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Prizewinners at Sheffield's Third Parade.
The third annual parade organized by the North-eastern Division (Sheffield and Rotherham area) of the Commercial Motor Users Association, which took place in Sheffield, on Saturday, June 27th, was the largest of its kind so far held in the city, and was an unqualified success in every way. A very large number of vehicles of all types and sizes participated in the event which, for the purpose of the competition, was divided into 18 separate classes. A luncheon, at which the jiidges and other parade officials attended, was held at the Royal Victoria Hotel prior to the event, and later in the day the drivers and their assistants were entertained to dinner and a smoking concert at the Lion Ca_f6, where the prizes and trophies were distributed.
The following is a list of the prize-. winners in the various sections, the names of the drivers and the vehicle in their charge being given in parenthesis CHAMPION TEAM ON THREE VEHICLES. —National Benzoic Co., Ltd. (V. Illiffe, P. Fairhurst and A. Museroft; three A.E. .H.) .
CHAMPTON SINGLE VEHICLE.—AngloAmerican Oil Co., Ltd. (W. Mahon— Liberty).
CHAMP/ON TEAM OF THREE PETROL Ionnms.--Angio-American Oil -• Co., Ltd. (ff. Braley, H. Cross. and W. Draettpthree Libertys).
THREE' BEST PETROL LORRIES.— Abbey Glen Laundry Co., Ltd. (S. Say, nor, H, Shaw and R. Cdoke—three Albion s) .
THREE BEST STEAM WAGONS.—Sheffield Corporation Cleansing Department (I. West, C. Morton and E. Turner— Clayton and two Sentinels).
BEST SINGLE VEHICLE USED BY BAKERS, DnArEns, FLORISTS, GROCERS, OR LAUNDERERS.-1. Abbey Glen Laundry Co., Ltd. (F. Clark—Albion) ; 2, John Walsh, Ltd. (— Storey—Albion). BEST SINGLE VEHICLE ENGAGED IN COLOUR, OIL, PAINT, PETROL OR VARNISH TaknE.-1, Shell-Mex, Ltd. (T. Bartholonfew—Thornycroft) ; 2, National Penzole Co. Ltd. (H. E. Dockerell—Thernyeroft; ; 3, British Petroloran Co., Ltd. (II. Crossley—Karrier).
BEST SINGLE VEHICLE USED BY BREWERS, BOTTLERS, MINERAL, WATER MAKERS OR VINEGAR BREWERS.-1, Carter, Miner and Bird, Ltd. (F HandIcy—Yorkshire); 2, Sheffield Pree Brewery Co., Ltd. (W. Swain— Garrett).
BEST SINGLE VEHICLE OPERATED BY MUNICIPAL AUTHORITIES.-1, WOTI.1037 R.D.C. (W. Gillott—Poster) ; 2, Wortley R.D.C. (J. Smith—Poster) ; 2, Sheffield Corporation Cleansing Department
(B. Bramnioar—Garrett). •
2, P. R. Cooper and Co. U. Chapman —Commer Car). STEAM SECTION: I. Vamplew and SOD, Ltd. (C. WoodRobey).
REST SINGLE GARRETT VEHICLE.-Sheffield Corporation Cleansing Department (H. Simpson).
BEST SINGLE ROBBY STEAM WAGON. I. VampIew and Son, Ltd. (S. Brown).
BEST SINGLE YORKSHIRE STEAM WAGON.—Kcayou Bros. and Co., Ltd. (E. Stenton).
BEST DISPLAYED ADVERTISING VEnicLE.—National _Benzoic Co., Ltd. U. Smith—Thornyeroft).
BEST SINGLE PASSENGER VEHICLE.-1, Woorlseats Transport Co., Ltd: (Cs Sawyer—,Maudslay)' " 2, Attereliffe Central Garage Co„ Ltd. (A. Holden— Leyland) ; 3 Attercliffe Central Garage Co" Ltd, (.T. Sims—Daimler).
Price Reductions for Castro].
C. C. Wakefield and Co., Ltd., Wakefield House, 30 and 22, Cheapside, London, E.C.2, inform us that, as from the beginning of this month, all grades of Castro]. motor all have been reduced in price. The prices of the company's disc clutch oil, No. 1 gear oil and all greases remain unchanged.
Irregular Bus Services.
Gravesend Watch Committee has instructed Mr. H. H. Brown, the town clerk, to notify bus proprietors that their licences will not be renewed if bilges be taken off routes for private hire at holidays and other times, thereby causing mulch inconvenience to the travelling public who desire to make journeys according to the published time-tables.
