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An interesting feature of one of the miller's wagons is a hoist gear, taking the form of a winch drum on the flywheel ; pullies guide the rope, which is taken through a small trapdoor in the roof of the cab. By this means weights up to a ton can be raised to any reasonable height.
The tipper gives an angle of side tip of 45 degrees and 38 degrees in the end direction, and a few details of the chassis will also cover the other vehicles, Steam is obtained from a loco-type boiler with PO sq. ft. of heating surface. The engine has compound steam-jacketed cylinders of 41ins. and 7 ins, diameter by 7 ins, stroke, whilst the gearing affords three speeds, although two only can be provided if desired. The transmission is by a single roller chain to an , enclosed differential of the bevel type on the rear axle, where is also a powerful band brake, whilst internal-expanding brakes act direct on the rims of the driving wheels. Ackerman steering is employed on all the wagons exhibited, but "
chains" can be fitted if desired. The accommodation for driver and mate is particularly good.
W. TASKER AND SONS, LTD. Stand 92 Steam Wagon, Road Rollers. '
An exhibit of particular interest is the chain-driven, quick. reversing tandem steam roller which was first produced by this company about a year ago. It is of simple and strong construction and has many advantages over ordinary types. Both rolls are of the same diameter and length and the weight in evenly balanced between them, the roller can work well into the kerb and is sufficiently high to pass all the usual obstructions.
Cast-iron is used for the rims to give a better grip on the road,, they are renewable and can be exchanged by unskilled labour. A ben-type boiler is used and the cylinder is mounted direct on this to avoid condensation troubles.
Of primary interest on this stand is the new Yorkshire gully emptier, which is one of the most advanced machines of this type which has been built, and it includes a modern example of steam-wagon design in the shape of the 7-ton chassis with all-enclosed drive to a double-reduction rear axle with a cast-steel pot easing.
The gully emptier was recently described in full in this journal; we will therefore only refer to its salient features. It is of the separate-vacuum-chamber type, this chamber holding the contents of some six gullies, which are then emptied through a speciarnon-elogging valve into the main sludge compartineut, which is inclined at a steep angle, fitted with a winch-operated door of full size and partly surrounded by a saddle-shaped water tank.. An important point is that water or steam can be admitted to the sludge compartment under its contents, thus lifting, as well as blowing, them towards the opening.
The suction pipe is supported by a steel cable carried by a swinging jib, the load being balanced by weights sliding between the two columns forming the support for the jib.
A 6-ton standard wagon with single roller-chain drive to an enclosed differential on the back axle forms the second exhibit.
ARTHUR M. COLE. Stand 94 Traction Engine.
An 11-ton traction engine of Fowler make is shown by this concern. In the main this follows the usual Fowler design, and is equipped with winding drum and rope, twospeed gear, automatic lubricator and chain steering.
SENTINEL WAGGON WORKS, LTD. Stand 99 Steam Wagons, Tractor-trailer.
Most visitors to this stand will probably turn their attention first to the remarkable tractor-trailer for carrying live pigs which has been built for the Bladen Estates. The body is designed to Carry 72 of these animals in two tiers, and the sides are specially hinged, slatted and filled between the slats with strong wire-mesh to prevent the pigs from biting the woodwork.Tarpaulin covers allow the body to be covered in timing inclement weather, and ample drainage is arranged, there being a special tank fitted under the body for this purpose.
The braking on this vehicle is most powerful. There is a hand brake acting on one shoe in each rear-wheel drum, the other shot being operated on the Westinghouse system. Praise must also be given to the method of utilizing the engine as a brake, which is also employed on the standard wagons.
The other two Sentinel vehicles are a boarded tilt 6-ton van and a flat-platform lorry• with trailer. A few noteg on the chassis will be of interest, It is an undertype with vertical boiler, ronnd the rear of which the front axle is curved. There are two H.P. cylinders; and much weight is saved by the clever way in which the differential gear is incorporated with the crankshaft. Final drive is by two roller chains.
Loads of 4-6 tons can be imposed on the trailer, which is of all-steel chassis construction and of the turntable typo. Cast-steel wheels with internally expanding shoes in largo thorns are carried on round axles, and the tow-bar inner ends are balanced between compression springs. Two 6-ton steam wagons will be found on this stand, one being a low-sided platform lorry and the otter a threeway hydraulic tipper. The chassis are identical and maintain the usual characteristics of Allehin design, the chief of which are the mounting of the loco-type boiler in the main channels forming the side-members of the frame, patent double-pin drive to the rear road wheels, Ackerman steering, three-speed gearing controlled by a single lever, an improved water heater and a gear-driven water pump work; lag in conjunction with the tipping gear.
