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Parking guide

7th July 1967, Page 57
7th July 1967
Page 57
Page 57, 7th July 1967 — Parking guide
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rrO HELP interpret the regulations regard1 ing parking restrictions, the West Riding Constabulary is issuing a leaflet called, "Those Yellow Lines" which explains the road markings and signs found in many parts of the county. The leaflet will be distributed through public libraries, garages, road safety meetings, exhibitions, and other public places and events.

It will also be available at West Riding police stations and will be sent to anyone who makes a request to the County Headquarters, Post Office Box 9, Wakefield, Yorks.

CONTAINING 7,500 gallons of a special anti-corrosive epoxy primer, a paint diptank—claimed to be Britain's biggest—has been installed by the Willenhall Motor Radiator Co. Components passing through the tank include cabs, bodies and wings, and all kinds of pressed components and assemblies for vehicle manufacturers all over the world.

There are nine eductors in the tank to keep the paint in suspension, and after the metal for painting has been given a de-greasing operation, the prepared metal then passes straight into the dip tank, through a flash-off bay into a spray-booth where primer is applied by spray to the cab roofs. The primed components move into a tunnel oven where stoving takes place at 320°F. for 20 min. The time required for priming is 45 minutes. Depending upon requirements the primed articles may continue down the paint-lines into the surfacer booth, and finally through the enamel booths. An overhead conveyor employing a great variety of jigs carries all work pieces through the finishing system.

Inquiries to: Pinchin Johnson and Associates Ltd., PO Box 1 AD, Henrietta House, 9 Henrietta Place, London, WI.