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Roads Challenge By Brf Chairman
• Unless new methods of financing roads and allocating responsibility for them are introduced there is no hope that Mr. Richard Marsh or anyone else will be able to implement a......
New Scottish Pay Bid
• Scotland's 25,000 company busmen will figure in a new wage claim this summer. The signal for it will be payment in July of the £1-a-week rise for municipal busmen. Edinburgh......
Tyre Limits For Plating
• One of the requirements for the plating of goods vehicles is that the tyres used on a vehicle shall be adequate in strength to support the plated axle weights, and the sizes,......
More Clearways
• From June 10, 2-1miles of A2211 and A21 in South London will become urban clearways and from the following Monday, June 17, miles of A105 in North London will follow suit.......