Stephenson valve gear is employed for the compound_ engine, which is equipped with double high-pressure gear. An improved method of crank balancing has been adopted to obviate the jerking tendency sometimes noted when balance weights are fixed to the crank webs.
Braking is effected through a contracting band on a rearaxle drum and internally expanding shoes in the rear-wheel drums., CLAYTON AND SHUTTLEWORTH, LTD. Stand 101 Steam Wagon, Traction Engine, Trailer.
Chief amongst the exhibits staged by this old-established company is the 6-ton steam wagon, which is an undertype with two H.P. cylinders, three-speed gear, single-chain drive t3 an enclosed differential On the rear axle, and' Ackerman steering. Large-diameter wheel drums are provided for the internally expanding brakes, and a neat feature of the foot brake is the bevel and sector compensating device, which appears to be strong and efficient. Efficiency is improved by the use of a feed-water heater, and the vertical boiler is fired from the top. • It was hoped that the steam roller would be shown, but this was stated to be too late.
The Clayton 7 n.h.p. traction engine is a huge machine with a single-cylindered engine, with both pump and injector and the usual winding drum and steel rope.
A steel chassis is employed on the turntable trailer, which has solid-tyred disc wheels, band brakes, square-section axles, long semi-elliptic springs and a compression spring for the draw-bar eye.
RICHARD GARRETT AND SONS, LTD. Stand 105 Steam Wagon, Steam Tractor, Traction 'Engine.
It is claimed that the Garrett wagon is especially designed to carry 8-ton loads, and certainly it looks well capable of
doing this with success. The example at the Royal is particularly well finished with a boarded tilt body of large capacity, polished wood side panels to the cab and spring roller blind side curtains.
The boiler is a top-fired vertical type, with a large inspection plate at the front, access to which is given by a door in the cab apron, The engine is a totally enclosed double R.P. with differential unit, two-speed gear and double chain drive. Dished front wheels give a close approximation to centre-point steering, this being on the Ackerman system. A noteworthy feature is the Westinghouse-operated brake, both this and the screw type act direct on the rear. wheel drum through side-by-side shoes.
Another popular Garrett product is the No. 4 compound steam tractor with corrugated firebox, extended awning and Pickering-type governors.
Last comes the 7 n.h.p. single-cylinder general-purpose traction engine.
MARTIN'S CULTIVATOR CO., LTD. Stand 110 Fire-fighting Equipment.
Interest in this stand will certainly centre round the new light but powerful fire-engine, with which we dealt in full in our issue of last week. This appliance is capable of speeds up to 40 m.p.h., and is equipped with a 20-300gallon primp, which is a Martin patent ; it runs at approximately half-engine speed, but the gearing permits a ratio of engine speed to pump speed of 3.6 to 1 if required. The action is actually simple, but rather difficult to explain ; two circular pistons are employed, and these are mounted on eccentric rotors through the medium of stainlesssteel bushes. Each piston rocks on a steel slide, which serves to separate the inlet and outlet parts and also prevents the piston from turning, but permits it to travel up and down while it rocks. The clearance between piston and casing is small, and the water entering at one side is forced to travel round between piston and casing until it is squeezed, by a wedging action, through the delivery port.
The pump can raise water against a head of 300 ft., and can easily supply two 1-in, and one 11-in. nozzles.
The second exhibit is a trailer fire-pump of the same capacity, the chassis being built of rolled channel steel. Semi-elliptic springs are used all round and the Dunlop steel-spoked wheels carry Dunlop pneumatic tyres. Ackerman steering is employed, and the drawbar, which has a sprung hook, is pivoted to a girder-built front axle.
J. AND H. McLAREN, LTD. Stand 115 Cable Ploughing Windlass, Road Roller.
Many ingenious and practicable points in design can be found in the 60-70 b.h.p. motor windlass for cable ploughing on the twin engine system. The winding drum is mounted at the rear on a cross-shaft and the drive to this, or to the road wheels, is conveyed from a four-cylinder engine placed across the frame at the front end, through the medium of a Ferodo-faced cone clutch, spur-gear reduction and chain to a squared shaft on which slide a spur gear for the drum drive and two opposed bevel pinions for forward or reverse drive to a vertical worm meshing with the worm Wheel of the rear axle.