Mr. F. G. Bristow, general secretary of the Commercial Motor Users Association, informs us that the Dean and Chapter of Winchester Cathedral has decided not to admit chars-d-bancs to the Cathedral Close in future.
We are informed that the business of the White Cross Insurance Association, Ltd., has been combined with that of the Provident Accident and Guarantee Co., Ltd., under the title of the Provident Accident and White Cross Insurance Co., Ltd. Where to Park Coaches at Chester During the "Royal,"
Motor coach owners who will be conveying parties to the Royal Show should note that special traffic regulations are in force. There are three spacious parking ground § allocated by the corporation for visiting motorbuses and coaches :—(1) Little Roodee, (2) the Cattle Market and (3) the Leadworks field, of which advantage should be taken by those vehicles coming from Manchester and Whitchurele Owners of conches or buses who have booked places on the show parking ground may obtain a special police permit on application.
Vehicles coming from the Manchester and Birmingham directions will be required to take the following route:— Via Broughton, Grosvenor Park Road, Union Street, Vicar's "Lane, Little St. John Street, St. Sohn Street, the Newgate, Newgate Street, Pepper Street, Lower Bridge Street, Handbrido, Overleigh Road, Lathe Lane and Cavendish Road.
Vehicles coming from Horde district will be diverted via Brook Street, George Street, Upper Northgate Street, Northgate -Street; Water Tower Street, City Walls Road, Nuns Road, Grosvenor Road, Overleith,. Lathe Lane and Cavendish Road.
Liverpool, Birkenhead and Hoylake traffic is required to proceed via Upper Northgate Street; Nerthgate Street, Water 'Tower Street, City Walls Road, Nuns Road, Grosvenor Road, Overleigh, Lathe Lane and Cavendish Road.
Vehicles entering the city from Flint and North Wales should travel via New Crane Street, The Watergate, Nuns Road, Grosvenor Road, Overleigh, Lathe Lane and Cavendish Road.
To-morrow (Wednesday, July 8th) EM. the King visits the show, and from 11.15 a.m. and from 4.45 p.m. until ten minutes after His Majesty has passed no traffic will he allOwed on the following roads in the -city :—Tarvin Road, Broughton. Foregate Street, Eastgate Street, Bridge Street, Grosvenor Street, Grosvenor Road, Overleigh. Hough Green, "Westminster Avenue, Cavendish Road.
Chars-a-banes proceeding to the show ground from the north side of the River Dee are not to cross over the river, bet to park on the northside. Chars-abanes' approaching the show ground along Hough -Green or Wrexham Road are not to proceed beyond the Overleigh.
Manchester's Parade.
The Manchester commercial motor parade will take place in September— probably on the second Saturday.
"The Motor Repair Manual."
The price of the new edition of the shove book, which was recently reviewed in our columns, should have been given as 2s. fid. net and 2s. 9d. post free, and not as 2s. net and 2s. 3d. post free, as inadvertently stated. The book eon be obtained from the publishers, Temple PTCSS Ltd., 7-15, Rosebery Avenue, London, E.C.I.
Free Coach Trips.
One enterprising company of soap -manufacturers have hit upon the idea of giving free motor coach trips as an alternative to the usual prize scheme for popularizing their manufactures. Very timely! Some of the advertising matter put out shows a motor coach speeding towards Illackpool's Tower and Wheel with the following printed invitation :— 'Give yourself an extra day's holiday this year and have a motor trip to sandy, sunlit Blackpool at our expense. Spend it at the gayest and most famous of England's seaside pleasure resorts. We will pay your return fare." All the reader has to do is to save a certain number. of soap coupons and receive in return a ticket for a return trip by motor coach from the home town to Blackpool. Tickets are available for any
day the tripper desires during July or August, and the number of coupons required depends, of course, upon the distance to Blackpool.
Mr. Bristow to Broadcast Again.
Mr. F. G. Bristow, the general secretary of the Commercial Motor Users 4e:sociation, is to give another talk from the London Studio of the British Broad'casting Co. His talk on this occasion -will deal with London's traffic problem and will be given on July 15th at 7.40 p.m. The subject is one witli-which Mr. Bristow is fully conversant and, as many of our readers will know, he was a member of the Home Office Special Committee of chief constables and representatives of road users which recently
• considered problems associated with road traffic and which has just published its report.
