation is promoting a sill to give it the following powers:—
To provide trolley-bus services along any road in the borough along which it 'is, authorized to work tramways, and along other routes in the borough and in the parishes of Scartho, Dradley_and Little Coates. To .discoutinue its tramways in. any road.
To provide and run motor omnibuses on any road within the borough, as well as to carry passengers and parcels upon such vehicles.
First-aid Boxes for Passenger Vehicles.
The Priory of Wales Ambulance Services (Order of St. John) are calling the notice of South Wales coach and bus proprietors to the fact that they now have available first-aid boxes which are specially suitable for carrying on public-service and other passenger vehicles ; these boxes contain everything that is necessary for dealing with cases of minor accident, and are something after the pattern, of the street boxes erected by certain South Wales municipal authorities, this-nigh the Priory, to cope with accidents on the highways,