The engine is automatically started and stopped, by the position of the cable and automatic .traversing gear for the cable is also fitted.
An S-ton compound steam roller with. two speeds, renewable roll rims and Allen stearifier is also on view.
WALLIS AND STEEVENS, LTD. Stand 117 Road Roller, Traction Engine.
A first appearance at the Royal is made this year by the successful Advance steam roller built by this company. The Advance is well named, for the machine embodies many ideas which other makers are now recognizing as being of considerable importance. Foremost amongst these is the patented arrangement of the rear silk by which the rear rolls are permitted to accommodate themselves automatically and independently to the camber of the road. Other features of the Advance are the patent locking forecarriage, overhead steering with hall-mounted fork head, transmission by spur gears to prevent dwell when reversing, low centre of gravity to prevent side roll and more even distribution of the weight. • The other exhibit is a standard pattern 6 n.h.p. traction engine spring-mounted on the rear axle.
INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO. OF GREAT BRITAIN, LTD. Stand 118 Motor Chassis, Agritnotors, Road Tractor.
One of the few motor tractors suitable for continued road use is shown by this company ; it is the McCormick-Dearing, and is equipped with Goodyear cushion tyres of large diameter for the cast-steel rear wheels.Three speeds are provided, and the 1;iihole of the gearing is enclosed in a single
casting, which forms the engine sump, the lower half of gear-. box ani easing for the final drive being extended by cast trumpets to carry the rear wheels.
The power unit has a block casting, into which are fitted the renewable cylinder sleeves, the unit closely resembling that employed for the International tractor and heavy-duty chassis of I he same make. A multiple-disc dry clutch takes the drive.
Several novel points in design, apart from that already referred to in the engine, are to be found in the 25-cwt. and 3-ton chassis, which are also on view. TJnit construction of engine, disc clutch and gearbox is adopted, together with central change-speed and hand-brake control.
Three speeds are afforded in the light model and fonr in the heavy, and the final drive in both is by internal gears. In the light type both brakes act on the rear-wheel drums, whilst in the heavy one a contracting-shoe transmission brake is utilized.
Quarter-elliptic supplementary springs are used on all models.
On the same stand is also shown the interesting twowheeled tipping trailer known as the 1113, anti made by Sheffield Steel Products, Ltd. Tipping is effected by forcing back a telescoping drawbar.
BARFORD AND PERKINS, LTD. Stand 121 Motor Rollers.
Mottir rollers of all weights are made by this well-known company, but only two are on view, these beingo, mediumsized model of nearly 9 tons weight and a much smaller type for footpath work with a rolling width of 4 ft. Incidentally, this little machine has proved very popular with public authorities at home and abroad.
The heavy roller is water-ballasted; it has a four-cylinder engine set across the frame with a radiator at the near side, the drive being taken through a double clutch, which gives quick reverse, and thence via reduction gearing and heavy roller chain to the rear roll. A band brake acts on•a drum of large diameter at the off side of this rear roll. Axle boxes with two compression springs to each are employed, and there is a sprung towing plate.
The small roller has three rolls instead of two, two speeds and a neat four-cylinder engine set longitudinally at the rear.
J. AND F. HOWARD, LTD. , Stand 122 Agrimotor.
The only exhibit of particular interest to our agricultural readers to be found on this stand is the Peterbro four-wheel tractor, with its slow-speed 80-34 h.p. power unit developing 30 b.h.p. at 900 r.p.m., and made under Ricardo patents. It has a Zenith carburetter, exhaust-heated vaporizer and Sims magneto. A F'erodo-faced cone clutch conveys the drive to a two-speed gearbox in one with the rear axle.
Pebind the axle is a pulley for driving farm appliances and a winding drum is mounted close inside the off-aide rear wheel. The foot brake acts an rear-wheel drums of exceptionally large diameter, and there is also a small transmission brake.
C32 Fordson Tractors, Shrewsbury and Challiner Equipment, Ruckstell Two-speed Axle, Much of interest to users of Fordson tractors and Ford vehicles is to be found here. There are several examples of the tractor, one equipped with a Cutmore mower having a 5-ft. cutter bar, another with extra-wide golf-course wheels manufactured by the Shrewsbury and Challiner Tyre Co., Ltd., and a third with steel dise wheels carrying rubber tyres, fitted out by the some makers, complete with internalexpanding brakes.
