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ANTJFACTURERS, business men and traders throughout the country are not at all satisfied at the manner in which road transport...
I N their zeal to preserve the status quo, the Licensing Authorities must not allow the protection of existing enterprise to...
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F OR the past two years the engineers of Bosch, Ltd., have been concentrating on the pro duction of a battery particularly...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
T HE conference of the Road Haulage Association, which followed the annual luncheon held in London, last week, was opened by a...
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A joint report of the finance and highways committees of the London County Council on the administration of the Road Fund...
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Sheffield Watch Committee is purchasing a Dennis portable fire Munn. Stoke - on - Trent Cleansing Committee is buying a Dennis...
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The non-fusion of the Commercial Motor Users Association and the Road Haulage . Association continues to excite comments of...
The Arran Dieselet, Powered by the Perkins Leopard Oil Engine, Weighs Under 21 tons Unladen. Sturdy Design and Economy of...
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A N important case concerning the use of general trade plates was won IT the Steel Barrel Co., Ltd., Uxbridge, at Uxbridge,...
arranged a meeting of hauliers from various parts of the county, when Mr. Ernest Bevin, vicechairman of the National...
O N May 31, Superintendent Spenlove, of the Newport Police, appealed to the King's Bench Divisional Court, from a decision of...
A N enthusiastic mass meeting was held in Manchester last week, under the auspices of the Manchester and South-east Lanes Areas...
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1‘AUCH inconvenience has been "Icaused to applicants under the Road and Rail Traffic Act, 1933, and to the Licensing...
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The Merits of Two Theories of Cylinder Corrosion Investigated The Electrical-friction Hypothesis Adopted A FTER many years'...
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M /1ANUTACTURERS of ship engines and boilers Mare frequently faced with special problems in transporting their products from...
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WAKE UP ENGLAND! l4559l 1 feel it is incumbent upon me to give you my opinion regarding the lack of patronage that the...
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I N a recent issue of the bulletin of the general manager of the Rhodesian Railways, some details are given of the organization...
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SOUTHAMPTON-PORTSMOUTH. PARIS: NEW DAILY SERVICE. W/IIEN we published the provisional VI ( summer programme of Portsmouth,...
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to secure maximum utility Our Bodybuilding Expert Outlines Features of Construction that Make for Ease in Loading and...
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Careful Maintenance the Sure Route to Ee onomy of Oper ation, Says " S.T.R.," who Points to Common Causes of Excessive...
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A LTHOUGH designed primarily for the greasing and inspection of private cars, the Clearway car lift can also be used for...
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T WO main schools of thought .appear to exist on the question whetherthe perfect frame should be absolutely, rigid or, within...
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Having a Capacity of 600 Gallons, Ice Cream May be Kept at Zero Temperature for 24 Hours by the Use of CO2 D VILT to the...
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In Parliament By Our Special Parliamentary Cor respondent CONCISE REVIEW BY M. OF T. WITH the honour of P.C. fresh upon VV...
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A LL who participated in the annual SWilMer visit of the t - I,Institution of Automobile Engineers, in which, this year, a...
Institution of Automobile Enrealize that the motor gineers. industry deserves en couragement, but it has now discouraged users...
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T HE long-standing dispute between the East Kent Road Car Co., Ltd., and Maidstone and District Motor Services, Ltd., and the...
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Q T ATIS T IC S dealing with bus opera tion, during April, in the Irish Free State, reveal that, during the first two months of...
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F R" July until the end of September, Wallace Arnold Tours, Ltd., Leeds, is to keep a number of coaches on the Continent for...
The Important Part Played by Mechanical Transport Re-, ceives Due Recognition at the Public Cleansing Conference S EVERAL...
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Devices That Facilitate the Efficient Operation and Maintenance of Commercial Vehicles A Dual-purpose Battery. Charger. All...
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the CARRIER A Multitude of Problems Arise in Connection with the Negotiation of the Sale of, Purchase of or Partnership in a...
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WHILST the Fottinger type of W gear has made rapid advancement dUring the past few years, the positive-drive type of hydraulic...