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New Scottish pay bid

7th June 1968, Page 41
7th June 1968
Page 41
Page 41, 7th June 1968 — New Scottish pay bid
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• Scotland's 25,000 company busmen will figure in a new wage claim this summer. The signal for it will be payment in July of the £1-a-week rise for municipal busmen.

Edinburgh transport committee has recommended that payment of the £1 to its 3,000 busmen be backdated to December, when the agreement was originally reached.

The TGWU has referred to a claim "for adjustment of pay rates when the municipal pay claim is cleared".

The demand on behalf of the company men—in Scotland it mainly concerns crews employed by the Scottish Bus Group—will be for a similar increase of £1 plus 2s 2d to eliminate the present differential in rates between them and municipal bus operatives.

The 2s 2d represents the difference in the basic rates between the groups—£12 14s 10d and £12 17s.

The claim made by the company men comes after their recent acceptance of a pay and productivity deal which could, in certain circumstances, mean an increase of up to 35s a week.