The Ruckstell axle is a device by which a planetary reduction gear is embodied in the axle itself, thus giving a total of four speeds forward and two in reverse. A complete lefthand axle housing is supplied with it.
EAGLE ENGINEERING CO., LTD. Stand 123 Fordson Tractor, Tipping Trailers.
Few makers have done more to popularize the Pordson and other tractors resembling this than have this company.
On their stand is a Fordson completely equipped with solid tyred wheels, internal-expanding rear brakes, etc., for road use, whilst coupled to it is the latest example of Eagle ingenuity in the form of a two-wheel tipping trailer of a novel type and which is shown as a "new implement."
In this trailer the drawbar is so linked to the tipping frame that if the tractor be reversed, a pin removed and the trailer wheels scotched the body is forced up by the drawbar and fulcrums on its wheels.
In addition to these exhibits there are a standard 5-ton two-wheel tipping trailer with vertical screw gear, a 34.-ton two-wheel side tipper with cross-screw gear and a four-wheel trailer chassis of the turntable type.
LTD. Stand 134'T"
It is a matter of some interest to compare on this stand the various points of the two 6-ton steam wagons there displayed. They are designed to eater for two classes of transport: short-journey work at moderate speeds and long journeys at speeds comparable with those of the petrol lorry.
The former requirement is met by the overtype side-fired -•.• model, capable of being operated easily by one man, and having three speeds with final drive by open chain to a differential on the back axle, and band brakes. The model shown also has engine-driven rack-and-pinion tipping gear.
For fast work up to 16 m.p.h. the Express model is recom
mended ; this has a two H.P. cylindered engine slung across the frame for the sake of accessibility, and having an easily accessible camshaft and poppet-valve gear. Two gear changes are provided, but the two points of cut-off give the equivalent of four speeds in all. Gearbox and engine form a unit behind which is a powerful transmission brake, whilst the rear brakes are applied by steam power. The drive is by cardan shaft to a double-reduction rear axle, the pot casing of which faces forward. A pressed steel member takes the torque reaction.
Steering is on the Ackerman system and is facilitated by using dished wheels.
CHAS. BURRELL, AND SONS, LTD. Stand 135 Steam Wagon, Traction Engine.
The leading points in the 6-ton compound steam wagon, here shown, are the double H.P. converting valve operated from the footplate, a balanced crankshaft with roller-bearing eccentrics, friction-driven pump, steam injector, Ackerman steering and an extra long smokebox fitted with an exhaust silencer.
Two powerful brakes are provided, one on a drum keyed to the rear axle and the other acting, on rear-wheel drums; additional safety is given by an auxiliary brake on the flywheel, and means for operating a trailer brake is also given. The wagon staged has a three-way tipping body, with the actuating ram carried immediately behind the back axle. A second exhibit is a special 5 n.h.p. general-purpose traction engine suitable for thrashing and other farm work. It has double-crank compound cylinders and double gearing on the lest motion, all the pinions being of cast steel with machine-cut teeth for first and second motion. Two speeds are provided and the usual type of winding drum with wire rope.
WILLIAM FOSTER AND CO., LTD. Stand 138 Steam Wagon, Traction Engine.
A 5-ton steam wagon and a 7 n.h.p. traction engine are to be found here. The wagon has a compound engine, is, of course, spring mounted, and equipped with rubber-tyred, tabular-spoked, cast-steel wheels; double H.P. gear is fitted, together with two-speed gearing, whilst the final drive is by a single roller chain to an enclosed differential gear on the rear axle. Powerful braking is afforded by expanding shoes in rear-wheel drums of large diameter. Chain steering is utilized.
The traction engine is a single-cylinder model_ with two changes of gear, winding dram inside near side rear wheel, wood-lined band brake of the screw-down type on a drum inside the off-side rear wheel and chain steering gear.
JAMES GRAVEN AND SONS. Stand 144 Traction Engine, Steam Road Roller.
This concern acts as agent for two well-known exhibitors at the Royal—i.e., John Fowle'r and Co., Ltd.; and Aveling and Porter, Ltd. Two machines are staged—an 8 h.p. compound traction engine of Fowler make, spring mounted and of the modern general-purpose type, and a 10-ton Aveling and Porter steam road roller with two-speed gear, pump and injector and various modern improvements.
