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rrIHE passenger traffic problem of London is one -L of . the greatest problems of the century, and; because it is possible at...
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That most of us do care if it snows. 'Of 'middles in the murky Metropolis. Of fog first making safety second. Of sweeps badly...
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Charter for the Institute of Transport. It was very good news to the members of the Institute of Transport to learn that by...
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Out of sight, out of mind," is an eld adage that can be applied with considerable truth to the tail-lamps of motor vehicles....
The report of the highway and sewerage committee of the Sheffield City Conn-• vil for the year ended March 31st last shows that...
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91HE question of compulsory insurance against third1 party risks is attracting considerable attention amongst members of...
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On Thursday last a meeting of the Royal Society of Arts was held to hear Mr. Constantinesco deliver a lecture on the torque...
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A New Design of Vehicle that has Gained Instant Favour. .vv E mentioned some time ago that the Paris municipal omnibus concern...
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A 'Ew gas-producer, specially designed for the 1-ton Ford, has just been put on the market by the Soei6td Anonyme Gepea, one of...
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By Our Bombay Correspondent. T HE success of the recent Agricultural Show at Poona (October 20th to 31st inclusive), in the...
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rrlITE annual show of the Smithfield Club, generally _L referred to as the Cattle Show, opened yesterday (Monday) at the Royal...
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An Entirely New Goods Chassis with a N ely Low Platform Level and with a Capacity t-day Demands. W ITH all the infinite...
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I N view of the great interest which is now being taken in the develop .. mut of cross-country transport overseas and the...
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W E recently carried out a short test with the B-K Booster Vacuum Brake, as it is called. The actual model tested was fitted...
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O NE of the most recent introductions of the Coventry-Victor Illoor Co., Ltd., Cox Street, Coventry, takes the form of a...
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srsURINU the past four or five years the Liverpool Corporation has been gradually developing its fleet of motorbuses, and at...
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Some Details of an Interesting Type of Vehicle which Combines Large Luggage Capacity with an Excellent View of the Road. I T...
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The Municipality Taking Steps to Give Effect to Certain Portions of Its New Programme. A CTIVE steps are now being taken 21....
The eighth annual meeting of the Eastern Counties Road Car Co., Ltd, was held recently, and some interesting facts relating to...
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Obtaining a Footing in the Goods Transport World. J TJDGING from some of the letters I receive from time to time, there is a...
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Economy in Lubrication. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [2535] Sir,—I am in agreement with the opening paragraph of the...
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Lubricating Driving Chains. N EARLY all steam wagons are fitted with roller' chains for transmitting the power of the engine...
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Repairing Leaky Radiator . • Tubes. ALEK AY radiator is an irritating defect in any bus or lorry, being unsightly and easily...
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T w°pistons working in the same cylinder is by no means a new idea, but previous efforts in this ,direction have mainly been...