Parking in Glasgow
Amongst the cities and larger towns of Scotland, Glasgow is one of the few in which no definite arrangement exists for the parking of motor vehicles. By tacit consent motorbuses and chars-he banes are, for the present, permitted to stand for a brief period in Cathedral
• Street, which is central and suitable enough ; but this is a privilege which, we understand, can be withdrawn at any moment.
The byelaw which governs such circumstances is one of a series of regulations framed under the Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1912; and provides that no vehicle shall be kept standing in the street longer than is "reasonably necessary" for the loading or unloading of goods, the setting dawn of passengers, etc.
It is now made known, however, that the magistrates have appointed a committee to consider the whole question of parking, and to draw up a list of suitable sites..
Chances for Buses in Spain.
As a result of a royal decree providing for the granting of concessions for motor mail and passenger services, there is reported to be a promising market in Spain for 2-ton chassis suitable for such work. The establishment of Spanish branches'by leading European manufacturers, permitting easier credits, immediate deliveries, and excellent spare-part service is said to be having a noticeable effect on the trade in American vehicles.
Allen-Liversidge Dividend. Allen-Liversidge. Ltd., have declared
a final dividend of per cent. (less income tax) on the shares of the company, making, with the interim dividend already paid, 12-i per cent. for the year ended April 30th last. The transfer books of the company will be closed until July 13th.
Manchester's Tyre Contracts.
The central purchasing committee of Manchester Corporation has made contracts for the supply of motor tyres-with.' the following companies :—The Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd.; Mr. S. Fitzsimons; C. Macintosh and Co., Ltd.; the Shrewsbury and Challiner Tyre Co., Ltd.; Dunlop Rubber Ltd.; St. Helen's Cable and Rubber Co., Ltd.; and Henley's Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd. An Attractive Ambulance.
The Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co. (1306), Ltd., of Southport, have recently delivered the smart ambulance (of which exterior and Interior views appear on this page) to the Wirral Union. The body, which is equipped to transport stretcher as well as sitting eases, is mounted on an example of the company's, 20 h.p. chassis. When used in the former capacity, two stretchers are available, one being carried on a folding frame connected to the roof and near side of the body, the second, which is mounted on a detachable two-wheel carriage, being accommodated below it. A seat is fitted. cm the off side. for use by sitting patients, and a hinged seat attached to the panel behind the driver's cab is arranged for an attendant.
When sitting patients only are being
dealt with, the stretcher-carriage is removed and the hand stretcher stowed away below the seat on the off side, the frame on which it is carried when in use being folded back so as to offer no restriction or inconvenience to the occupants of the seat below. This, like the seat opposite, has a deep-padded cushion, part of which is supported by a hinged flap carried on brackets. The brackets are hinged to turn inwards, and the flap in an upward direction, the latter falling back against the cushion, which, when not needed, is upturned and rests against the body panels, being held secure by a series of straps. At the far end of the body is a bracket for a water bottle and glass and a cabinet for medical essentials, between them being disposed a hinged window, through which communication can be made with the. driver. For maintaining the temperature of the interior the exhaust gases are by-passed, although they can be made to take their normal course when not required for heating the body.
Access to the interior is gained through two wide doiirS at the rear, the sections being hinged from the side pillars to give maximum width. The exterior of the body is finished in the natural grain of the wood and-possesses an attractive appearance, •
A New Soldering Outfit.
One of the latest lines which is being marketed by John Shaw and Sons, Wolvdrhampton, Ltd., is the Lamb soldering outfit. It is a most compact outfit and includes all the essentials required by tinsmiths and mechanics to enable soldering and brazing to be efficiently carried out. The set contains the wellknown Lamb combined petrol soldering iron and brazing torch complete with repair outfit, a tin of Soldo cleaning, tinning and soldering compound and a' rest for the torch.
With this outfit there is no necessity to clean the metal to be dealt with in the usual manner by scraping, filing or the use of acids, for it has merely to be heated and sprinkled with a little compound at the seat of the repair. The resultant chemical action which is set up throws off all rust, verdigris, oil, etc. No flux is required, and metals tinned by the Lamb process are claimed to be anti-rust and anti-corrosive. The outfit retails at 9s. 6d.
• Overloaded Lorries and Road Damage.
Damage occasioned to roads by overloaded vehicles has caused action to be taken by the Nottinghamshire authorities, who instituted a prosecution recently, at a magisterial court held at Bingham, against a motor driver, who was summoned for being in charge of a heavy steam vehicle, the axle weight of which exceeded the registered limit. Only nominal fines were inflicted upon both the driver and his employers, but the case is significant of the determination of the authorities to prevent excessive overloading.