MARSHALL, SONS AND CO., LTD. Stand 145 Road Rollers, Traction Engine.
Few companies have had greater experience with steam road rollers than that occupying this stand, and amongst the models built by them is that unttsual type of roller, the Millars'-Marshall. Now they have come forward with another which appears to be "the last word." It is known as the Universal and is said to combine the virtues of both the three-roll and the tandem types ; it can be used equally well for consolidating road bottoms or laying to surfacings without causing any tendency to corrugations.
The weights on front and rear rolls are nearly equal, slightly more being on the rear rolls to give them a finishing effect. A patent divided or articulated rear axle has been adopted to enable road surfaces to be finished to any predetermined camber. The trunnions for the axle units are placed horizontally and each has its pivoting centre in the space between the inner edge of the roller rim and the hornplate of the boiler. A patent automatic lock prevents rocking motion on the front fork without interfering with the steer ing. a An unusual feature is that the positive-type steering gear is controlled either by a hand wheel or by a three-cylinder radial steering engine. An automatic reverse prevents overrunning the steering quadrant.
An H.P. two-cylinder engine entirely enclosed and lubricated by splash provides the motive power. Instantaneous reverse prevents dwell on soft surfacings, and the rear rolls have ample lap over the track of the front rolls, thus giving the same effect as the tandem type.
The loco boiler has a corrugated firebox and works at 150 lb. pressure. There are two speeds in each direction. A screw brake acts through the gears on the inner shaft and the differential has an automatic lock.
The other exhibits are a 6-ton Millers-Marshall tandem roller, an 8-ton standard roller with compound cylinders and piston-valve gear, and a 7 n.h.p. single-cylinder traction
engine. •
AVELING AND PORTER, LTD. Stand 146 Steam and Motor Rollers, Steam Tractor.
Particularly interesting is the crude-oil road roller of 101 tons weight. The power unit is a single-cylinder Blackstone, for starting which a large-capacity cylinder of compressed air is mounted close to the near-side rear awning stanchion. The crank motion is enclosed by a welded-steel cover, above which is a large breather. The drive is taken through several pairs of spur reduction gears to the back axle, and two speeds with clutch engagement are provided in each direction. A serew-down band brake, lined with
wood blocks, operates on drums secured to the axle sleeve at the olif side.
Two steam rollers are also shown; one being a type F with compound piston-valve engine, Belpaire boiler, water sprayer and Price patent resilient-type scarifier ; the other, a type E, with single-cylinder piston-valve engine and Bel The tractor is the M type, spring mounted and provided with winding drum and wire rope, the drum being within the near-side rear wheel. Solid rubber tyres are employed on all wheels, and the . brake is exceedingly powerful, consisting of boxwood-lined shoes acting on the .inner sides of the rear-wheel rims.
JOHN FOWLER AND CO. (LEEDS), LTD. Stand 147 Ploughing Engine, Steam Wagon, Road Locomotive, Road Roller, Locomotive, Concrete Mixer.
As usual, this company play a very prominent part in the Show, their exhibits being varied and striking; the largest is, of course, the ploughing engine for twin-engine cable work, and the winding drum of this carries 600 yards of 30 wire rope coiled by patent automatic gear. The engine has duplicate injectors, find two-speed road gear. A brake is provided on the ploughing clutch to prevent the slack rope dropping after the opposite engine has completed its pull. The 136 compound spring-mounted road locomotive has been specially bunt for Norman E. Box, Ltd., of Manchester, for hauling heavy machinery, and it is constructed generally to pass the tests of the hfanchester Steam Users' Association. The geared feed-water pump works at half engine speed. The spring gear plates are enclosed in a dust-proof oil-bath. Of great interest is the 6-7-ton steam wagon, which is representative of modern design. A V-twin engine is used, this having its cylinder headsunder the seats in the cab, thus conserving space. Ilighly superheated steam is employed, this being obtained from a patent, stayless, firetube boiler. Much thought has been given to the three-speed gearbox, the gears of which can easily be changed while the wagon is in motion. All the working parts are enclosed and run in oil, and the final drive is by overhead worm. The other exhibits consist of an 8-ton steam roller, a 30 h.p. four-wheel coupled motor locomotive, and the Fowler 10-7 concrete mixer with petrol engine and power loader. A modified Belpaire boiler, which permits fitting the shafts and gearing into the side plates, is used on the roller.
