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Sheffield Watch Committee is purchasing a Dennis portable fire Munn.
Stoke-on-Trent Cleansing Committee is buying a Dennis refuse collector.
Surrey County Council has authorized the purchase of another Talbot ambulance.
Manchester Corporation's transport committee is hosing a Crossley single-deck bus. Bolton Corporation's transport committee is pnycliasing six Leyland single-deck oil-engined bus chassis.
Manchesfer Cleansing Committee has accepted the tender of Lookers. Ltd., for the supply of 3-ton leery.
Bolton Watch Committee has accepted the tender of John Herr and Co. for the supply of a trailer fire pump.
Bolton Corporation has accepted the tender of Messrs. Southern Bros. for the supply of an Austin ambulance.
Stoke-on-Trent Corporation is to obtain tenders for the supply of a 12 h.p. van for the electric iiy department.
Bamford Urban District Column requires tenders for the supply of a motor ambulance, the closing data being June 1_5.
Melton Mowbray Urban District Council requires a fire-engine and tenders for its supply have to be delivered by July 1.
KeIghley Corporation has accepted the tender Of Mr. H. B. Southgate for the supply of a Morris-Commercial 30-cyst, lorry.
Bishop's Startled Urban District Council requires a, 7-8-cubic-yd. refuse collector; tenders have to be delivered by .Tune ilL
Castfeford Urban District Council is to purchase a gully emptier, and tenders for its supply have to he delivered by June 12.
Stoke-an-Trent Corporation has accepted the tender of Thomas Green and Son, Ltd., fox the supply of two motor mowers.
Blackpool Town Council is irk the market Inc two 20 h.p. motor ambulances; the closing date for tenders is June 17, at 10 a.m.
Manchester Education Committee has author. faed the replacement of two motor vehicles and the purchase of an additional lorry.
Surrey County Council's highways committee has authorized the purchase of two motors at a cost of £162 and £270 respectively, Richmond Fire Brigade has ordered a Leyland 400 gym, fire-engine, and a similar machine is being purchased by Ardrossart Firs Brigade. Birmingham Corporation requires six 3,(,5-4-ton electric vehicles and two 3-ton rear-loading petrol or oil vehicles, equipped with moving doors, for refuse collection. The closing date for the receipt of tenders is June 19, at noon.
Ilford Corporation is buying a Dennis sewer flusher.
Eirkenhead Watch Committee is purchasing a Leyland fireengide.
Wallasey Transport Committee is purchasing two Leyland single-deck buses.
Ilford Fire Brigade Committee is to obtain tenders. for the supply of an ambulance.
Eastbourne Motor Bus Committee is purchasing lour Leyland danble-deck buses.
Wallasey Corporation has authorized the purchase of a Morris-Commereial tipping lorry.
Enfield Urban District Council is to obtain tenders for the supply of 8. disiniecting van. Bradford Corporation has empowered the sewage committee to purchase a Bedford 2-ton lorry, L ayton Town Council hat received sanction to borrow £2,400 for the purchase of three ambulances.
B ebington Urban District Council is purchasing a 10-ton road roller; the closing date for tenders is jtme 21.
Manchester Corporation's transport. committee recommends the provision of additional buses at a rust of £27,825.
Glossop Corporation requires a 2.!...-ton petroldriven roller end Lenders for its supply have to be delivered by .Tune 11. Finsbury Borough Council is inviting tenders for the supply of a 3-ton refuse collector; the closing date is June 18 at noon.
Birkenhead Corporation has accepted the tender of the Mersey Motor Co., Ltd., for the supply of an Austin anabulance.
Ilford Electricity Committee has accepted the tender of F. 0. gimith iMotors(, Ltd., for the supply of an 8-10-cwt. electric van.
Ilford Corporation's works committee has o.ceented the tender of Vulcan Ntotor Services, Ltd., for the supply of a 4-ten tipping lorry. Wallasey Electricity C.onunittec has accepted the tender ol the Fountain Motor Co., Ltd., for, the supply of a Morris-Commereial 1-tanner.
Birkenhead Corporation is to obtain tenders fin. the supply of five motor vehicles for the cleansing.departinent at an estimated total cost of £1,800.
The electricity department of Belfast CorDoration Invites tenders for the supply of petrolengineel motor vehicles. Tenders have to be delivered by June 11.
Ealing Corporation is in the market for two petrol-driven tractors, capable of drawing a 10ton gross load. The closing date for tenders is June 12, at 9.30 a.m.
staities Urban District Council requires a petrol-driven footpath roller, and tenders for its supply have to be in the hands of the clerk by Jime 18.