The Notts county surveyor recently expressed the view that this was not an isolated case, his opinion being that overloading is frequently resorted to.
Folders on the Reo.
Harris and Hasa, Ltd., of Bristol and 130, Great Portland Street, London; W.1, who are the sole concessionnaires in Great Britain and Ireland for Reo commercial vehicles, have just issued two folders descriptive of certain
models wh_th they market. One of them deals with the Reo-Pullman six-cylinder chassis, which is specially constructed for passenger service. The other folder gives an abridged description and specification of the Reo speed wagon for 25-cwt. net loads, or 14-16 passengers, the Reo-Major chassis for 36-cwt. net loads, or 18-20 passengers, and the special passenger model referred to at greater length in the other folder. Copies of the folders can be obtained from either of the addresses gives above.
Guys for a Gas Company.
The Gas Light and Coke Co., Ltd., of Westminster, London, S.W., who already use a number of Guy vehicles, have expressed satisfaction with the performances of these machines, and have recently ordered a further four 30-cwt. chassis of this make. The company's fleet of Guy vehicles will total 15 when this order is executed.
New Fellowship in Highway Transport
The Reo Motor Car Co., of Lansing, Michigan, have recently established a fellowship in highway transport to be devoted to investigations under the direction of the Division of Highway Engineering and Highway Transport of the University of Michigan covering an approved subject relative to the utilizebon and operation of motorbuses.
The 250,000th British Ford on Tour.
The Northern Ireland tour of the 250,000th Ford car built in the Trafford Park works of the Ford Motor Co. (England), Ltd., which commenced from Belfast on June 17th, was concluded on the last day of June, when the vehicle completed its circuit of approximately 500 miles. The car made a call on all authorized Ford dealers in that territory. No inechacal trouble was experienced, and this must be deemed most creditable when it is considered that this tour followed immediately upon a run of more than 4,000 miles throughout Great Britain.
A Street Stands Grievance.
Objections concerning the allocation of motor coach stands occupied considerable time at the last meeting of the Preesall Council, when it was alleged that advantages were possessed by the Fleetwood and Knott End Motors, Ltd., over local owners.
One councillor mentioned that it might net be long before Blackpool motor coaches would be operating from Knott End. Expression was given to the opinion that the district was suffering through one company pr combine having almost a monopoly in the traffic of visitors, and using it to convey them out of the district without Knott End benefiting in the slightest by their presenee. It was contended that if the council could do anything to combat this it was their duty to the ratepayers to do it. The question is to be considered in committee.
Automatic Temperature Regulators, The Cambridge Instrument Co., Ltd., 45, Grosvenor Place, London, S.W.1, have just issued a new catalogue dealing with their automatic temperatun regulators, which have been found of considerable value in all branches of industry. The automatic regulation of temperature, as distinct from its measurement, is being applied to a large and increasing number of processes, and although the catalogue deals almost exclusively with the former subject, the regulators which are described can be used with equal efficiency for the automatic control of humidity, pressure and other physical conditions. The catalogue is well printed and embodies a number of illustrations.
Petrol Pumps in France.
The use of garage petrol pumps having now become general throughout the whole of France, the Ministry of Commerce has decided that they must come under the control of the weights and measures department. The various types of machine in use are at the moment being inspected, and when the examination is completed the verification of pumps all over the country will at once be proceeded with. The Ministry believes that this decision will be welcomed both by road users and garage proprietors, as the verification will guarantee fairness to both parties.
A Visit to a Battery Works. '
A few days ago members of the Sheffield bran& of the Junior Institution of Engineers, together with their friends, paid a visit to the works of the D. P. Battery Co., Ltd., Dakewell, Derbyshire, where they were' afforded an opportunity of witnessing the various developments in the manufac6re ot storage batteries. Particular interest was taken in the casting of the special grids for Kathanode plates and in the machines for casting the range of plates developed by the company over a period of 35 years.
Traffic Regulations in Cardiff.
The chief constable of Cardiff stated at a recent meeting of the watch committee that a clause will be included in the next Cardiff Omnibus Bill for the regulation of slow-moving and heavy motor-vehicle traffic. In the meantime Cardiff police constables have been instructed to draw the attention of drivers of slow-moving vehicles to the necessity for keeping as near as possible to the kerb. There has been some improvement in this respect since many tramway standards have been removed from the centre of the streets.
Prospects in Germany.