W. GOODXFAR AND SONS, LTD.Stand 198 Industrial Trucks.
. . Two examples of the Greenhat battery electric truck, manufactured by Greenwood and Batley, Ltd., and of which Goodyearg are the concessionnaires, are shown on this stand, both have four wheels equipped with solid rubber tyres, but the 2-tonner has a steel platform for the driver, whilst the smaller truck has two " platform " pedals.
In the larger the electric motor is at the front end and drives through a cardan shaft to an overhead worm, The forward end of the armature shaft is extended to carry the drum of a contracting band brake,and the battery box is balanced betweea. four pelts of compression springs.
The smaller truck has a motor across the back which drives forward to a countershaft on which is a spur pinion meshing with a spur wheel on the axle.
RANSOMES, SIMS AND JEFFERIEk, LTD. Stand 250 Steam Tractor, Traction Engines.
Two traction engines and a steam tractor will be found here. Of the former, one is a 6 n.h.p. compound and the other a 7 n.h.p. single-cylinder type, whilst the latter is a 4 n.h.p. light compound model. We were rather surprised at the absence on this occasion of the popular steam wagon.
Dealing first with the tractor, it will haul, under usual working conditions, from 5+ tons to 8 tons, and can be equipped with a governor for stationary work. The boiler works at 180 lb., and two speeds are provided normally, although a third can be fitted if required. Average speeds of 5 m.p.h. on high gear and 3 m.p.h. on low can easily be obtained,
The compound traction engine is designed for economy, has a by-pass cock for admitting H.P. steam to the L.P. cylinder, and is geared to give speeds of 14 m.p.h. and 3 m.p.h. Condensation is avoided by thorough steam jacketing, and the equipment includes a high-speed Gardner-type governor and winding drum.
This company show a 12-20 Case agricultural tractor built by the J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co., of America. it is a sturdily built machine, with a one-piece east frame forming the crankcase lower half and the gearbox. The power unit has a cylinder block cast with the upper half of the crankcase and fitted with detachable liners. Three bearings support the crankshaft, which is drilled for pressure lubrication. The transmission is by one or other of two chrome nickel-steel sliding pinions meshing with spur wheels, on the shaft carrying which is the &nal-drive pinion. A differential of the bevel-gear type transmits the drive to the rear wheels.
Fire-tIghting Equipment.
Following a custom of many years standing, this company again take their position as protectors of the Show from fire, and their stand is crammed with a most interesting and varied assortment of fire-combating appliances, chief amongst which is the 350-gallon Hatfield pump with a four-cylinder engine of 50 h.p., three-speed gearbox and final drive by roller chains. This pump is of a type which is largely in use for country districts.
Amongst the other important exhibits are two two-wheel trailer pumps, one of 25 h.p. and 150 gallons pumping capacity and the other of 35 h.p. and 250 gallons capacity. Both are equipped with the Hatfield reciprocating pump, in which the crank web works in no oil-bath. Of less importance but still valuable for small outbreaks of fire are the portable fire extinguishers such as the Konus Kemik and Fire Suds. • A detachment of the Merryweather Fire Brigade is on duty day and night throughout the Show, and one dangerous conflagration hail already been stopped.
Of recent months, a very keen interest has been evinced in motor mowers, both by municipal authorities and private buyers, and the attention which these handy little appliances are now attracting is well reflected in the number of them which is displayed in the show-ground at Chester. No fewer than seven• individual manufacturers are represented in this promising field of activity, and it seems somewhat regrettable that their products could not have been staged in more or less close proximity so as to afford a ready means of comparison, and enable those interested to note the differences in design as between one machine and another, as well as to adjudge the suitability of each model for use in definite circumstances.
