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Evidence of Value IN the Isle of Man " Halt"
of Properly Sited "signs are very widely used,
-Halt "Signs . . and are sited so as to be visible
not only from the minor road, but also from the main road on which traffic has right of way. Thus, confidence is inspired in the mind of the user of the latter, time is saved and convenience is served. The signs seem to be universally respected, as they are in the majority of cases in this country, where in our opinion—with this evidence to support it—greater use might well be made of this inexpensive form of road warning.
Preventing Blow-by rT-TIE Automobile Research on Fast Petrol EnI Committee of the I.A.E.
gin es has been carrying out exten
sive tests on piston-ring blow-by. Measurements have been made over a wide range of speeds on three engines, particularly at high engine revolutions, and the following factors have been shown to be beneficial :—Reduced side clearance on rings; increased radial ring pressure; reduced width and number; increased engine load and retarded ignition. Blow-by is increased by machining inequalities in the bores and by insufficient running-in. Taper-turned rings gave higher initial loss, but more rapid stability; some benefit was obtained by reducing clearance behind the rings.
An Association to J ITTLE E.V.A. will soon be Encourage the BatteryJ—tbeconiing big E.V.A. if
Electric electric vehicles continue to attract the attention they deserve. The initials represent the Electric Vehicle Association of Great Britain, which came into being to foster and protect this side of the motor industry, its manufacturers, suppliers and users. It does not in itself make or supply any products, and it is under the patronage of the British Electrical Development Association. The offices are at 2, Savoy Hill, London, W.C.2.