We gather from a review circulated by the Department of Overseas Trade that the position of the motor-vehicle industry in Germany cfttinues to be satisfactory. The demand in the month of May for tractors and ploughs became more brisk, but it is not 'possible to effect sales of these appliances for cash, the usual procedure being for the purchaser to Make a first paynient of from 20 per cent. to 25 per cent, of the total cost and. to pay the remainder monthly in bills of from 12 months to 15 months. In some cases farmers ask for even longer credit.
Vehicle Builders in Conference.
The ninth annual conference of the National Employers' Association of Vehicle Builders was held at Cardiff on June 25th, 26th and 27th. The Association's membership of 2,000 was represented by an attendance of some 140 delegates from all parts of the country, who were accorded an official welcome by the Lord Mayor of Cardiff (Alderman Pethybridge). Mr. J. Deabill, of Nottingham, the retiring president, was in the chair during the initial deliberations.
On the opening day the delegates discussed the reports and recommendations of the House of Commons Committee set up three years ago to inquire into the regulation of hackney carriages. Strong exception was taken to the recommenda tion that the inspection of such vehicles should be entrusted to police officers. Mr. Roberts (Preston) considered that the examination of chars-icbancs, buses and taxis should be a matter entrusted only to competent and practical engineers, and he found unanimous support for a resolution that the Ministry of Transport be called upon to receive a deputation from the Association to hear its views on this matter.
The suggestion of Mr. Cross (Morecambe) that the other recommendations of the committee on mechanical phases be the subject of negotiation between the Ministry and the Association was adopted.
The annual dinner of the Association was presided over by Mr. Dea.bill, who had the support of the Deputy Lord Mayor, Messrs.R. C. Davies (Bristol), W. E. Eaton (Manchester),, A. Banks (Preston), W. Dyer (Cardiff) and .G. Hayes (Newport).
On Friday a motor coach tour in the Wye Valley was undertaken by the delegates.
The annual general meeting of the Association was held on the concluding day'of the conference.
Brill's New Address.
The J. G. Brill Co. advise us that they have removed their London offices to Aldwych House, Aldwych, W.C2, where the exhibit of Drill models of various types of truck can be inspected. Where Lorries are . Wanted.
Although there are stated to be upwards of four million natives in Portuguese East Africa, the problem of labour is an acute one. For this reason the substitution of head porterage by mechanical transport is eminently desirable. The colony is about two and a half times the size of the Transvaal, and has a far more fertile soil. Moreover, its climatic conditions render it suitable for the cultivation of all kinds of tropical and sub-tropical products. The problem before the authorities is to induce the natives to take up agricultural work and leave the problem of
transport, so far as it is possible, to mechanical means.
In common with other undeveloped countries, the difficulty of securing supplies of motor fuel has had a retarding effect on the general introduction of • road motors, for in many parts petrol costs 4s. or more per gallon.
The position of the colony in this resped, however, is not impromising. Indications of petroleum deposits have been found in various districts, but, although concessions have been awarded from time to time, little mere has been heard after the initial discovery. The readiest solution of the problem seems to lie in the extraction of power alcohol from sugar and other vegetable products. The possibility of the distillation of betwole from coal mined at Tete and elsewhere also deserves attention.
Local Proceedings.
Hull. Corporation has purchased a motor mower for use in the parks at a cost of £45.
Ilford Urban District Council has authorized the purcha'se of a 2-ton petrol vehicle.
Manchester Watch Committee has _authorized the purchase of a Leyland portable fire pomp.
The Hospitals Committee of the Plymonth Corporation is considering the purchase of a new motor lorry.
Hull Corporation accounts for the year ended March 31st last show a loss of 14,777 on the motorbus undertaking.
Leeds Corporation has authorized the purchase of a Pordson tractor for use on the golf course, at a Cost of about £184.
Brighton Corporation has authorized the purchase of a motor roller and mower for the parks at a cost of about The tramways committee of the Leeds Corporation has decided to invitd tenders for five additional motor omnibuses.
Coventry Watch Committee recommends the purchase of an additional motor ambulance at a cost of about 11,000.
Stoke-on-Trent Corporation has decided to invite quotations for the supply of two motor vehicles for refuse removal.
The works committee of the Shipley Urban District Council recommends the purchase of a tipping motor lorry and a motor street sweeper.
The Highways Committee of the Battersea Borough Council recommends the purchase of a Left road motor sweeper at a cost of 1825.
The Tramways Committee of the Bournemouth Corporation has authorized the purchase of two motor runabouts at a cost of 1655 each.