As it is, the stands on which motor mowers are shown are scattered, but possibly many of our readers, who are particularly interested in these machines, took advantage of the occasion of the recent trials held in Regent's Park, London, to note the performance of competitive mowers under working conditions. If they require to make a chaser inspection of their construction they will find many of the same makes on view at the "Royal," on the stands of the manufacturers whose names are given below and with whose exhibits we shall deal briefly. There are two such stands almost equi-distant from, and close to, the main entrance ; one (No. 83) is that of It. D. Moser, of 58, Compton Street, London, E.C.1, and the other (No. 175) bears the name of John Shaw and Sons, Wolverhampton, Ltd. Messrs. Mozer's exhibit consists of two type 10 Simar Rototillers, but we should make it clear that this novel little machine is not solely designed for mowing, although one of the models on view is fitted with an attachment for this work. Other uses to which it can be applied include deep or surface tillage, ridging, carting and driving crushers and other machinery within the capabilities of its 8-10 h.p. two-stroke engine, which has a capacity of 850 c.c. The big-end has double roller bearings and the crankshaft runs on ball bearings.
The engine is water-cooled on the therrao-siphonic prim: ciple and the radiator is mounted direct on the cylinder block. The drive to the wheelshaft is by worm and wheel and thence by ordinary gearing, all enclosed and running in oil. Two speeds are available, the top gear enabling over 14 miles to be covered in an hour with the engine running at 1,400 r.p.m. The controls are most simple.
The Rototiller is normally provided with the rotary miller, the drive for which is independent of that of the driving wheels. On its axle are two sleeves, each ' carrying ten coiled-spring tines.
The Governor mower is to the fore on Messrs. Shaw and Son's stand, a feature of its design being extreme simc36 plicity. llere, again, a two-stroke water-cooled engine is relied upon for power, its bore and stroke being 64 mm. and its horse-power 2. No loss of power is involved in transmission, for the engine is coupled direct to the revolving cutter, which has five blades.
The land roller is built up in three sections, with serrated surfaces, only the centre section taking the drive, the others providing a differential action when turning. Either of the outer rollers can be locked to that in the centre. A
chain is used to drive the rollers through an epicyclic•reduction gear. The standard model cuts to a width of 22 ins. and the cutter revolves at a speed of 1,200 r.p.m.
The next stand in numerical order is that occupied by Thos. Green and Son, Ltd., of Leeds, its number being 204. Six mowers are on View, three being light thodels of 16-in. 20-in. and 24-in, sizes, the dimensions of the larger machines on view being 24-in. 30-in. and 36-in. The first group depend upon an air-cored petrol engine for power, and to facilitate starting a kick-starter is provided. They incorporate an additional clutch so that the revolving cotter can be put out of action when the machines are used for rolling, etc. Of the other mridels, the 36-in, machine, of which we reproduce a picture on this page, is the largest. Its fourcylinder water-cooled engine develops 9 b.h.p. This unit is disposed• transversely with the radiator facing outwards on the offside. The front portion of the machine is hinged, thus enabling the cutter to adjust itself to surface irregularity. In the lay-out of the 30-in, mower the radiator faces the direction of travel and it shields a twin-cylindered power unit. Driving is effected by chain through thennedium of a reduction gear. The approximate weight of this model is cwt.
The name of Dennis Bros., Ltd., of Guildford, is, in itself, sufficient to direct attention to the three mowers which they exhibit on Stand No. 256. The company's mower is made in two sizes, the cutting widths being -24 ins. and 30 ins.,
respectively ; their general details of design are identical. Messrs. Dennis favour a 4 h.p. four-stroke engine for motive power. The high-tension magneto is gear-driven, and the carburetter is of the two-jet type.
The main rollers are constructed in three sections, the roller shaft being mounted on ball bearings and fitted with a differential gear attachthent. This enables the mower to drive on all three rollers and permits it to be turned in either direction on its own ground.
The Ferodo-faced cone clutches, which transmit the power to the roller and the cutting cylinder through heavy-duty chains are very sturdy. The chains are steadied by adjust.
able jockey chain sprockets. A fabric universal joint is fitted to the end of the driving shaft, The Dennis mower is, as those who visit the company's stand will find, most compact in design, and its general appearance is suggestive of practicability, coupled with the features of simplicity and accessibility. Stand No. 259 is the next on which a motor mower will be found, this being occupied by the Auto-Mower Engineering Co.. Ltd., of Bath. The machines had not arrived at the time of our visit, but three models were due for exhibition. Of these the emallest—an 18-in. machine—is fitted with an aircooled Villiers two-stroke engine. The company's 24-in. and 30-in. mowers each have four-stroke motors, that of the former. developing 2S h.p., as against the, latter's ft h.p. The remaining stands on which motor-propelled mowers are shown are quite close to the fire-station of Merryweather and Sons, Ltd., one, No. 412, serving as the headquarters of C. H. Pugh, Ltd., of Birmingham, who exhibit a range of Atco appliances, whilst the other, No. 428, is taken up by a number of Ransomes machines, as manufactured by Ran/gimes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., of Ipswich.
