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A Bit Near Home!
C AUTIONARY TALE: a representative of one of the commercial vehicle manufacturers was sittin g happily at the Hilton last week listenin g to C-licensed operators bein g told all......
Farewell Tribute
T AST WEEK in CM the retirement of Eric Adlin g ton from 1—i Temple Press after 41 years' service was recorded. Many people in the industry—especially on the manufacturin g......
Smokeless Boon?
M E NTION "smo g " in Cape Town, South Africa, and the locals will not have the haziest idea what you're talking about. But a Capetonian claims to have invented a fuel additive......
What's In A Comma?
DRITIST-.1 Railways and British Road Services objected to a -1-3 comma in a haulier's application in Manchester last week and three learned g entlemen spent half an hour tryin g......
A BUBBLE chamber sounds kid's stuff. It isn't. It's 35 tons of - 1-1 e q uipment, 18 ft. wide and 47 ft. lon g , used to photo g raph atomic particles in nuclear fission......
Transport Command
r'r HE appointment of Col. W. H: Slack, as Honorary Colonel of the 156 (Lancashire and Cheshire) Regiment Royal Corps of Transport (Volunteers), is a double distinction. The......
Every Inch. .
AUTOMOTIVE historian B. H. Vanderveen, of Redhill, Surrey, rx has this to say of my June 23 picture of an old lorry, captioned as a Bristol: "It looks every inch a wartime......
Ldo Why
cr AM well aware of the need for a vigorous road transport 1. industry in this country and this (LDOY) competition is surely an opportunity for those concerned to show, with......