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Men In The News
MR. H. 0. FIELD has been appointed general manager of Henry Meadows, Ltd., and has joined the board of the company, MR. C. E. HOLLINGHURST, London divisional road engineer, is......
London To Paris By Taxi
W ITH the blessings of the Commissioner of Metropolitan Police, a London taxi driver. Mr. L. Wightman, this week introduced a facility whereby parties of five can hire a taxicab......
State Takes Id. Of Every Fare
,Q N the average, nearly id. of every fare paid by passengers of Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., was taken by the Government in fuel and road tax. said Mr. R. P. Beddow, M.Inst.T.,......
Railmien Stop Posters
P OSTERS put up in bus shelters at Prudhoe-on-Tyne as part of the campaign against bus nationalization are being voluntarily withdrawn by the company renting the advertising. At......
Big A.p.v. Share Issue
A N issue of 750.000 ordinary shares of 10s. each at 15s. per share was made yesterday by the A.P.V. Co., Ltd. The authorized capital is l,650,000. The company has subsidiaries......
Northern Scheme Moves The Minister Of Transport Has...
the British Transport Commission, with his observations, the Commission's scheme for passenger' transport in the North of England, This information ;,vas given by him in the......
A Kirkstall Change Qome Time Ago The Share Capital Of
Kirkstall Forge, Ltd., was acquired by Kirkstall Forge Engineering. Ltd. Now the former company will be liquidated, and from July I Kirkstall Forge Engineering, Ltd., has become......
. Tax Concession
T HE measure which relieves farmers from the necessity of paying the extra duty on fuel—the Agricultural (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill—last week received a second reading in......