The Atco is displayed in three sizes, capable of 16-in., 22-in., and 30-in. cuts, and each is driven by a Villiers two Stroke engine, which is disposed across the frame and drives through. a countershaft to the rollers, and thenee by chain from the other side of them to the cutters. The machine giving a cut of medium width is capable of dealing with 1,000 square yards of grass in 20 minutes. Atco cultivators for use with the mower are also on view.
A wide selection of mowers is arrayed on Messrs. Ran&ernes' stand, these being suitable fpr use on lawns of all sizes, parks and recreation grounds, golf courses, tennis courts, etc. There are three types to be seen, these cutting to widths of 16 ins., 20 ins., and 24 ins., respectively. The general construction of each model is very simple, and the controls. which 'are operated from the handles, are easily manipulated.
Stand 84, Vigzol Oil Refining Co.: Farm tractor oils and Aworking model showing lubrication of an internal-combustion engine. Stand 153, W. H. Willcox and Co., Ltd.: Cylinder oils, Fiske greases, gear greases, machine and .hand tools, engineers' sundries. Stand 166, William Eddington and Co. : Lubricating oils and greases, engineers' sundries. Stand 208, Wm. Hodgson and Sons, Ltd.: Weighbridge of 20 tons capacity, 18 ft. by 8 ft. Stand 212, George Hatch, Ltd.: Lubricants, engineers' sundries, lathes and other machine tools. Stand 226, J. H. Peck and Co., Ltd.: Motor and machinery oils graded for any motor vehicle. Stand
266, Price's Patent Candle Co., Ltd.: A large proportion of users of gas, oil and general machinery at the Royal are using the lubricants of this company, who show samples of Motorine for tractors, Huile de luxe, Belsooline grease, etc. Stand 274, Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd.: Gargoyle Mobiloil for farm machinery, steel barrel bulk storage plant, oils and greases for oil engines, gas engines, tractors, etc. Stand 276, Merchant Trading Co., Ltd.: Acme kerosene and vaporizing oils for tractors, oil engines, etc. Stand 279, Sterns, Ltd.: Sterntrac oils and greases, Ambrolema gear lubricant, Sternol machinery oils. Stand 281, " Fastnut ": World's Champion spanners for ratcheting on four to six nuts of different sizes without having moving parts; Fastnut washers. Stand 292, British Petroleum Co., Ltd.: VapOrizing oils for tractors and oil engines ; tins of B.P. motor spirit. Stand 293: Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd.: Prates Perfection spirit, benzoic mixture and gasolene; " Golden" pumps and the Angloco Depth-o-meter for bulkstorage outfits. Stand 294, Shell-Mex, Ltd.: Empire vaporizing oil, Shell tractor lubricating oil, Mexphalte for roadmaking and Spramex for road-dressing ; Shell kerbside pumps.'
Stand 95, Petters, Ltd.: The 5 h.p. Petters-Light, with belt drive, 5 h.p. direct-coupled and Alpha-Petter of 1i h.p. Stand 112, Bamfords, Ltd.: Low-speed 2 hp., on channelsteel base, with belt drive and switchboard. Stand 113, Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd.: Class I,P. 5 b.h.p., direct coupled to Ransome dynamo. Stand 119, lilackstone and Co., Ltd.: Heavy-oil engine of 9 b.h.p., direct-coupled to dynamo. Stand 123, Eagle Engineering Co., Ltd.: The Eagolyte, with 2f 3 h.p. engine and belt-driven dynamo for 15 lights. Stand 243, R. A. Lister and Co., Ltd.: Direct-coupled 11 kw. and 4 kw., also 1 kw. belt-driven vertical single and twin engines, water-cooled. Stand 261, Boulton and Paul, Ltd.: Electrolite standard for paraffin, 1.5 kw. ; Flectrolite Minor of 1 kw. and Electrolite Major No. 2, 4 kw., for large farms, etc. Stand 263, Kohler Co., Ltd.: Kohler 800 w. two-cylinder aircooled engine, combined with generator, end Kohler 11 kw. four-cylinder model. Stand 272, Fairbanks, Morse and Co.,