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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
The 34th annual conference of the Municipal Tramways and Transport Association takes place in the Villa Marina, Douglas, Isle of Man, from June 26-28. An informal reception will be held in the evening of June 25, whilst on the following day the council of the Association will meet at 9.30 a.m. and a civic welcome will be extended by the Mayor at 10 a.m. The presidential address will be delivered by Mr. J. F. Cameron, general manager of the transport department of Northampton Corporation.
The general meeting of the Association will also take place in the morning, and, later, a paper, entitled "The Co-ordination of Road Passenger Transport and the Formation of Passenger Transport Boards," will be submitted by Alderman A. H. Gledhill, J.P., chairman of the tramways and motors committee of Halifax Corporation. There will he a discussion on this provocative. paper during the course of the afternoon.
The following day's proceedings !(Thursday) will include a private session for the consideration of the undermentioned subjects:—
" The Operation of the Road Traffic Act, 1930, Since Ds Inception." to be introduced by Councillor A. L. Chown, chairman, Northampton Corporvion transport committee. 121 "What Con.ideration, in Relation to
Other Traffic Should the Public Service Vehicle lfave in Consideting Traffic Congestion1— to he introduced b Mr. R.. Stuart Pilcher, F.R.S.E, general manager, •Manchester Corporation Tri nsport
131 "The Policy of 'Rafe-aid front Passenger Transport Services, and the Appropriation of Surplus Revenues," to be introduced by Alderman T. 'Woffenden, deptvy chairman. Huddersfield Corporation tramways and omnibuses committee.
(41 " The Application of Taxation Upon Public Service Vehicles," to be introduced by Mr.' L. Mackinnon, J.P., general 'manager, Glasgow Corporation Transport.
On the Friday a motor-coach tour of the island will be made.
Yes or No?
The intriguing title. " Yes or No? " forms the heading of a leaflet produced by the Road Haulage Association, which is to be distributed on buses and coaches by the Motor Hirers and Coach Services Associatien. The leaflet comprises a number of questions to which passengers are requested to answer, " yes " or "no," the leaflet being handed to the driver or conductor at the end of the journey for return to the Association.
The questions themselves give some interesting information to the reader about the road-transport industry, and there is little doubt that perusal of the leaflet, whether it is filled in or not, will do much to bring to the public notice the difficulties under which the induStry is labouring at the present time.
A quarter of a million copies are to 816
be distributed, and the R.H.A. has already issued an informative poster on similar lines for display by all its members,
A.E.C. Test Track Used for Speed Trials.
A surprise item during the annual speed trials and races of, the Sporting Owner-Drivers Club on Saturday last, on the A.E.C. test track at Southall, 'teas a speed demonstration by two of the company's " star " test drivers, on standard Regent double-decker chassis. Although F. R. G. Spikins made the fastest time of the day (half-mile Ian in 46 secs.), the bus chassis, weighing some n tons, were only a few seconds below this.
The annual general meeting of the Metropolitan Area of the Road Haulage Association was held on Monday last, when Mr. J. F. E. Pye gave a résumé of the year's work. When the area first started three years ago, there were 40 members, whilst to-day there are over topo. It was hoped that, within the next month, the merger of the Road Haulage Association and the Motor Hirers and Coach Services Association would be completed, and the Association would then throw open .its ranks to all classes of commercial road user. The -Metropolitan Committee bad widened its area in the north to include the Metropolitan Licensing Area, and had taken in Luton and Watford.
At the close of the meeting, ViceAdmiral Taylor, M.P., gave a short address, in which he emphasized the need for co-operation; not only amongst road users, but amongst the users of the five classes of transport— road, rail, sea, canal and air. lie said that each method of transport had itsparticular utility, but it was suicidal from the national point of view that each should work on its own and try to hamper the others.
The three retiring members of the committee, Messrs. Pye, Haybittel and Hewstone, were re-elected,