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A MONGST the alternative fuels suggested for operating oil and petrol engines is coal gas, which has the advantage that it is...
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F ROM the standpoint of the engineerdesigner, the commercial vehicle offers, perhaps to a greater extent than almost any other...
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Evidence of Value IN the Isle of Man " Halt" of Properly Sited "signs are very widely used, -Halt "Signs . . and are sited so...
That S.T.R. is a real brick at any rate. Of tarry roads that make drivers tarry. Of the B.R.F. starting a sort of...
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THE Minister of Transport has issued 1. a pamphlet (available at Id. from 11.M. Stationery Office), outlining his proposals...
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APPROVED. G RANTS from the Road Fund, totalling well over £100,000, have been made by the Minister of Transport towards the...
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MR. SEWELL ELUCIDATES HIS REMARKS. L AST week, in our report of the Road and Rail Central Conference, we referred to some...
of the new David Brown tractor was given by the maker, David Brown Tractors, Ltd., Huddersfield, last week, in the vicinity of...
W E learn that the Federation of Yorkshire Road Transport Employers is obtaining from large operators in Yorkshire signatures...
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MR. P. J. HAYS (Percy Hays to his many friends), of Candys, underwent an operation for appendicitis at the West London Hospital...
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and what they are saying lk AR. T. B. KEEP, of Petters, Ltd., IViis of the opinion that no company such as his can afford to...
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MUMBERED amongst the exhibits at this year's Royal Show, which are entirely new, is the David Brown tractor. It is equipped...
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A N entirely new range of Bedford goods vehicles has just been announced by Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., Luton. Outstanding among the...
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A S reported in our issue dated May 26, the credit for being the first in this country to employ supercharging on an...
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O NE of the most difficult problems that builders of lorries and buses have had to meet is the occasional failure of brake...
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I N view of the widespread interest which has been displayed in the Austin commercial chassis which were announced at the...
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A NEW and original type of tower wagon, having a Guy Wolf chassis as its basis, formed a recent delivery to Liverpool...
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WOULD A TRANSPORT POLITICAL COUNCIL BE VALUABLE? REGARDING a letter from Mr. A. R. Wilson, in your N. issue dated June 23, I...
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, F HIRE PURCHASE? THE article headed "Do You Know What Hire Purchase Really Involves? " in your issue of June 9, is...
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T WO interesting big-capacity semi-trailers are being supplied by Taskers of Andover (1932), Ltd., Waterloo Iron Works,...
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PASSENGER TRANSPORT 100 MORE BUSES FOR MANCHESTER. THAT tenders for a further 100 buses I. be accepted has been recommended...
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T HE annual report and statement of accounts of Coventry Transport Department show that the total revenue for the year ended...
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In Parliament NOMINAL DUTY TO COVER PRODUCE HAULAGE. T HE object of the new clause, said Captain Wallace was to allow farmers...
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EXPRESS CARRIERS BENEFIT FROM UNITY. That the National Conference of express Carriers has had, and will have, a real...
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A VEHICLE cqnstructed to operate either with wheels or endless tracks, is disclosed in patent No. 505,774, by Oesterr....