Luton Corporation has agreed that motor vehicles be permitted to park between specified points on the south side of Church Street, adjoining St. Mary's Churchyard.
Gravesend Watch Committee has scheduled the centre of Bank Street as a parking station" for motor vehicles, the idea being" to relieve congestion in High Street.
Sidmouth Urban District Council proposes instituting free parking stations at the western end of the Esplanade, Glen Road, Peak Hill and Manor Road.
The tramways committee of the Manchester Corporation recommends the purchase of sundry motorbus parts and stores from the Middleton Electric Traction Co., Ltd.
Wimbledon Corporation has pur-chased a motor mowing machine with roller attachment from Messrs. Beadle at a. cost of 149, and a motor mowing machine from Dennis Bros., Ltd., at a cost of £78.
At a meeting of the Stoke-on-Trent Watch Committee the chief officer of the fire brigade reported on the need of better equipment at the fire stations, existing appliances, he said, being quite inadequate. The matter was referred • to a special meeting for consideration. c18 The Mynyddislwyn Urban District Council proposes to purchase a new motor lorry.
Morecambe Corporation has authorized the purchase of an additional Guy saloon omnibus.
Leeds Watch Committee is considering the purchase of a small fire tender for the fire brigade.
Hull Watch Committee has refused to grant licences to the Perseverance Motor Bus Co. to run buses between Hull and Goole.
Moreeamber Corporation has agreed to a demonstration by Clayton, Wagons, Ltd., with an electric omnibus, which may be suitable to meet the. requirements of the corporation.
The Gellygaer Urban District Council proposes to institute a municipal bus service, and has appointed a committee to examine the questions of cost of vehicles, of running and of probable revenue.
Leeds Corporation is arranging to hire a street-washing machine from the Yorkshire Patent Steam Wagon Co. for experimental purposes. The machine will be hired for one month at the rate of 110 per week.
The tramways committee of the Birkenhead Corporation has decided to run a motorbus service from Woodside Perry to St. James's Church, Laird Street, in lieu of the existing tramway service to Park Road West.
The central purchasing committee of the Manchester Corporation has made contracts for the supply of motor spirit with the following :—Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd.; Sheli-Mex, Ltd.; Redline Motor Spirit Co., Ltd.; and the British Petroleum Co., Ltd.
A Mammoth Motor Liner.
Internal-combustionengined vessels continue to increase in size and power. An order has just been placed in Italy by an Italian ship-owning company for a motor passenger liner of 23,000 tons gross, which will be equipped with oil engines of larger power than has yet been fitted in any ship. According to The Motor Ship, quadruple-screw machinery will be installed totalling 35,000 i.h.p, In addition to a leading article dealing fully with this new passenger ship, the current number of The Motor Ship contains much useful information concerning recent developments in cargo vessels and power units. Economy in Road-making.
A valuable means of economy in the making up of private streets was indicated by Mr. J. W. Hipwood, borough engineer of Newark-on-Trent, in an address before the Institution of klunici pal and County Engineers. By adopting a light coat of asphalt or bituminous material, he pointed out it was possible to omit channelling at the kerbside. This is made possible by the completely waterproof surface provided by the asphalt, and largely reduces the cost of road construction.
Bedwelity's Bus Bill Development.
The Bedwellty Urban District Council's new Parliamentary Bill has been before Committees of the House and the clause therein pertaining to the proposed establishment of a municipal bus service have been struck out and the powers of bus-running which were sought refused. Several local proprietors whose interests were involved had objections laid to the council's proposed bus venture.
Restricting Bus Routes.
Asked that local authorities should be consulted before bus routes are sanetinned, the Commissioner of Police informs the Camberwell Borough Council that, as licensing authority, be is bound by the provisions of the London Traffic Act, under Section 6 (2) of which he may only restrict the use of routes by omnibuses by reason of their conetruction or equipment being unsuitable for such routes.
Co-operative Congress at Southport.
The recent invasion of Southport by 1,500 delegates to the Co-operative Congress severely taxed the traffic arrangements of the town. The Cooperative M.P.s and many of the leading officials stayed at Birkdale and made their daily journeys to the meeting in a new Dennis 30-seater singledeck omnibus, which excited much attention. The bus is illustrated on. this page and seated in it are well-known Yorkshire and Lancashire co-operative leaders, with Mr. C. A. W. Saxton (retiring president of the Congress) about to board the vehicle. Many of the Co-operative societies are interested in passenger work as well as in commercial traffic,