D EPORE deciding to make a third U application for permission
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to increase fares, Dundee Town Council agreed last week that infornlation on 'different types of transport" should be considered. This year the buses are :txpected to lose £47,000, although the trams are expected to make a profit.
The Treasurer proposed that the .ransport manager be instructed to prepare a scheme for the revision of fares.
Mr. G. W. Davidson, transport convener, said that it was going to be diffieult to conjure more revenue out of the pockets of the public. Possible additional expenditure not included in the estimates might arise out of a wages application before the National Joint Industrial Council, which would cost another £29,000 a year.• Hull. Corporation's, proposals for fares increases on its trolleybus and motorbus services were heard by the Yorkshire Licensing Authority last week.
Corporation's Proposals
In the case of trolleybuses, the-corporation sought permission to increase ordinary fares by id. on all intermediate journeys without raising the fares fcr through journeys, to abolish transfer tickets, and to su-bstitute workmen's single fares for workmen's return fares, but not to make any alteration in -the aormal children's and scholars' fares.
The corporation's proposals concern,ng the motorbuses were the Same as to atorkmen's fares, and, with certain exceptions, as to ordinary fares, but it was proposed to apply to children's and scholars' fares the Ad. increase on intermediate stages.
Mr. H. Graham. deputy town clerk, said that the Hull undertaking's losses had reduced its reserves from £107,152 in the financial year 1947-48 to £33,531 last year. It was estimated that if the proposed increases in fares were sanctioned, they would produce £106,525 in additional revenue which, with savings it was hoped to make in other directions, would enable the undertaking to avoid a deficiency of £115,715.
"Gratifying Result"
Sunderland Transport Department's newly issued annual report shows that receipts during the year ended March 31, 1950, Were the highest in the history of the undertaking. The total was £565,034, and the reasons for what the report describes as a "gratifying result" were increased fares over a 12-month period.
The report, however, points out that the higher fuel tax will cost the undertaking £13,000 per annum, and the increased bus fleet—there are now 107 buses compared with 91 trams—calls for a replacement programme of at Teat 10 vehicles a year.
Stockport Corporation, which applied for increased fares in January, has now he en granted permission to increase bus and tram fares by id. Since the application was considered. however, the operating expenses of the undertaking
have increased by between £16,000 and £20,000 a year.
Nottingham, on Wednesday, made its fifth application to the East Midland Licensing Authority for permission to raise motorbus and trolleybus fares. Newport (Mon.) Corporation has also applied for increases, which will abolish the Id, fare. and Birkenhead has done so in anticipation of an estimated deficit of 128,000 in the current year.
Edinburgh City Council has approved a scheme to abolish the Id, fare, and a the same time to withdraw old trams and replace them by buses. Bolton
Transport Committee, with -a deficit of £18,000 last year and the possibility of an annual loss of £67,000 has approved
revised fare scales. Blackburn Town Council will also shortly apply for permission to increase fares.
The annual accounts of Liverpool Transport Committee revealed that there was a deficiency of £37,659 for the year ended March 31 last, to which £25.000 had to be added for reinstating roads after the removal of tram tracks. The total loss was £62,659.
Although West Hartlepool transport undertaking is expected to §how a loss of £3,000 on the year's working, the Corporation has decided not to take immediate steps to raise fares.